YAY!!!! Establish annual skwad ski meeting ASAP, it will rotate continent bi-yearly, kickstart February 2023 in Trois Valeess , then February 2024 in Aspen and so on (daydreaming)
not even joking, let's do it. but not aspen. i've never skied out west but if i were going to, i'd pick a place like sun valley or big sky, somewhere a little less expensive and crowded.
You know what, that's actually a great idea lol. intercontinental flight for a ski-trip is not so convenient, but still. Let's keep it in the back of out heads for next year.
Btw Aspen is the only one i know in the US so that's why i mentioned it, i also much prefer non-crowded resorts that base their cost on what's on the slopes, not around them.
Back to boring reality:
3 March
Easy run 10K @ 58:23 ( 5:50 pace )
Low aerobic HR zone cool down 2K @ 17:22 ( 8:40 pace )
Easy run was expectedly a bit slower due to de-training but pacing was steady and feeling was true easy, pleasant surprise!
Also, for while i cant find the time/conditions to do the low aerobic run, i will be adding more of it as warmup/cooldowns in other workouts.