30s x 5
Reverse Step Up- sets of 15- heel down- 6.5"box-
20, 25, 30, 35, 40
BW ring dips
6, 2, 4- my second set straight up sucked haha. Almost forgot how to dip
BW ring rows- feet elevated
10, 10 (not full ROM), 8- I "got" the movement on the second and third sets and was actually pulling properly with my back for the first time in ages. Felt great but a lot weaker obviously.
Head 2 Tow (H2T)- 72 pulses/side
Couch Stretch- 36 pulses
Wall piriformis- 90s/side
Wall middle splits- 2 mins
H2T- 72 pulses/side
Couch Stretch 36 pulses
Pigeon pose- 90s/side
Pancake- 2 mins ended up spending 5 mins here
H2T- 72 pulses/side
Couch Stretch 36 pulses
2.5min deadmill- backwards slow steps
Seated GM- sets of 10
20, 30, 40, 50, 60
Straddle l-sit-
15-20s x 5
Cross bench pullover
6kg x 10, 10, x 7, 10 x 8
Single Leg Tib Raise
LR, (7,4)(6,4)(10,8)
Trap 3 Raise- sets of 10
2.5kg dbs, 5kg, 5kg
90 min hapkido class. Lots and lots of basics. Reinforcing good form and practicing kicking. Great class.
Head 2 Tow (H2T)- 72 pulses/side
Couch Stretch- 36 pulses
Wall piriformis- 90s/side
Wall middle splits- 2 mins
H2T- 72 pulses/side
Couch Stretch 36 pulses
Pigeon pose- 90s/side
Pancake- 2 mins ended up spending 5 mins here
H2T- 72 pulses/side
Couch Stretch 36 pulses