So, the plan:
I will do what i did last year, Lance's 3-sets-progress. Is very easy, simple and had great progress with it. For those not familiar it calls for 3 working sets, you add weight when you reach a specific total reps range. For the first 2-3 months I will use 21-24 reps, which equals to 3x7-3x8. I am quite detrained so i need a GPP-style higher rep phase. So <21 reps = stay at the same load, >24 reps = add weight , 21-24 = act by feel. Then i will change the reps for the leg exercises, make it more intensity oriented, so i will be advancing at the 15-20 reps range ( 3x5-3x6).
I will use the same 3-days split i used last year, but i have to add o-lifts prior to squatting and also calves and abs work.
So it will be like:
Day 1:
Power clean 5x3
High bar back squat 3xF
Bench press 3xF
Bent over row 3xF
Calve raises 3x15
(Ab work)
Day 2:
Incline Bench 3xF
Upright rows 3xF
Biceps 3x12
Triceps 3x12
Day 3:
Jump snatch 3x5
Front squat 3xF
Overhead press 3xF
Chinups 3xF
Lance's SL calve raises 4x8
(Ab work)
3xF : Main lifts following the 3-sets-progress.
Fixed reps : Accessory lifts, those may be moved between days based on how it goes. If some days get too long ( e.g. day 1 ) might rearrange and e.g. move abs to day 2 or to an off day. The o-lifts however are not moving, those will always be done prior to squatting.
Off days : tempo runs, jumping, foam rolling, stretching. Hope to keep up with it.
Diet for now will be (clean)bulking on workout days, maintenance on off days. A rough plan is to bulk until chritmas ( ~3,5 months ) then start a big slow cut. I am around 84kg/15% bodyfat currently. Not so fanatic about diet plan, just that rough one, i will see how it goes during it and if it feels/looks wrong i will reevaluate.
Thoughts/objections always welcomed.