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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #195 on: August 27, 2013, 08:59:17 pm »
Started off all good with seeing the Osteo on Friday. She worked some of her magic and the body was feeling v good. She's been experimenting with different techniques and strangely enough she did some work on my liver meridian around the rib cabe and arm pit which released my extremely tight IT band. Mind = blown!

i <3 voodoo magic PT shit. it's the best.

Isn't it? She's been doing it a bit lately so I'll see what she has in store for me next time.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #196 on: August 27, 2013, 09:07:32 pm »
Didn't play ball on Monday night due to back. Our top scorer also didn't play and we were playing the top team (we're 2nd to them on ladder). We got smashed 61-16. Really felt for the guys who played but oh well.


Back is still bugging me but I thought I'd better get into the gym to get it moving around and get some blood flowing.

Warm up
90/90 hip lift- 3x20s (not sure if these are really helping or not- don't think they're hurting so they'll stay for the moment)
Lunge ISO holds- 30s each leg
rollover into v-sit
yoga warrior 3 pose (don't really know how to describe this movement but osteo recommended)

Circuit- 3x8 with just bar
bent row
high pull
front squat
good mornings- hammies were super tight and sore so used the GM as a way to loosen and stretch. Worked really well.

Incline press
bar x 8
40 x 8, 8, 8
super conscious of back during these but they felt good. I used a slow tempo with a pause on the chest to reduce any bounce and chance of hurting the back more

BB Curls

Quick stretch and done. Back not feeling too bad and I'm hoping it'll get better as the week goes. I plan to do a few more sessions like this one to keep the body moving.

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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #197 on: September 01, 2013, 07:43:23 pm »

Body was feeling pretty banged up but thought a lift would help ease the pain. Just can't seem to get it right these days. The back is still tender but it's now more in the hips.

Warm up
90/90 hip lift
ISO-lunge 30x each leg
rollovers into v-sit x 10
mountain climbers x 20
warrior 3 yoga pose 30s each leg

Circuit- 4x8xbar 60s rest
bent row
upright row
this felt ok.

Incline press
bar x 8
40 x 8
45 x 8, 8, 10

8, 8, 8

25 x 8, 8, 8

Push ups
15, 10, 5

Body felt really good upon finishing. Got the hips moving a bit better. Then went and sat in a car for 1.5hrs on way to a wedding. That did me no good in the back region. Wedding was great but could have dont without the car time.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #198 on: September 01, 2013, 07:55:02 pm »
So I've been thinking a lot about where I'm going with all this training stuff. At the end of the day I've been taking 1-2 steps forward and 1-2 steps backwards for the last couple of years. This is all due to training consistency and injuries. I figure if I can put together some consistent training I will hit/exceed all my goals. So the plan is as follows:

- get injury free and try as hard as possible to stay that way through foam rolling/SMR/whatever
- two dedicated non-negotiable days in the gym per week. Day 1 Front Squat and Incline Bench/Day 2 Deadlift and OHP (each day I will do an additional assistance exercise for each lift)
- a third negotiable day in the middle which will be skill based and or maybe to finish with more conditioning stuff. I've been wanting to learn an olympic lift but also do more handstand work and levels and shit. This is the day to do this. Can even turn this day into bis and tris if I really want.
- accept the fact that I will need to do some focused conditioning/cardio/whatever work on a regular basis. As much as I hate it I'm always gassed at various stages of a basketball game. Really no point in having a decent vert if I can't use it 5 minutes into the game. I've always gotten around this cause I'm tall and will still out-rebound/block guys late into a game but really if my hops could hang around for a longer period I'd be a much more dangerous player. Realistically I think I can make good strength/vert gains whilst improving my work capacity/whatever.
- diet will be to facilitate strength gains without being too over the top. From now till Christmas I will use the time to build my strength back up. I then have a 4-6 week break from ball over Christmas which I will use to add some size.

And that's pretty much it. I've sucked pretty hard this year in terms of training. Have taken huge steps backwards but there's still a good 4 months left for me to make a good go of it.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #199 on: September 02, 2013, 02:45:42 am »
given my training pattern relative to my goals i'm the last person to be telling you this, but if you want to learn handstands or whatever you're better off doing it a little bit at a time, every day. your stamina will suck at the beginning anyway, so you might as well do a whole bunch of little chunks rather than having one day a week where you hate yourself because after 15 minutes you can't do it at all anymore.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #200 on: September 02, 2013, 07:50:51 pm »
given my training pattern relative to my goals i'm the last person to be telling you this, but if you want to learn handstands or whatever you're better off doing it a little bit at a time, every day. your stamina will suck at the beginning anyway, so you might as well do a whole bunch of little chunks rather than having one day a week where you hate yourself because after 15 minutes you can't do it at all anymore.

Yeah good point. It's something I used to do quite frequently and have been wanting to add in for a while. The same is probably true for the levers and such. I'm probably better off doing small pieces inbetween other exercises rather than on a specific day. You've got me convinced (how easy was that).

Now what do I do on the middle day now? Guns it is!
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #201 on: September 03, 2013, 02:56:23 am »
 :raging: So had a ball game last night. It's one I'd really rather forget. We're playing a team who we normally beat by 10-15 although they're not without skill. We only had 5 on the night and were missing our top scorer again. I picked up 3 super quick fouls (2 of them complete rubbish from a fat lesbian umpire) so had to play conservatively. I picked up a dumb one early in the 2nd half which was totally there. Then with 15 minutes to go the scores are around level and I have the ball on the three point line around 45 degrees. The guy in front of me is huge. And by huge I mean he's a fat fuck. He's prob 6ft tall and 120-130kg. I fake left and drive right and he manages to slide into the side of me as I go past. He knocks me into another of their players and the ref calls a charge on the first contact. A FUCKING CHARGE!!! Was so unbelievable that the other team even offered for her to reverse it and keep me on the court. She refuses, I sit the rest of the match and with 4 on the court we lose by 25. Just to add injury to insult their big guy landed square on my toe and forced the nail down into my big toe which is now all cut up and bruised. What a fantastic evening.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #202 on: September 03, 2013, 07:19:53 am »
That fat guy should be playing rugby.
I can't remember ever being fouled out of a game but it must've sucked especially when the fouls are soft. Doesn't help playing without any subs either.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #203 on: September 03, 2013, 08:19:21 pm »
That fat guy should be playing rugby.
I can't remember ever being fouled out of a game but it must've sucked especially when the fouls are soft. Doesn't help playing without any subs either.

haha yeah he probably should. I suppose at least he's doing something.
It truly sucks especially considering I'm the only guy on the floor over 6ft. That also means I get most of the rebounds and am contesting most shots in the lane too which naturally brings more fouls. Only the second time in the last 2 seasons I've fouled out though so not too bad.

Our team is going through some changes atm too so will be an interesting season ahead. We're losing two of our better players including our top scorer. I have figured out the problem with the team though. I need to score at least 20-25 a game for us to win on a regular basis. Strangely enough when I was doing some ball practice during the week (mainly just shooting) I was averaging in the high teens without too much focus on taking heaps of shots. Who'd have thought that doing some practice would help me in a game situation  :o Haven't done that for a while and whilst I've had a couple of decent games the scoring hasn't been all that great. We have finals coming up (which we'll probably go out in first round) and new season starts in around 5 weeks so I have a bit of time to get the back fully healthy, pick up a bit more fitness and work on the skills some more. With a higher fitness base I should be scoring 20 minimum. If I contest nearly all rebounds I'll get a heap of 2nd and 3rd attempts. I probably only contest 50-65% of rebounds at the moment.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #204 on: September 04, 2013, 03:20:53 am »
The Program
So here’s what I’m thinking going forward. As I mentioned previously I will have two non-negotiable days for my training. This is where I’ll do the bulk of the lifting that really matters. On the third (middle) day though I can practice things and get some additional work in. I also want to use this day to keep the back squat in the routine with a few singles/doubles/triples. I figure this shouldn’t take too much out of me if I keep the volume pretty low. This additional day I want to keep flexible should I become inspired to try out some new lift/skill/whatever. I have some short term goals too which will pretty much get me back to places that I have been before:

Short Term Goals (by Christmas):
Front Squat- 100 x 5
Incline Press- BW x 6
Chins – 10 continuous reps
Back Squat- 1x130
Deadlift- 3x150
Military Press- 1x70

Day 1- Tuesday
Front Squat- work up to top set of 3-5
Incline Press 3x6-8
Chins 25 reps total
RDL 3x8-12
Windshield Wipers 3x10
BB Complex or Hill Sprints
(complex = row, hang clean, FS, military press, BS, good morning)

Day 2- Thursday
Back Squat- work up to 1-3 sets of 1-3 reps (depending on how feeling on the day). To be heavy but not gut busting slam my head against a wall to get excited heavy
Handstand work
Front Lever work
BB Complex 5x3 (work up to a heavy set of 3 reps)
BB Curls 3x12
Push Ups 3xmax
3km run

Day 3- Saturday/Sunday
Deadlift- work up to a top set of 3-5
BSS 3x8-12
Military Press 3x5
Chins 25 reps total
Windshield Wipers 3x10
BB Complex or Hill Sprints
(complex = row, hang clean, FS, military press, BS, good morning)

As far as the reps go, on the main lifts when I hit the top number I will increase the weight (5kg jumps for everything but military press which will be 2.5kg). When I don’t hit the top number I will stay at that weight till I do. When I reach an appreciable level of strength I will most likely switch to a 531 style of programming for the reps and loading. I don’t think it’s worth it right now but believe I should make some solid progress over the next 3-4 months in the lead up to Christmas to get back to almost where I was before I can implement 531 style then.

I understand that I will not progress as quickly strength wise given the additional cardio/conditioning stuff I am doing but then again I don’t lift huge weights so really I’m sure I can make pretty good progress here. I’m pretty excited about adding in some running and sprints. I don’t think I’ve ever come close to overtraining in my life so I’m not really too worried about putting this in. I actually don’t think I could overtrain on this program. I will just need to pay extra attention to nutrition and recovery.

Recovery: I will aim to do some sort of stretching/SMR/foam rolling every day including pre and post training stuff.

Nutrition: I have been following an IF style of eating. The main problem here is that I get distracted during the day with work and don’t end up eating anything. Then when I get home I just don’t get the time to eat properly meaning some days I get 3,000-4,000 cals and others I get 1,500. I need to make a concerted effort to get around 3,000-3,500 every day. I’m sure this will do wonders for my strength and recovery.   

Plyos: will look at that again once I’m fully healthy and training consistently. I don’t see any need to incorporate just now. Will play it by ear and maybe add some after 6-8 weeks if all is progressing well.

Obviously on top of this I will be playing ball once a week and will probably have a shoot around once a week for 30-45 mins. LBSS had the insight to suggest I do more handstand and lever work throughout the week instead of consolidating it into one day. Originally I was sold and was going to intersperse it in between other lifts. Given my lack of ball skills lately I will actually dedicate this time to getting some ball handling drills in. Something I can quite easily spend a couple of minutes on between sets of the first 1-2 lifts each day. This should provide me with some good practice. I figure any practice is better than all the practice I haven’t been doing at the moment.

I think most of this makes sense. If you’ve got any feedback or think I’m an idiot please feel free to let me know. I’m sure there’s heaps of holes in my programming so would welcome some constructive criticism.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #205 on: September 08, 2013, 09:39:37 pm »
So late last week the body felt like a train wreck. Smashed the foam rolling, stretching, SMR, whatever else I could do. I have a feeling my main problem at the moment is super tight upper quads and glutes and a weakness in the hams.

Felt pretty good Saturday and decided to get in the gym.


Warm up-
90/90 hip lift
Iso lunge- 30s left and right
warrior 3 pose- 30s left and right

Front Squat
bar x 5
40 x 5
50 x 5
60 x 5

Incline Press
bar x 8
40 x 8
50 x 8
60 x 8

It's quite sad that my FS is the same weight as my incline bench but I really wanted to start out conservatively given the recent state of my back. I figure I should be able to add 5kg a week to the FS over the next few months. This would take me to around the 100 mark by Christmas. Will also be starting the deadlift off at 80-90kg. It's going to be hard on the ego but will be better for me long term. Will also give me some time to get the work capacity up whilst the weights are low.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #206 on: September 09, 2013, 10:50:54 pm »
Ball game last night. Lost by 7 points. Another blow to my fitness chances. Hyper-extended my right knee with 2 minutes left in the game. Ridiculous amount of pain but no pops or crackles. Went straight off and iced it when I got home. Not a huge amount of swelling today and can walk pretty well. Some pain when bending it or walking down stairs but only a 5/10 on the pain scale. Fingers crossed some anti-inflams will help me get sorted but I'm not liking my chances of playing next week which is our first final. From the research I've done it looks like a 2-3 week standard even for just a minor hyper-extension.

If anyone else has had something similar please let me know what you did for recovery.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #207 on: September 10, 2013, 11:30:45 pm »
Knee update- Knee is feeling somewhat better. Still some pain when bending the knee with weight on it but much less so than yesterday. Fingers crossed I'll be good to go by Monday. Will be in the gym tonight so will steer clear of squats but will try out some RDLs to get the hams and glutes going.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #208 on: September 15, 2013, 10:29:54 pm »

Finally got in the gym again. Compromised training given my knee and back but managed to get something done.

Warm up

bar x 10
40 x 5
50 x 5
60 x 5, 5, 5

Incline Bench
bar x 10
40 x 5
50 x 5
60 x 5
65 x 5
50 x 10, 10, 7

Small sets up to 14 reps before back started to nag at me. Am super conscious of the back atm so called it off.

Did some dribbling drills inbetween sets. I'm actually worse than I thought. Don't really notice during a game as most of my dribbling is 1-2 dribbles then a shot. At least the practice should get me somewhere then.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #209 on: September 16, 2013, 07:58:51 pm »
Last game of the season. We lost the elimination final by 8 points. That makes 4 losses in a row I think. Doens't help that I've been injured. Could only run and jump at about 65-70%. As a result I had a few fouls from situations where I'd normally block someone or move to the correct position a bit quicker. Had 9 points but again didn't contest too much inside the paint. Am looking forward to the 3 weeks off to give the body a rest and get some quality lifting in. Knee is pretty painful today but hopefully pulls up well by the weekend. It's bizarre but I haven't dunked a ball in about 5-6 weeks. With the back and knee recently it just hasn't felt good.
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