Keegan Smith Program - Day 8
Bw- 100
Didn't quite get off to the start I wanted on the weight loss. Was my wife's birthday last week and we ended up celebrating over a few nights. Not to worry.
Started today using Ben Greenfield's stoke, stroll, shiver protocol. Basically, a coffee, some fasted cardio (walk with dog) and a cold shower (2-5 mins). Only made 1 min in the cold shower but feel great afterwards.
Upper body session to come later.
RTO Support-
bw x 20s, +20kg x 20s x 2
bw x 5, +5 x 3, +10 x 1, +15 x 1, +20 x 1
bw x 6, 5
Alternating Chins (left elbow still troublesome so taking these easy)-
L- 3, 3
R- 3, 3
BB Curl- 15, 15, 20
BB Tricep Kickback- 15, 15, 20
Circuit- 30s on/30s off x 5
Dead ball over shoulder