40 min bike trainer- bike computer wasn't working. Just rode for 40 mins and stayed under 135 HR which is pretty easy to do on the bike. Some tightness and in the left knee but I know this is just getting used to the positioning.
Morning run- 6km in 40:37 @ 6:46/km pace with average HR of 133. Had some serious early spikes in my HR with it getting up over 170 during my warm up. Weird. Stopped for 30s and did some breathing and it was fine after that.
Hip stretches, glute bridge, thoracic bridge
10 min
Crow stand - 3 x 5-10s
Glute Bridge- 3 x 10
15 min
Tuck Pull Through - 5 x 5 (progression for l-sit to handstand)
Deadlift- bar x 5, 60 x 5, 80 x 5, 90 x 5
Seated floor leg lift - 3 x 10s (compression exercise for l/v-sit)
10 min
Tuck front lever - 3 x 10s
Airborne Squat - 3 x 3 each leg
Thoracic bridge - 3 x 3 each side
Cool down- glass of wine