So this weekend, being 6 days smoke free it was about time to see if this carbon monoxide thing is real or just placebo.
27 October 2019
RUN 5K @ 26'48'' , huge training course lifetime
Boom! Wasn't even a time trial. Went just 'fast' , to see what would happen, 5'30'' km ( which is the pace for milestone 27'30'' 5K ) pace was definitely buffered, around 3km i realized i can break 27' if i push , i pushed, i PRed, it wasn't even all out, had some reserves at the end and jogged another 1,5km for 'cool-down'.
Previous PR was 27'55'' over one year ago. This season i haven't been able to go under 28' ( best was 28'5'' ).
28 October 2019
RUN 8K @ 53'8'' ,
8K is not a distance ive time trialed a lot, done it a few times, best tine was 54'52''. Have some similar pave 7Ks and 7.5Ks but they are all slower average pace despite the smaller distance, this one is a loud and clear 'longer' distance PR.
Was not a good night for running. Ate late, ate a lot, drunk a lot too. Went out thinking of a long slow run. What i didn't expect was that 6'30'' ish pace would be super easy. Had severe stomach heartburn, should have quit at 5-6km but was shocked of how effortless i was going. Did 8km, could have easily done 10 at that pace ( which would be a 10K PR at around 1:05:00, ive completed 10K only once at 1:09:00 ) but decided to keep it easy and save the 10K for a feeling good day, i recon i can do it sub-60 without it even being an all out effort now.
So it looks like i got a brand new engine without the cigar smoke in my system. A much more powerful engine. All those intervals and fartleks and hill sprints and and and, they were plateauing at the smoke ingredients. It looks like i can really train and improve now, find my own limits, not the limits of the full-of-tar-and-carbon lungs. Can't wait to see more. Gotta pay some attention at not over-training though, this is a dangerous toy, being able to easily break PRs at every attempt at every distance i choose. Gotta buffer it a bit, let time for recovery, lungs are 'new' but legs are the good old rusty ones lol.