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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #945 on: May 18, 2024, 03:44:12 pm »

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-12.5 x 1
-7.5 x 1
-12.5 x 1
-22.5 x 3, 3

One Arm Row
50 x 9, 6

DB Preacher
12.5 x 10, 8, 7, 7, 7

Finger Curl
22.5 x 8+6, 7+6, 6+6, 5+4

Rear Delt Cable Flye
11.25 x 9, 7, 6

Elbow Supported Hammer Curl
10 x 9+5 + 7.5x10+7

120 x 18+11+8+5
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #946 on: May 20, 2024, 11:42:12 am »

85 x 8, 6, 5
75 x 7, 5

BW x 20, 16, 14, 11

Lying Laterals
a bunch

OH EZ Bar Extension
a bunch


Work trip. At hotel gym for a few days so cba to track workout super precisely.

Legs still sore from Friday lol, so will do them tmrw.
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #947 on: May 20, 2024, 05:24:35 pm »
legs remain a strongpoint thanks to prioritising them when I first got into training.

To wit, need new jeans and struggled through several stores today before realising I'll have to either (a) embrace the boot cut life or (b) buy from one of those "jeans for people who squat" brands I see advertised on instagram  :uhhhfacepalm:

not that you asked, but since this is something i struggled with in my 20s, couple suggestions. (NB: my thighs are not as big around as they were 8-10 years ago but they're still pretty big relative to my waist, and my calves are muscular enough that strangers comment on them when i am out and about and wearing shorts. so still in the "hard to find jeans that fit" club.)
  • size up to get the thigh/calf fit you need and find a tailor who can take in the waist. you're limited with jeans by the fact that the butt pockets are external, so if you take the waist in too much they tilt toward each other and look stupid. but even taking an inch or 1.5" off the waist can help you not feel like you're a cartoon character wearing a barrel.
  • gustin straight fit is actually pretty roomy in the thighs, i've found their jeans to be comfy and pretty good quality. and some of their fabrics have a little spandex, which helps even if you're not wearing the jeans very tight. they use a campaign model so sometimes you have to wait a bit for the jeans you want. actually just backed a campaign on there for a pair of light-colored jeans, since i don't have any at the moment.
  • if you want to spend a little more for a bit better quality, naked & famous (canadian brand that sells through a website called tate and yoko, for some reason. what is up with brands calling themselves "x and y," by the way? especially in europe. there's a italian clothing brand called franklin and marshall, which is the name of a small, unremarkable liberal arts college in pennsylvania. what? anyway.) they're expensive but the "easy guy" fit is better than anything else i've tried on, especially once i get the waist taken in a little.
i am resigned to destroying jeans in about three years of 4-5 days/week wear because my thighs rub together and eventually that just wears a hole. but with both gustin and naked and famous, while they last they're comfortable and look good.
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #948 on: May 21, 2024, 12:38:13 pm »

OAC Negatives
BW x 1
+5kg x 1, 1
BW x 1, 1

Good Morning
95kg x 4 sets

Reverse Nordic
+14 x 5 sets + BW drop set

Barbell Row
85 x 5 sets

EZ Bar Curl
27.5 x 5 sets

Neck Curls
+5kg x 3 sets

Lateral Raise Kas Set
7kg x 1 set

Hammer Curl Kas Set
9kg x 1 set


Kas set is as follows: Do a shortened overload movement until you can't get ~85% full rom, do a lengthened overload movement until failure, do the shortened overload movement again until you can't move the weight any more. So for laterals, it's standing, lying, standing. Curls it's standing, preacher, standing.

Random pic of my current physique my mom sent move. Maybe delts and arms aren't a weak point...though this is with a pump
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #949 on: May 21, 2024, 12:44:56 pm »
legs remain a strongpoint thanks to prioritising them when I first got into training.

To wit, need new jeans and struggled through several stores today before realising I'll have to either (a) embrace the boot cut life or (b) buy from one of those "jeans for people who squat" brands I see advertised on instagram  :uhhhfacepalm:

not that you asked, but since this is something i struggled with in my 20s, couple suggestions. (NB: my thighs are not as big around as they were 8-10 years ago but they're still pretty big relative to my waist, and my calves are muscular enough that strangers comment on them when i am out and about and wearing shorts. so still in the "hard to find jeans that fit" club.)
  • size up to get the thigh/calf fit you need and find a tailor who can take in the waist. you're limited with jeans by the fact that the butt pockets are external, so if you take the waist in too much they tilt toward each other and look stupid. but even taking an inch or 1.5" off the waist can help you not feel like you're a cartoon character wearing a barrel.
  • gustin straight fit is actually pretty roomy in the thighs, i've found their jeans to be comfy and pretty good quality. and some of their fabrics have a little spandex, which helps even if you're not wearing the jeans very tight. they use a campaign model so sometimes you have to wait a bit for the jeans you want. actually just backed a campaign on there for a pair of light-colored jeans, since i don't have any at the moment.
  • if you want to spend a little more for a bit better quality, naked & famous (canadian brand that sells through a website called tate and yoko, for some reason. what is up with brands calling themselves "x and y," by the way? especially in europe. there's a italian clothing brand called franklin and marshall, which is the name of a small, unremarkable liberal arts college in pennsylvania. what? anyway.) they're expensive but the "easy guy" fit is better than anything else i've tried on, especially once i get the waist taken in a little.
i am resigned to destroying jeans in about three years of 4-5 days/week wear because my thighs rub together and eventually that just wears a hole. but with both gustin and naked and famous, while they last they're comfortable and look good.

Am aware of all these brands, but hadn't looked at them in this recent search. Tym for recommendations.

Basically I need to put in the effort and find a tailor. As you can imagine I need new suits, and typically when I've bought I've gone to nicer shops and they've done a good job, but it would be handy to have someone to go to for general purposes.
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #950 on: May 23, 2024, 04:29:50 pm »

20mm Grip
50 x 1
55 x 1
60 x 1 [as easy as it's ever been]
62.5 x F [was super close, maybe would have got it had I not done 60 before hand]
55 x 2, 2
50 x 3, 3

Finger Curl
25 x 5+3
22.5 x 6+4
20 x 7+6
17.5 x 11+7

Reverse Wrist Curl
7.5 x a bunch of sets
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #951 on: May 24, 2024, 07:46:01 am »
Taking a few days rest, back Monday probs.
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #952 on: May 29, 2024, 07:00:51 am »

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1, 1
-10 x 1

22mm Grip
40 x a bunch
50 x a few
40 x a bunch

BB Row
90 x 16 [lots were lengthened partials just to the knee]

130 x 6

Reverse Nordic
+15 x 9 + BW x 8

Incline DB Bench
30 x 12

15 x 11

12.5 x 10, 8

27.5 x 18, 14


longer rest than planned, but felt needed. workout felt weak lol!

edit: got a different more comfrotable grip implement, which, despite having a slightly deeper edge, is actually a little harder to lift for various reasons i cba to explain
« Last Edit: May 29, 2024, 08:24:12 am by Joe »
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #953 on: June 01, 2024, 07:08:14 am »

Assisted OAC
-20 x 1
-15 x 1
-10 x 1

OAC Negative
+8kg x 1
BW x 1, 1

22mm Grip
45 x lots

DB Flye
15 x 12, 9, 7

30 x 16, 14, 13

DB Preacher Curl
15 x 5
12.5 x 11, 8

Lateral Raise Kas Set
7.5 x ~21+7+10

Hammer Curl Kas Set
7.5 x ~18+6+6


Going to freestyle training for a bit. Away for a week for a friends wedding soon. Back to serious programming after that, probably.
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #954 on: June 05, 2024, 07:54:05 am »

1A Leg Extension
124 x 10, 8, 7

1B Lying Leg Curl
80 x 9, 9, 7

Standing Calf Raise
18 x 24
19 x 14

Glute Kickback Machine
245 x 10, 8 [literally the max weight on the machine lmao]

102.5x6 + 95x5 + 80x5 + 65x6 + 50x8

Chest Supported Row
124 x 7
110x7 + 96x6 + 82x7

2A Cable Lateral Raise
11 x 9, 8, 8 + 8x9

2B Overhead Cable Ext
21 x 16, 13, 10 + 16x6

Lengthened Machine Preacher Curl
20 x 6
17.5 x 6, 4
15 x 7

Machine OHP
50 x 7
35 x 13


33 sets in 43 minutes  :headbang: Despite low rest and basically every set taken to 9/10 RPE, the "session RPE" was low, guess b/c I'm well fed and not been training a lot.

Feel like since I've not been including squats, I've had some glute atrophy, or at least it's grown relatively less. Will add some glute targetted stuff b/c that's sad to me.
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #955 on: June 07, 2024, 08:08:01 am »

130 x 7, 7, 6

B - Rev Nord
+15 x 11, 9, 7 + BW x 11

130 x 20+10+8+5

A - Weighted Pullup
+35 x 6, 5
+25 x 7 + BWx10

B - DB Bench
32.5 x 10, 8, 7

22mm Grip
45 x a bunch of sets

A - Hammer Preacher
10 x 10, 8, 7, 6

B - OA Cable Pushdown
12.5 x 16, 15, 13, 11

Incline DB Flye
10 x 13

Lying Lateral
10 x 8, 7

Cable Lat Prayer
20 x 7,  5


Ironically finding it much harder to control appetite in this weight gain phase. It's not like I've changed the way I eat -- it's the same basic diet but with more food added on top, rather than like displacing veggies with candy or whatever. In the last year I started a new medication of which a comon side effect is gaining quite a lot of weight. Wasn't an issue in weight loss phase since I knew I was aiming to be hungry or lose weight. In this current phase, it's weird to be aiming for weight gain/stability, but still never feeling full/fully satisfied. Kind of a mind-fuck.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2024, 09:02:25 am by Joe »
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #956 on: June 10, 2024, 07:56:21 am »

Seated Leg Curl
84.5 x 11
77.5 x 13, 9 + 70.5 x 10 + 63.5 x 9

Leg Extension
13 x 11
14 x 7
13 x 9 + 12 x 6 + 11 x 6

Glute Kickback
245 x 13+8+6

Chest Supported Lats Row
140 x 6
130 x 7
120 x 8
110 x 8

DB Fly
15 x 13, 10, 6
12 x 10 + a bunch of presses focusing on the stretch after failure

Lat Pulldown
110 x 7
100 x 7

Chest Supported Rear Delt Row
22 x 12 + 9 [after the 9 is just shuolder retractions rather than rows]

Machine Preacher
40 x 7
35 x 7
30 x 7
25 x 12

A Lateral Raise (Cable)
11 x 10, 9, 8, 8
8 x 11

B Overhead Cable Ext
23 x 18, 13, 10, 7
21 x 10

Incline Chest Press (Machine
40 x 10
35 x 13

BW x 15+9+6


Last workout before being away for a week, so I made it a biiiig one. Not sure if I'll train while traveling since I'll be busy, but places I'm staying do look to have gyms so it's a possibility.
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #957 on: June 21, 2024, 07:29:59 am »

A - Good Morning
90 x 6, 5

B - Rev Nord
+7.5 x 6, 5

Glute-dominant BSS
+20kg x 10

A - DB Fly
15 x 6, 5

B - Chinup
+40 x 5, 4

A - Preacher Hammer Curl
10 x 10, 8

B - Pushdown
30 x 8, 7

DB Finger Curl
27.5 x 3+3 + 22.5 x 4+5


Been back for a couple of days, but only mustered the energy to lift again today. Did hit the gym twice while traveling, but it was like DB+pullups since the hotel gyms were severely lacking.

Extremely fun trip. Good mix of touring, eating, seeing old friends, drinking etc. Averaged like 30k steps and sub 6 hours of sleep a day, so hardly surprising that I was wiped out when I got home.
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #958 on: June 22, 2024, 07:25:52 am »

30 min stationary bike.


Not been doing enough cardio lately, mostly b/c I still find running can aggravate my old injury, and stationary bike is rly boring. Been thinking of starting dance classes as a fun thing to fill that space. There's a cool street dance studio near me that has loads of beginner classes. I like the idea of street/modern dance styles quite a lot, since (a) that relates more to music I listen to anyway, and (b) always been interested in tricking, and this seems like more of a route in that direction.
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Re: warpspeed to the new scenario
« Reply #959 on: June 23, 2024, 07:38:54 am »

+25s x 10, 9

B - Partial Standing Lateral Raise
25s x 12, 10

A - DB Incline Bench
30 x 13, 11

B - Pullup
+30 x 9, 7, 6 + BW x 7

Incline DB Fly
12.5 x 8

A - Hammer Preacher
10 x 9, 8, 8

B - Lying EZ Bar Extension
32.5 x 12, 8, 6

A - Ab Wheel
a few sets

B - Lying Lateral
10 x 8
7.5 x 10, 8


Get a weird hip clicking thing on the right side on BSSs if I don't _perfectly_ nail the movement path. Feels like the same awkward thing that hurts me when I do too much running. Annoying bc BSS feels so good in its way. Will play around to find some sort of unilateral movement that works for me, b/c I think it is a productive movement for me.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2024, 08:17:27 am by Joe »
"i threaten to kill myself whenever my parnets tell me to get a job" - bjpenn