01/01/13- Happy New Year
Injuries- None
Motivation- Good
Weight- 94.5kg
Fatigue- Played 18 holes of golf on a really long course yesterday so legs and lower/mid back are pretty tired. Haven't swung the sticks in a long time but was a beautiful day for it.
Warm-up: Foam rolled basically the whole body but focused on IT band, Quads (ridiculously painful on the upper outer side), hip flexors. Stretched hams, hip flexors, glutes, calves.
Warm up- 5x50, 5x70, 5x80-
Depth Jumps- 3x5 (done inbetween warm up sets)
Work sets- 5x90, 5x100, 7x115
Military Press-
Warm up- 10xbar, 5x25
Work sets- 5x27.5, 5x32.5, 10x37.5
Chins- Did these inbetween sets of deads and military presses.
3,3,3,3,3,2,3 (20 total reps)
Once I get this number of reps in 4 sets I will up the total number. I actually found these quite challenging as I haven't done for a while and was nudging 97kg by the time I trained last night.
Complex- 4x5x35kg
Bent Row
Hang Clean
Front Squat
Military Press
Back Squat
Good Morning
Was meant to do 5 sets. Was exhausted after 3. Did the 4th and got a 2nd wind so what do I do. Like a retard I thought I'd go 40kg on the 5th set. Got 1 rep of military press (what had turned into a push press by the 3rd set) and called it a day.
Deadlift felt awkward today. No real leg drive and found myself leaning too far forwards. Still pretty happy with the way things are moving though.