09/04/19Reverse Deadmill Sprints-
100s, 80s, 60s, 40s, 20s
Heel down step up- 7" box- sets of 15
20, 40, 50, 60, 70
Bottom 1/4 squat bounces- 55
Sissy Squats to 8" box- 10
SL Calf Raise- 3 x 10 @20
Tibialis Raise- 3 x 10
Calf and Couch stretches.
10/04/19Light sled warm up x 150m
Chins- bw x 8, +10 x 3, +20 x 1, +30 x 1
- don't think I've ever done this much before.
Ring Dips- bw x 7, 5, 3
Ring Rows- bw x 10, 9, 6
Floor single leg compression- 3 x 10/side with 3s hold
Seated Ext Rotation- 5kg x 10, 7.5kg x 6, 6
Zottman DB Curl- 5kgs x 10, 7.5s x 7, 5
Done. Great session. Especially considering my chins and dips numbers. Have gone up without training them much. Love that.
Stretching and ball to come later.