NG Chins
BW x 10, 10, 8
BW x 15, 13, 10
SS1A Unsupported KB Rows
24 x 6, 6
16 x 5, 5
Hip flexor just a little sore today, tried a couple strides of running and figured it was best not to run today. It's not bothering me in day-to-day stuff, at least. Not super surprised that it wouldn't be feeling great when running today, given that glutes + general hip stability stuff is quite sore/fatigued from yesterday. Rest it is! Gotta keep building up that hip strength and stability though, so must keep in hill work + core/hip strength circuits after runs too.
Felt antsy for exercise, though, so did some much neglected upper body stuff. Glad I can still hit 10 chins. Gotta stay consistent with this, get that number to 20 and lean down. I'll be faster and look better, unbeatable combo...
I'm so bad at pushups, lol. Just never had a time in my life when I did them consistently. Probably lots of times when I could do more chins than pushups.