Next month, I'm going to be competing in basketball leagues (school intramural and such)
I need my legs to be fresh and primed for these games. I'm gonna have games on Tues and Thurs.
Can I still continue achieving strength and vert gains from doing heavy squats/ BSS on Saturdays only?
well, depends, you'd have to really push yourself on those saturdays.. you're coming off some good work, so you should be able to lift 2x/week.. I would try to get in some lifting tuesday night after the game, go lighter and just get some work in, you need it for the 'motor learning aspect' of lifting.. pretty much any rep scheme will be fine if you're not going to failure, something like 3x5-8 on squat, work up to a 1x3-5 (non max) on BSS, and 3x20+ on calf raise would be good.. also maybe some pullups/pushups/light upper.
i'd definitely get two sessions in, try it, you'll be surprised at how you actually feel better getting 2 sessions in than 1.. 1 is just too low of a frequency.. your body supercompensates from saturday, by about tuesday, so, that's perfect time to get some lifts in.. you won't be pushing it but it's definitely better than resting.
just don't have any grinder/strainer reps on tuesday and you'll be fine.
pc man