Nice info, thanks. Also thanks for the calculator link in your journal, didn't reply there to not dirty it further lol.
I agree that week cycles are far easier to follow. I'm ok with less days cycles too though, especially when they are so simple like the ones i posted. Iteration 1 : workaout 1a , workout 1b. Iteration 2 : workout 2a workout 2b. Repeat. Still, with week cycles you are in good hold of extra parameters. e.g. if u want to rest Sunday, rest day will always be Sunday on week cycle, with other days that cant happen.
Anyway, cutting to the chase:
After reading some more, it seems that my current plan is seriously unbalanced. Watch kept saying it but i was ignoring it. I am doing way too much intense stuff. Gotta add much more easy/slow volume. As always i have a problem keeping intensity volume low.
Here is a Garmin graph of my workload distribution the last month, Greek words in legend mean "optimal range" :
Purple is anaerobic ( 2-3 times above optimal )
Orange is intense aerobic ( 2-3 times above optimal )
Green is easy aerobic/base ( 3-4 times below optimal )
I mean , COME ON!
Ok, so im switching to 2:1 from the options i gave.
Plan is : Tempo-easy-off / HIIT-long-off / repeat
If i do another one, so one of those cycles gets a third workout in row, it will be either easy or long slow, probably the latter. Also easy and long slow mileage will go up. Easy runs will be around 10K at easy pace (so about 1 hour) and long slow ones will target 90 minutes at slow pace, whatever mileage that lands at. Gonna go like this for a while and see what happens.
In other news, the other day that i did the mile time trial and PR, i wore my racing flats. Although they have much less boost, they were sooo much more comfy and bouncy than the everyday ones. So i checked and i realized my everyday boosts have done about 700km, 90% of what on pavement and asphalt. I gotta buy new shoes. I'm a boost kid but i gotta tell you, i am eyeing the vaporflys, high tech performance enhancing soles have always made me drool lol.