BW: 81.4kg [a bit, err, clogged up]
Barbell Complex
Wide-grip Pullups
BW x 6, 6, 6
30 x 5
40 x 3
50 x 5
55 x 3
62.5 x 0 [Got it to about the same point as last week. Shall reset to 55]
57.5 x 3
55 x 3
52.5 x 5
50 x 5
45 x 5
42.5 x 5
Incline Bench
42.5 x 6
57.5 x 3, 5, 7, 4, 6, 8
Diverging Lat Pulldown
37 x 20
41 x 15, 15
[this is so great]
BW x 15, 12, 10
Henselmans' Lateral Raise
5 x 18
7 x 13
[left shoulder clicking a bit, meh]
Lateral Raise
7 x 18
10.2 x 14, 14, 14, 14, 14
Bayesian Cable Curl
5.7 x 15, 13, 10
3.4 x 15
[I forgot how great the pump was from this]
Machine Incline Press
15/s x 10
25/s x 12
20/s x 12
15/s x 11
[can really feel it in the upper pecs quite nicely]
A little frustrating not to hit 62.5 this week either, but such is the way of the OHP. I would have ought to have reset even if I had hit 1 or 2 reps. Shall probably keep the 3,5,7,4,6,8 day at 45kg rather than reset it back as well.
I feel like with OHP if I can get the first rep I can almost always get the second because the first is from a dead-start but one gets a bit of a stretch reflex rebound on the following reps. Maybe with the reset it would be worthwhile do do the back-off sets from a dead-stop/pause to train this bottom position?
I want to find a lateral raise variation I like. I've not quite been abel to find my groove with cable laterals -- I always end up feeling them too much in my traps. And the Henselman's variation puts me in a kind of impinged position. Doing the same accessory three times a week just feels a bit silly, but I guess there's not really anything wrong with it as such.
Kcal - 2192
Prot - 164g
Carbs - 221g
Fat - 74g
Might invest in some microolates for OHP