Hey people. Well after monday's workout, which consisted of squat, rdl and leg press, i was wondering what is the relation between squats and deadlifts. I remember how a 1.5xsquat can be replaced with 3x leg press. So the depth i did on the leg press, was lesser than my not consistent parallel squat, but even so i could only do 120kg twice , could've probably done 130kg for once but failed on 140kg anyways. Now since the leg press weight used standard is twice of squats, with my squats being 90kg for 6plus reps, my leg press is only at most 130kg. Seeing how my quads dont as much work as my back and glute,and my leg press, which is a leg dominant(probably quad), is much lower refering to my legpress to squat ratio, and feeling the quads while doing legpress, was thinking maybe my weaknesses or strength can be evaluated. Looking at my legs itself, it's neither big or sticklike thin, and not that muscular, i was thinking my legs are weak enough that it's holding my squats back? Thoughts on this.