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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #165 on: July 05, 2017, 07:04:55 am »

BW x 5, 5

Bar x 5
30 x 4
42.5 x 5
50 x 3
55 x 4 [+2.5kg, -1 rep...though +1 rep from last time at this weight]
52.5 x 3
50 x 3
45 x 5
42.5 x 5
40 x 5
37.5 x 10

Incline Bench
37.5 x 6
47.5 x 5
57.5 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 6

SS1A Cable Lateral Raise
5.7 x 10, 10
3.4 x 16, 14, 14

SS1B Facepulls
17 x 14, 14, 14, 14, 14
12.5 x 20

Chest Supported Row
45 x 12, 12, 12

Cable Rope Pushdown
14 x 10, 10
9 x 14

Hammer Curls
14 x 12, 10

Machine Preacher
32 x 8
23 x 14, 11


Upper body still rather sore from Monday. Happy to have hit 4 on OHP.
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #166 on: July 06, 2017, 07:34:21 am »

60 x 8
80 x 6
100 x 6
110 x 6
120 x 5
130 x 4, 3
110 x 7

Front Squat
60 x 3
70 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8 [quads just dead, still]

BW x 10, 8, 7, 6

Narrow+Neutral Grip Lat Pulldowns
59 x 9, 8
45 x 14, 13

Wide Grip Lat Pulldown
39 x 15, 15, 15

Neutral Grip Cable Row
52 x 8
45 x 10, 10

DB Seal Row
16 x 10, 10, 10

Back Extensions
BW x some, some, some


Went into this workout still sore everywhere, upper and lower. Back fine except on the set of 3 at 130 on deadlifts, so shall just stick to higher reps + being very careful about form. Otherwise a decent if kinda low energy/weak workout.

Edit: didn't realise at the time how close 130 was to the heaviest weights I had previously attempted on deadlift, lol. It felt rather light. I guess it's good I got stronger generally even without practicing the movement, but also shows that I should have been more cognizant about what I was doing strength-back safety-wise with today's workout.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2017, 07:50:24 am by Joe »
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #167 on: July 07, 2017, 06:48:32 am »

Bar x 10
40 x 6
60 x 3
70 x 5
77.5 x 3
87.5 x 2 [+2.5kg -1 rep]
82.5 x 3
77.5 x 5
75 x 3
70 x 5
65 x 5
60 x 9

57.5 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8 [pretty easy, really]

Lo->Hi Cable Flye
18 x 8, 8
14 x 13, 13, 13

Seated DB OHP
18 x 13, 9 [done standing], 11, 9

SS1A 1.5 Style Lateral Raise
6 x 11, 10, 9, 9

SS1B Machine Rear Delt Flye
66 x 14, 14, 14, 12

Lateral Raise
5 x 18, 16, 14

EZ Bar Curl
35 x 8, 8, 7, 7

Vic Costa V-Bar Pushdowns
23 x 14, 14, 14, 11
14 x Burnout, idk who counts

Incline Bench Spider Curl
7 x 14, 14, 14

Incline Flye->Press->Hold
10 x 14, 13, 10 [raised the incline of the bench one tick and quite liked it for this]

Rear Delt Burnout Stuff
just fiddled around with light DBs doing various kinds of rear delt flyes until i couldn't any more

Pallof Press
7.9 x 15, 15, 15
10.2 x 12, 12

Hollow Body Hold
4 x Failure


Solid workout. CGBP felt easy, so will probably push those up to 60kg next week, though I will probably keep bench the same.
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #168 on: July 10, 2017, 07:20:53 am »

Bar x 10
40 x 6
60 x 8
70 x 6
77.5 x 4, 4, 4
75 x 5
70x 5
65 x 6
60 x 12

SS1A Chins
BW x 5
+15 x 4, 4, 4
+10 x 5, 4, 4
BW x 8, 6

30 x 6
40 x 3
45 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6
40 x 6

DB Row
30 x 10, 10, 10
22 x 14

DB Incline Bench
22 x 16, 13, 10

SS2A Hammer Curls
14 x 13, 11, 10

SS2B PJR Pullover
22 x 15, 15, 15

DB Lateral Raise
9 x 14, 12, 12, 11

Pallof Press
12.5 x 10, 10, 10, 10


Solid workout. All the bench stuff was fairly easy, unsurprisingly. Had a heavy drinking night on Saturday, but otherwise ate well and plenty on the weekend, which isn't always the case.

Felt very, very breathless during this workout for some reason. Needed longer than usual to catch my breath between sets. Usually I'm ready to go on accessory stuff after like 45 seconds, but just not the case today. Probably just random off day in that regard rather than something to be concerned about.
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #169 on: July 11, 2017, 06:47:11 am »

Front Squat
Bar x lots, lots
40 x 5
60 x 3
77.5 x 5
87.5 x 3
97.5 x 3 [+2.5kg, =reps]
92.5 x 3
87.5 x 3
82.5 x 3
77.5 x 5
72.5 x 5
70 x 6

70 x 5
90 x 3
100 x 8, 8, 7 [no back issues]

14s x 10, 10, 10

Leg Press
170 x 11, 11, 11

Leg Curl
47 x 15, 12, 11

SS1A Smith Machine Calf Raise
90 x 8
110 x 9, 9, 9, 8
90 x 13, 12

SS1B EZ Bar Curl
35 x 9, 9, 8, 8

Hanging Leg Raises
BW x 10, 10, 8, 8 [first time i recall really feeling my abs working on this]


Solid workout despite interrupted sleep. Got my degree results: finished with a 2.i, which I'm fairly happy with.
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #170 on: July 12, 2017, 06:15:59 am »

BW x 5, 5

Bar x 6
35 x 3
45 x 5
50 x 3
57.5 x 3 [+2.5kg, -1 rep...FUCK YES!]
55 x 3
50 x 3
47.5 x 5
45 x 5
42.5 x 5
40 x 8

Incline Bench
40 x 6
50 x 5
57.5 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8

BW x 13, 11, 10, 9

Cable Lateral Raise
5.7 x 11
3.4 x 18, 15, 12

12.5 x 17, 16, 16, 16, 15

Hammer Curls
14 x 11, 10, 8

Machine Preacher Curls
27 x 10, 10
23 x 12


Fucking thrilled with OHP. Brought dips back since elbow has felt ace, and they're fun.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2017, 09:04:35 am by Joe »
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #171 on: July 12, 2017, 10:28:07 pm »
Devil's advocate:

I also prefer heavy seated rows tbh.


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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #172 on: July 13, 2017, 09:48:42 am »

70 x 5
100 x 3
110 x 2
120 x 6, 6, 6
100 x 8

Front Squat
Bar x 5
60 x 3
75 x 5, 5, 5

Back Squat
75 x 8

BW x 11, 9, 8

Narrow+Neutral Lat Pulldowns
61 x 9, 9, 8
52 x 10

Wide Grip Pulldowns
41 x 13, 13, 13

Narrow+Neutral Cable Row
52 x 10, 10, 10

DB Seal Row
16 x 12, 12, 12

Smith Machine Calf Raise
60 x 6
90 x 10, 10, 10, 10

Back Extension
BW x 20, 17, 15


Average workout.
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #173 on: July 13, 2017, 09:54:58 am »
Devil's advocate:

I also prefer heavy seated rows tbh.

This article seems like bunkum to me, to be honest.

"A standard cue for the face pull is to keep the elbows higher than the wrists" -- I have literally never heard this cue for a facepull, that seems to be literally the opposite idea? Also the premiss that all overhead movement is dangerous seems kinda whacko.

The nonsense claims about avoiding the movement since it doesn't use your lats is also way out there? What are they even trying to say? "Imagine that you had to pull something as hard as possible to save the life of a loved one. You would not perform a face pull." This logic rules out like 95% of what people do [safely...] in the gym (and, contrary to their earlier logic, probably brings back in the overhead press..).

There is perhaps more legitimacy to the claim about avoiding loading a muscle near it's end range, but I think in general PTs only are concerned about this when the load only begins when you're in the end rage, rather than moving through a full movement and ending there.
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #174 on: July 13, 2017, 12:21:26 pm »
I don't foam roll anymore, so I can't help, soz.
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #175 on: July 14, 2017, 04:32:40 am »
Devil's advocate:

I also prefer heavy seated rows tbh.

This article seems like bunkum to me, to be honest.

"A standard cue for the face pull is to keep the elbows higher than the wrists" -- I have literally never heard this cue for a facepull, that seems to be literally the opposite idea? Also the premiss that all overhead movement is dangerous seems kinda whacko.

The nonsense claims about avoiding the movement since it doesn't use your lats is also way out there? What are they even trying to say? "Imagine that you had to pull something as hard as possible to save the life of a loved one. You would not perform a face pull." This logic rules out like 95% of what people do [safely...] in the gym (and, contrary to their earlier logic, probably brings back in the overhead press..).

There is perhaps more legitimacy to the claim about avoiding loading a muscle near it's end range, but I think in general PTs only are concerned about this when the load only begins when you're in the end rage, rather than moving through a full movement and ending there.

Yeah some of the points are a bit confusing. The 'life depending on it' is irrelevant for sure. But i don't think that negates the other arguments about shoulder impingement. I've had my PT say to avoid that exercise and to do seated row or TRX floor pullups, but my left shoulder gets impinged easily from sprints. I just seemed to recall you also having shoulder issues as well, that's why I mentioned it.

Unrelated, but were you doing the N-Suns 5/3/1 program at some point? I kind of like the look of 5/3/1.


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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #176 on: July 14, 2017, 06:48:30 am »
Devil's advocate:

I also prefer heavy seated rows tbh.

This article seems like bunkum to me, to be honest.

"A standard cue for the face pull is to keep the elbows higher than the wrists" -- I have literally never heard this cue for a facepull, that seems to be literally the opposite idea? Also the premiss that all overhead movement is dangerous seems kinda whacko.

The nonsense claims about avoiding the movement since it doesn't use your lats is also way out there? What are they even trying to say? "Imagine that you had to pull something as hard as possible to save the life of a loved one. You would not perform a face pull." This logic rules out like 95% of what people do [safely...] in the gym (and, contrary to their earlier logic, probably brings back in the overhead press..).

There is perhaps more legitimacy to the claim about avoiding loading a muscle near it's end range, but I think in general PTs only are concerned about this when the load only begins when you're in the end rage, rather than moving through a full movement and ending there.

Yeah some of the points are a bit confusing. The 'life depending on it' is irrelevant for sure. But i don't think that negates the other arguments about shoulder impingement. I've had my PT say to avoid that exercise and to do seated row or TRX floor pullups, but my left shoulder gets impinged easily from sprints. I just seemed to recall you also having shoulder issues as well, that's why I mentioned it.

Unrelated, but were you doing the N-Suns 5/3/1 program at some point? I kind of like the look of 5/3/1.

Yeah, my left shoulder sometimes gets a bit funky, but it has actually been totally fine for a long while now.

I've been running N-Suns 5/3/1 since the 31st of March and love it, no intention of stopping any time soon. It's a lot of pressing volume and the workouts can be very tough, but the scope for doing what you like with accessories and the AMRAPs make it loads of fun.
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #177 on: July 14, 2017, 07:06:27 am »

Elliptical for a while, then some light cable rows.

Bar x 10
40 x 6
60 x 3
70 x 5
77.5 x 3
87.5 x 4 [=kg, +2 reps]
85 x 3
80 x 5
77.5 x 3
72.5 x 5
65 x 3
60 x 12

60 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8 [the 7 and 8 sets were pretty tough]

Lo->Hi Cable Flye [different rack, much narrower than the one I usually use, which was occupied, so inferior pec contraction here because of that]
5.7 x 18
10.2 x 8
7.9 x 12, 12
5.7 x 15

Seated DB OHP
18 x 15, 12, 10, 9

1.5 Style Lateral Raise
6 x 12, 11, 10, 9

SS1A Machine Rear Delt Flye
73 x 12, 11
66 x 15, 13, 11

SS1B Lateral Raise
5 x 20, 18, 16

Vic Costa V-Bar Pushdown
25 x 15, 15, 14, 12

EZ Bar Curl
37.5 x 7, 7, 6, 6

Incline Bench Spider Curl
9 x 11, 11
7 x 16, 14

Incline Flye->Press->Hold
10 x 16, 14, 13

Incline Bench Rear Delt Flyes
Drop set from 10->6->4, all done basically to failure/pain toleration limit, two sets...I love this

Pallof Press
10.2 x 12, 12, 12, 12

Hanging Leg Raises
BW x 12, 11, 10, 10


Chuffed with that bench top set. 87.5x4 puts me at 99kg estimated max according to Wendler's formula, so I reckon that if rested I could hit it if rested (unsurprisingly usually quite fatigued generally + specifically pressing wise going into these Friday workouts, given how much pressing gets done on Monday and Wednesday.)
« Last Edit: July 14, 2017, 07:40:55 am by Joe »
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #178 on: July 16, 2017, 02:54:04 pm »
So I've been working consistently for just under 5 months now, so perhaps it's time to take stock of progress.

Starting Stats
BW - 76kg
Squat - 70kg x 4
Front Squat - 50kg x 5
Deadlift - 90kg x 2
Bench - 60kg x 1
OHP - 30kg x 8
Chins - BW x 5

Current Stats
BW - 84kg
Squat - 112.5kg x 3 [done 13-06-17]
Front Squat - 97.5kg x 3
Deadlift - 130kg x 4 [done at RPE~8 most recently]
Bench - 87.5kg x 4
OHP - 57.5kg x 3
Chins - +15kg x 4

So that's 8kg gained in 5 months. Some amount of that is likely due to creatine. I'll measure my waist in the morning, too, to see if that's changed much. suggests 3kg of lean mass in one's first three months as an average: "a “normal” range [for beginners] from .5kg/1lb per month to 2kg/4lbs per month." So I've probably hit the middle of that pretty well, which is pleasing.

Lifts are all near the best they've ever been. I checked back through old logs and my OHP PR is 60kgx1, which I should definitely be able to match or beat. I never repped 100kg on bench, so I reckon I'm at my peak there too. Squats less good, but lower body stuff has been impaired by occasional lower back pain. However, I'm happy with how I'm managing that and expect I will be at lifetime PR levels for that in the near future. I think my FS best was around 110x3, which I'll be at pretty soon.

According to I'm at intermediate ("the lifter has been consistently training, likely for at least a year") on everything and all my lifts are fairly well in line with each other.

I would love to get to "proficient" by the end of the year.

Went through a lot of stress in this period with a horrendously intense final term of university where I had to take 24 hours of exams + job searching and whatnot, so all things considered I think this progress is pretty good going. Mental state-wise I'm having a really great time training and looking forward to sticking with it.

I'm going on a 10ish day holiday soon, retuning early August. I'll be training with a good buddy a few times during that span, maybe trying out maxes on some of the upper body lifts. After I return I think I'll commit to a cut. I'm not substantially fluffier than when I started working out again, but I'm now at a decent level muscularity and strength and think I could feel a lot better getting down to 75-78kg. I've never successfully got particularly lean in the past, but I've grown up rather a lot since previous training periods and the fact that I am a decent cook nowadays will make life a lot easier. I'm actually quite excited to try this out. If I cut at about .75kg/week then it should be about a 10 week cut. I think doing it now makes sense, because I'm probably still at the point where I can cut moderately aggressively and still make decent progress on gym lifts.

Anyway, glad to be back here and back in the gym.  :strong: :strong: :headbang: :headbang: :highfive: :highfive:
« Last Edit: July 16, 2017, 04:09:34 pm by Joe »
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #179 on: July 16, 2017, 04:54:05 pm »
interesting site... I got "proficient" on pretty much all lifts besides an "intermediate" on benchpress and an "advanced" on rows/pullups haha... good job on your progress. You will crush those old PR's of yours in no time!  :headbang: