Close-Grip No-Arch Bench
80 x 8, 7, 6
Curtsy Lunge [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNftuGcxVhY]
+30 x 6
+50 x 6
Side Bend
27.5 x 14, 12, 11
Incline DB Flye
12.5 x 9, 7
10 x 12
Lying EZ Bar Extension
30 x 12, 10, 9
140 x 12, 10, 9
Lying Lateral
10 x 8
7.5 x 10, 8 + 5x7
BW x 16 + 9 + 6
Attempted a standing ab wheel set at the end, but between side bends today and abs yesterday, that was a no-go.
Not bothering to record the exactitudes of what is super-setted with what, since this was done at home and I moved pretty freely between exercises as I felt ready/rested etc, but basically everything was supersetted with something, so this workout took like 50 mins or so.
Quads very sore, so just experimenting with the curtsy lunge. Felt good on glutes, nice to get some lateral movement, and didn't bother my hip, so will include this. May not push them super hard in this session, but will keep them here for more lateral practice, and try to progress the more on the Wednesday sesh.
Doing this variation of bench bc it gets a bigger chest stretch than a more powerlifting style, even if I end up using less weight. Will be cool to see where I can push too with this style though. I feel like my ability to get reps on bench is very bad compared to 1rm.
Doing side bends for a few reasons. One, I don't really like any of the ab exercises I find it convenient to perform at home, other than ab wheel. Two, I tried a human flag the other day and it was basically trivial in terms of back/shoulder strength, but my obliques felt like they were going to rip apart. Three, I have a narrow waist but wide hips, so wonder if filling out obliques a little bit will ameloriate the hourglass figure a touch.
Random note: have got into making burritos for lunch, and, while it is wasteful, toasting them a bit in a pan and then wrapping them in foil is a gamechanger.
Edit: mid traps nice and sore today from the T-bar rows + kelso shrugs. mid and upper traps a priority for me so am glad they get properly worked.