Summer heat is here. Still mild, last night T+DI was 140 (80+60). It's not that much but body is not used to it.
tell me about it 
Right, saw your log entry, was like dejavu. Our weathers are extremely similar/synced. Very logical since we are at the same latitude but still feels crazy since we are half a planet away in longitude.
So, to make sure I have fruit, I just blend up a big smoothy every day with approx the following ingredients: 1 banana, lots of frozen berries, greek yogurt, protein powder, and creatine. I hate eating a proper meal in the morning, but this is easy for me to consume and helps me hit a lot of dietary bases, and I don't have to worry about my default daily fruit going off.
That's a nice trick. I'm trying to convince/challenge me to eat them raw though. I have plenty of access in high quality fresh fruit, its a shame i don't eat them.
Still failing so far, ate one banana and 1 apple the entire week lol
Damn log fell back, let's catch up
5 June
-Switched from one heavy 3 (70kg) to 3x5.
BB BENCH PRESS : 4x10 @ 50 kg
SEATED CABLE ROW : 4x10 @ 65 kg
6 June
Low aerobic HR zone run 7.5K @ 55:56 ( 7:28 pace )
T+DI over 150 now. Also very sore from squats. Surprising i even got under 7:30 average pace.
7 June
10 @ 30 kg
8 @ 50 kg
8 @ 70 kg
5 @ 90 kg
3 @ 100 kg
2 @ 110 kg
( +1 rep )SEATED DB OHP : 4x10 @ 17.5 kg each hand
LAT PULL DOWN : 4x10 @ 71kg