Author Topic: Best Exercise for Super Strong Glutes besides Full Squat  (Read 22326 times)

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Best Exercise for Super Strong Glutes besides Full Squat
« on: October 04, 2017, 11:48:53 am »
I feel my Glutes are relatively weaker than my quads. I want to add some exercises that hit the glutes besides full squats.

My compiled list:

1.) Box Step Ups Weighted
2.) barbell hip thrusts
3.) Elevated Lunges Weighted
4.) BSS
5.) The glute machine that the ladies always like to use?  ( could this be higher on the list? since it says GLUTE MACHINE)

Please neg me or reply if there are much better exercises that strengthen the glutes than what I said, ty!
33yrs | 24in SVJ | >45% BF | 227LB | 5'9 | 7'5 reach | 400lb max squat paused | 5'8 wingspan | 26in RVJ

Coming back from 2 years of inactivity!

Goal: Maintain 385-405lb squat while cutting down to 165 LB


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Re: Best Exercise for Super Strong Glutes besides Full Squat
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2017, 04:31:22 pm »
Why do you want to strengthen your glutes? Why is it a problem that your glutes are stronger than your quads?


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Re: Best Exercise for Super Strong Glutes besides Full Squat
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2017, 06:48:37 pm »
btw, generally when people say "quads or glutes", quads are 4 muscles, glutes are 2 muscles. quads are responsible for much more than glutes & have more mass, i'd expect them to be very strong. but quads operate on a weaker lever than glutes & glutes aren't activated as easily as quads. it's pretty hard to have weak glutes unless they are very atrophied.

but to say your glutes are weaker, how did you measure? isolated knee extensions vs isolated hip extension? right now, you can probably hip thrust alot more than you can knee extension.

I like this better:

1.) Deep Squat
2.) Half Squat
3.) (Elevated) Lunges Weighted
4.) BSS
5.) Glute isolation

especially in the 10-20 rep ranges.


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Re: Best Exercise for Super Strong Glutes besides Full Squat
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2017, 07:21:00 pm »
I would throw in seated band abductions with a thick band you can do for 10-15 reps. If you lean forward it isolates the glutes superbly.


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Re: Best Exercise for Super Strong Glutes besides Full Squat
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2017, 09:33:26 pm »
but to say your glutes are weaker, how did you measure? isolated knee extensions vs isolated hip extension? right now, you can probably hip thrust alot more than you can knee extension.

because my quads are always the predominant movers in all the exercises. lunges, squats, split squat, svjs, etc.

dno.. you're always latching onto something :D

just get stronger, leaner, and jump. who cares what's dominant or not. that's the best strategy IMHO. just let the consistent, hard work you put in, transform you.

as far as jumping goes, i'd rather be a quad/calf dominant jumper that's for sure.



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Re: Best Exercise for Super Strong Glutes besides Full Squat
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2017, 11:44:54 am »
but to say your glutes are weaker, how did you measure? isolated knee extensions vs isolated hip extension? right now, you can probably hip thrust alot more than you can knee extension.

because my quads are always the predominant movers in all the exercises. lunges, squats, split squat, svjs, etc.

dno.. you're always latching onto something :D

just get stronger, leaner, and jump. who cares what's dominant or not. that's the best strategy IMHO. just let the consistent, hard work you put in, transform you.

as far as jumping goes, i'd rather be a quad/calf dominant jumper that's for sure.


Yeah you're right, but i want to be as precise as possible on my journey to my explosiveness ceiling

This is the problem I was in, it's called over-analyzing. But now I just squat, calf raise and deadlift one day and sprint another. That's it.
don't think to much into it. Only when you have gained so much and want to find any means to make further minor tweaks.
Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

My Progress Log
A Journey to Running fast and Jumping High


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Re: Best Exercise for Super Strong Glutes besides Full Squat
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2017, 05:31:55 pm »
BSS gives me the most intense glute doms, especially if you use less weight and do strictly vertical shins. I think hip thrusts are also great but a little harder to track progress because you can have pretty inconsistent form and get a good workout from 135 or 405. I think simply sitting back into your squat is one of the best types of glute training you can do. However you won't be able to lift as much weight or use as much quads.

If you are truly quad dominant I believe it is especially important to get an excellent glute activation warmup prior to all leg workouts, especially squatting.
-glute bridges with a hold at the top
-clams, banded clams
-banded shuffle walks
-glute kickbacks

As for acoles comment the glutes also externally rotate and abduct the leg so abductions hit the glute in a different way than extension exercises. I prefer the clams though, or else the TFL muscle can take over


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Re: Best Exercise for Super Strong Glutes besides Full Squat
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2017, 07:06:52 pm »
BSS gives me the most intense glute doms, especially if you use less weight and do strictly vertical shins. I think hip thrusts are also great but a little harder to track progress because you can have pretty inconsistent form and get a good workout from 135 or 405. I think simply sitting back into your squat is one of the best types of glute training you can do. However you won't be able to lift as much weight or use as much quads.

If you are truly quad dominant I believe it is especially important to get an excellent glute activation warmup prior to all leg workouts, especially squatting.
-glute bridges with a hold at the top
-clams, banded clams
-banded shuffle walks

-glute kickbacks

As for acoles comment the glutes also externally rotate and abduct the leg so abductions hit the glute in a different way than extension exercises. I prefer the clams though, or else the TFL muscle can take over

Those are similar to the exercise acole pointed out. I'm afraid to do those because it might mess up my hip alignment and stir up snapping hip syndrome.

i think the banded shuffle walks should be safer. banded clams seems more intense.


one thing that really gets my glutes good is activating them during pullups and dips, by abduction/extending (so, abduction hips, extending hops, extending knee, and plantar flexing .. split in the air). glutes can get on fire from that.. no resistance but good activation.


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Re: Best Exercise for Super Strong Glutes besides Full Squat
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2017, 02:01:13 am »
As for acoles comment the glutes also externally rotate and abduct the leg so abductions hit the glute in a different way than extension exercises. I prefer the clams though, or else the TFL muscle can take over

Why is this?

I would throw in seated band abductions with a thick band you can do for 10-15 reps. If you lean forward it isolates the glutes superbly.

I don't like this exercise tbh. I did it for a little while and it fucked up my hips made my snapping hip syndrome worse. Also this makes the glutes stronger? I thought the glutes are mainly responsible for pushing the leg back, isn't this more for hips and side of thigh?

It's a complementary exercise to those already posted to strengthen all functions of the glutes. Having better hip abduction strength will help your squat, jump etc. BSS and deep squats are the way to go for max strength/hypertrophy of the glutes. Btw, if that fucked up your hips, get that syndrome sorted by a professional - it's a warmup/rehab exercise!


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Re: Best Exercise for Super Strong Glutes besides Full Squat
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2017, 02:41:16 am »
As for acoles comment the glutes also externally rotate and abduct the leg so abductions hit the glute in a different way than extension exercises. I prefer the clams though, or else the TFL muscle can take over

Why is this?

I made a mistake actually I didn't watch the video and thought you were talking about a different exercise. The TFL is the dominant abductor in most cases though, but apparently not in that range of motion. Also that exercise is great because it's a mix of abduction and external rotation.

Pretty much I was kind of a cunt and assumed I knew what you were talking about because I researched glute training a lot. But I've actually never seen that exercise, and from trying it just now it seems to work very well. Definitely will add it to leg day warmup.

Thanks for calling me out lol


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Re: Best Exercise for Super Strong Glutes besides Full Squat
« Reply #10 on: October 06, 2017, 06:22:48 am »
As for acoles comment the glutes also externally rotate and abduct the leg so abductions hit the glute in a different way than extension exercises. I prefer the clams though, or else the TFL muscle can take over

Why is this?

I made a mistake actually I didn't watch the video and thought you were talking about a different exercise. The TFL is the dominant abductor in most cases though, but apparently not in that range of motion. Also that exercise is great because it's a mix of abduction and external rotation.

[n]Pretty much I was kind of a cunt and assumed I knew what you were talking about because I researched glute training a lot. But I've actually never seen that exercise, and from trying it just now it seems to work very well. Definitely will add it to leg day warmup.

Thanks for calling me out lol[/b]

lol ^^  :ninja: :highfive: nice. :)

As for acoles comment the glutes also externally rotate and abduct the leg so abductions hit the glute in a different way than extension exercises. I prefer the clams though, or else the TFL muscle can take over

Why is this?

I would throw in seated band abductions with a thick band you can do for 10-15 reps. If you lean forward it isolates the glutes superbly.

I don't like this exercise tbh. I did it for a little while and it fucked up my hips made my snapping hip syndrome worse. Also this makes the glutes stronger? I thought the glutes are mainly responsible for pushing the leg back, isn't this more for hips and side of thigh?

It's a complementary exercise to those already posted to strengthen all functions of the glutes. Having better hip abduction strength will help your squat, jump etc. BSS and deep squats are the way to go for max strength/hypertrophy of the glutes. Btw, if that fucked up your hips, get that syndrome sorted by a professional - it's a warmup/rehab exercise!

i wrecked my hip twice (both for 6+ months) by doing this:

though, i think that's far more dangerous than anything mentioned.. i mean any human should be able to do that, but maybe not "relaxing" in that position, allowing certain muscles to relax and the head of the femur to "shift" inside the hip.

also, i think warmup, hydration, & effort is important in this context .. if someone is doing simple rehab exercises & gets hurt, it could be related to those 3 components.. one could be doing the safest exercise in the world but ends up with some kind of "ache/injury" by not being warmed up enough, by not being hydrated enough, or by generating too much force for such a simple intricate movement.

in fdl's case, I could easily see one of those factors contributing, especially the "effort" one.. that gung-ho attitude can be dangerous with rehab/prehab/flexibility exercises. i've wrecked myself with simple exercises before because of hydration & effort, not so much warmup.




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Re: Best Exercise for Super Strong Glutes besides Full Squat
« Reply #11 on: October 06, 2017, 10:08:43 am »
As for acoles comment the glutes also externally rotate and abduct the leg so abductions hit the glute in a different way than extension exercises. I prefer the clams though, or else the TFL muscle can take over

Why is this?

I made a mistake actually I didn't watch the video and thought you were talking about a different exercise. The TFL is the dominant abductor in most cases though, but apparently not in that range of motion. Also that exercise is great because it's a mix of abduction and external rotation.

Pretty much I was kind of a cunt and assumed I knew what you were talking about because I researched glute training a lot. But I've actually never seen that exercise, and from trying it just now it seems to work very well. Definitely will add it to leg day warmup.

Thanks for calling me out lol

Oh, I wasn't meaning to call you out at all (although I did suspect you might not have actually watched the exercise :D ). Glad you like it.