Curtsy Lunge
30s x 11, 10
BB Row
105 x 11, 10, 8
+30 x 10, 8, 6
Hammer Preacher
12.5 x 11, 9, 8
Lying Lateral
10 x 12, 11, 9
Lying Tricep Extension
32.5 x 14, 10, 8
Side Bend
40 x 11, 9, 8
Neck Curl
6.25 x 18, 15 + 5x11 + 1.25x10
Neck Extension
20 x 15, 13
Hanging Leg Raise
BW x 12, 9+4
Great session. Almost at 1.5x BW for rows. Pretty exhausting, just holding the position with that much weight is tiring, given i typically do RDLs on Monday.
Had some elbow pain yesterday, didn't mention in hopes it would be fleeting. Still here today. I recognise it. It is the reason I don't do pronated pullups. So, those are leaving the routine, and hopefully that fixes it.
Might do something radical (for me), though, and just totally drop pullups/chinups entirely, instead of swapping. Currently not feeling jazzed about aiming for the one-arm pullup as a primary goal, so kind of want to just stick to the most joint-friendly, bodybuilding-style movements. I rigged up a janky one-arm cable pulldown setup at home using some store-bought pullups and cables hooked to my rack (use this for pulldowns etc) that I really liked, so might make that the monday lat movement.