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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1410 on: July 03, 2017, 08:00:09 pm »
bw- 89.4
injuries- sprained right wrist from yesterdays bag work
soreness- glute med, hams (who knew kicking a heavy bag would cause this)

Treadmill walk- 5 mins
HF stretching

Wide Grip RDL- bar x 10, 60 x 10
DL- 90 x 5, 115 x 3, 135 x 5

Chins- bw x 6, 5, 4

Curls- 15kg x 15, 15, 15

Hollow body- 30s x 3

Hanging x 30s

Weird session. Sprained my right wrist during yesterday's bag work. It's not super painful but still restrictive. Didn't notice it too much on deads but definitely did during chins. Glutes and hams were ridiculously sore from the kicking yesterday as well. Not something I usually notice but I went pretty hard on the bag and haven't done that for quite some time. Great that the soreness is contained to glute med and not the HF/TFL area where I normally get it.

Kind of meh about my program that I'm doing though.  Obviously squats and deadlifts are going well so that's great. The rest feels a little all over the place and not too sure I'm accomplishing much with the rest of the training time. I will try out a few new things over the next couple of weeks and see what sticks. Also, I think I need to do something on my pre-intra workout nutrition. I'm training fasted with black coffee only and that may actually be the problem why I feel meh. Perfect example was this morning. Setting up for my final set of DLs at 135. It's an hour since I woke so that shouldn't be too much of  a problem and I still felt a little substandard. Definitely not focused or pumped to lift. It's so early that there's not a great option for food so thinking a pre-workout and some bcaas maybe. I already have bcaas at home and pre-workout isn't really expensive anyway.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1411 on: July 06, 2017, 06:00:56 pm »

Hapkido class. 2 hours non stop. Was a great class. 30min full on warm up followed by throwing drills for another 60min and then onto technique work for the remainder of the time. Worked some close fighting throws from the clinch that I'd never done before the which was awesome. Nothing quite like getting thrown and picking yourself up for an hour to get the blood pumping. Flaom rolled and had a quick stretch after class. Bed time 11pm.

bw- ?
injuries- none (wrist is still slightly sore but not a great deal)
soreness- surprisingly little from last night
Awake- 4.45

Pre-workout & BCAAs for todays training
Warm up-  banded ankle, HF stretch, banded pull aparts both infront and behind neck

Squats x 25 with bar only
High Pull- bar x 10, 40 x 5, 50 x 5
Panda Pull- 60 x 4, 70 x 3 (ran out of legs here)
Power Cleans- 60 x 3, 70 x 2 (again, ran out of legs)
Front Squat- 60 x 5, 80 x 5, 90 x 5
OHP- bar x 10, 30 x 5, 40 x 5, 5, 5
Unilateral DB Floor Press- 15 x 10, 10 (each side)
Farmers Walks- 36kg each side x 50m x 2
Passive hang x 30s

Felt like a great session. Noticed the pre-workout, not so much for the caffeine which was definitely felt, but more for the thermal effect. Got warm with this very quickly. First time since I've been at this gym that I've ended up in a t-shirt. Probably need to tweak schedule though so I'm not squatting after Hap class. The class is pretty heavy on the legs and upper back so ideally I'd have a recovery/cardio day here.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1412 on: July 09, 2017, 05:27:06 pm »

International chest day

Incline Bench- 60kg x 8, 7, 6
Incline Flyes- 10kg x 12, 10, 8
Machine Chest Press- 45kg x 20, 15
CG Incline Bench- 40 x 6, 7, 7
Rope Pushdown- 45kg x 8, 8, 8, 8
Supported German Hang- 30s
Passive Hang- 40s
Chest & Lat stretches


Warm Up

Squats- bar x 10, 40 x 5, 60 x 5, 80 x 5, 100 x 3, 120 x 5
Dips- bw x 5, 5, 5
BB Complex- 30kg x 6, 6
(row, hang clean, front squat, ohp, back squat, good morning)

Took video footage of squats for the first time in a few weeks. First rep was shallow and even though the camera angle didn't do me justice I think the rest were ok. Going to try and get some side footage next time to make sure.

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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1413 on: July 09, 2017, 07:17:44 pm »
Nice AdiPowers you have on, are they more narrow or wide u think compared to other lifting shoes if u've had others?

These are the only lifting shoes I've ever had. Would say a narrow fit with a fairly high arch though.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1414 on: July 12, 2017, 02:22:06 am »
12/07/17- 9.30am
bw- 89.4
Injuries- wrist still a little buggy
Soreness- general but not bad

Pre workout- Nitraflex & BCAAs
Post workout- whey & banana

Quick warm up- HFs and shoulders

Wide Grip RDL- bar x 10, 60 x 5, 5
DL- 80 x 5, 100 x 5, 120 x 3, 140 x 5

Chin Up/Pull Up (alternating grip)- bw x 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

BB Curls- 25 x 10, 10

Farmers Walks- 48kg KBs- 50m x 2, 25m x 4 (30s rest periods)

Went and got some more pre workout samples. Don't think I intend to use them regularly but it might be ok to have a few tucked away for special occasions (more for the caffeine and placebo effect than anything else). Used nitraflex this morning. Didn't have a great effect. Not quite the same kick as the one I used last week (Total War). Have three other samples that I will use over the next couple of weeks to test them out too.

Deads felt super solid and I'm only 15kg off my 5RM pb so I'm feeling pretty good about them so far.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1415 on: July 12, 2017, 07:01:47 pm »
Filled in for my brother in laws social mixed netball team last night. Played shooter then keeper so not a whole lot of running but had a great time when the other team kept trying to lob the ball over me. Plenty of intercepts. Nice to get a run in too as it's been a while.

Bodyweight has stabilised around the 89 mark. Was 89.4 this morning and have been between there and 89 pretty much the last week or two. Really want to shed some more fat but don't really want to eat less right now so I'll be adding some more activity to try and get it down. Will also get some more sleep which I know will help out too. Ideally I want to be 88 flat in 2 weeks time.

Edit- Am in my 3rd week of the whole30 thing. No alcohol, added sugar, grains or dairy. I have added in whey (dairy), some greek yoghurt and oats but that's been it. It's been harder to prepare meals than before but the great thing is the recovery. Even though I'm still sore after training it's marginal. Even after playing netball last night. Normally the knees would be screaming at me and now they're just mildly upset. Don't know if I will continue this in full after the 30 days but will definitely keep the alcohol and sugar out. Don't see a reason to add bread or pasta back in but will likely add rice back.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2017, 07:18:03 pm by Coges »
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1416 on: July 13, 2017, 05:17:24 pm »
Hapkido class. Finally getting back into the swing and it's all starting to come back. Did about 15m of jumping kicks and the legs were fried. Was getting great height on my jumping back kick though. Have to get some footage to see how high I'm actually getting though.

bw- ?
Injuries- right wrist still not 100%, high left ham/glute tie in isn't great
Soreness- all over from last night. Mainly hams, quads and upper back.

Pre-workout- protein shake, banana, double espresso

Warm Up- lacrosse ball, hip mobilisations, HF stretches

Hang Clean- bar x 10, 40 x 5, 60 x 2, 2

Front Squat- 40 x 5, 60 x 5, 80 x 5, 100 x 5

OHP- bar x 10, 30 x 5, 42.5 x 5, 5, 5

Fairly quick session. Took me a while to warm up even though I was wearing four layers the entire time. Will have to check back through my log but I believe 100 may only be 5kg of my lifetime PR which is pretty cool. Want to push it to 110 over the next few weeks unbelted and then go for 130 belted.

Also, idiot me realised why my weight hasn't been moving down. Have been snacking on nuts the last couple of weeks. Cashews are my nut of choice and I knew they're calorie dense but didn't realise it was so dense. I was eating 150g at a time which is over 800. Doing that three to four times a week is my desired fat loss right there. So unfortunately no more nuts for least not as many anyway. 

Edit- lifetime front squat PR is 105 x 5 (August 2014) and 125 x 1 (sometime in 2015). Also, I'm finding it pretty cool there's 20kg difference between DL and back squat and another 20 difference between back and front squats. A nice ratio to keep hopefully. Will be snatch grip deadlifting tomorrow and hoping for 5 at 100 so that'll be a good difference to keep as well between those and conventional DLs. 
« Last Edit: July 13, 2017, 05:33:06 pm by Coges »
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1417 on: July 14, 2017, 07:40:18 pm »
bw- 89.4
injuries- left wrist
soreness- general & high left hammy/glute tie in

Pre workout- protein shake, banana & triple espresso (prob under 200mg of caffeine though)

Warm up-  banded shoulder work, banded ankle dorsiflexion, banded hip flexor, pigeon stretch, bottom squat work

Snatch Pulls-
High Pull- bar x 10, 30 x 5, 40 x 5, 50 x 3 (great form here and was finally using the legs properly with a more relaxed upper body)
Panda Pull- 60 x 3, 70 x 3, 80 x 3-straps (almost as above- little more straining going on)
Snatch Grip DL (straps on all sets)- 90 x 5, 100 x 5, 110 x 3  :personal-record: (felt like I had 2 more reps in me so slightly disappointed but the third rep was also a bit grindy so probably wise to stop)

Barbell Row-
60 x 6, 80 x 6 (too heavy), 70 x 6, 6

Pull Ups-
bw x 5, 5, 4 (wanted more volume but didn't have it in me and was running out of time)

Farmers Walks-
48kg KBs- 25m x 10 EMOM

First actual full week of training in idk how long. Still haven't added any cardio in but overall feeling good at the moment. Do want to add HS, lever and planche work back in at some stage but will wait till the wrist is better before doing that.

Have some twingy feeling in left ham high up at the glute tie in. Aside from getting a ball in there to work around does anyone have any suggestions on what else could help it? I have been wanting to include KB swings, jefferson curls, etc but don't want to stress it more than I already am.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2017, 08:47:59 pm by Coges »
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1418 on: July 16, 2017, 05:35:28 pm »
bw- 90.7
waist- 34.5"
Injuries- right wrist,
Soreness/fatigue- left high ham/glute tie in (underbutt area), quads, upper back

Pre-workout- Hyde & BCAAs
Post-workout- oat & protein powder

Warm up- lacrosse ball on all the tight spots in legs, bottom of squat searching, banded ankle, banded HF, monster walks (I probably need more activation work here)

Hang Clean- bar x 10
Power Clean- 40 x 5, 60 x 3, 3, 3 (was aiming for 70 but quads too fatigued)

Squats- 60 x 5, 80 x 5, 100 x 3, 125 x 5 (oly shoes, knee sleeves & belt on top set- top set RPE 8/10- Lifetime PR is 130 x 4 I think- excited to see what next week brings)

Incline Bench- bar x 10, 40 x 5, 65 x 4, 4, 4 (felt surprisingly heavy- was aiming for 5 reps here)

Dips- bw x 7, 6, 5, 5, 5

Couch stretch- 30s each leg x 2

Good session. Squats felt solid even though legs were fatigued. Wanted to get more stretching in but ran out of time. Will get that in tonight. Pre-workout search continues. Hyde wasn't as strong as I expected even though it claims to have 419mg of caffeine. I keep getting samples from any supplements shops I go past so will likely have enough to see me through the next few weeks. Still think I'll end up going carb+BCAA/protein+coffee but I will see where I land. Have also started tracking waist measurements as the weight is throwing me off. Definitely getting leaner but weight is fluctuating too much to just judge on that.   

Legs were a bit fatigued. Have done a hilly loop walk with the family and our dog the last couple of days. It's only a 2k loop that we do twice but it's basically 250m down then 250m straight back up. Doesn't help that I sprinted some of the hills to make it quicker and easier than walking up them.

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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1419 on: July 18, 2017, 05:10:41 pm »
bw- ?
injuries- left wrist
soreness- major soreness in right hip/top of glute med, lots of hot spots in hams too

Warm Up-
Hanging, chest & lat stretches

bw x 5, 5
+5kg x 4, 3, 3, 2

Seated Cable Row-
45kg 5x10

Single Arm Cable Pull Down
27kg 2x20

DB Hammer Curl
10kg 2x15

Gracilis, piriformis, HF, pancake + 5kg

Forced deload  :'(
Hips just getting way too sore. They've been tight and I'm working on them but there was a breaking point and I think it was the incline bench the other day. I'm used to doing 30 degree inclines and the bench is fixed at 45. My natural arch that I use was just too much here I think. That was the straw so to speak. Sitting at work has killed it too. Stretching after training today helped a lot but I'm bummed by the fact that this is the stage I usually have issues and yet again I haven't progressed. Haven't deloaded for a while so there's definitely a lesson there. I'm heading away somewhere warm for a week in just over 2 weeks time where I will have limited access to a gym so will just get some good work in over the next 2 weeks. Lots of single leg, core, upper body and stretching. I'm thinking with some good core and single leg work I can put myself in a great position to start again. Booked in for a massage on Monday so no doubt that will help too.

*Edit- think I need to get away from straight sets of 5 for a while. At least some other form of periodisation might be called for. That and focusing more on recovery might sort me out. Having a look around at some programs now that I can get stuck into.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2017, 07:32:38 pm by Coges »
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1420 on: July 19, 2017, 03:51:20 am »
Have some twingy feeling in left ham high up at the glute tie in. Aside from getting a ball in there to work around does anyone have any suggestions on what else could help it? I have been wanting to include KB swings, jefferson curls, etc but don't want to stress it more than I already am.

Does Derrimut have a GHR? Slow eccentric GHR's never hurt. Or SL eccentric DL concentric ham curl machine, but GHR is better.

Also could try the 45 second hamstring lever holds and progress as a warmup. They helped me a lot.

Edit: Also, with the hips, lying banded hip distractions, as shown in this article: is great, I do it when I remember.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2017, 04:06:01 am by acole14 »


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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1421 on: July 19, 2017, 05:20:01 pm »
bw- ?
injuries- left wrist
soreness- major soreness in right hip/top of glute med, lots of hot spots in hams too

Warm Up-
Hanging, chest & lat stretches

bw x 5, 5
+5kg x 4, 3, 3, 2

Seated Cable Row-
45kg 5x10

Single Arm Cable Pull Down
27kg 2x20

DB Hammer Curl
10kg 2x15

Gracilis, piriformis, HF, pancake + 5kg

Forced deload  :'(
Hips just getting way too sore. They've been tight and I'm working on them but there was a breaking point and I think it was the incline bench the other day. I'm used to doing 30 degree inclines and the bench is fixed at 45. My natural arch that I use was just too much here I think. That was the straw so to speak. Sitting at work has killed it too. Stretching after training today helped a lot but I'm bummed by the fact that this is the stage I usually have issues and yet again I haven't progressed. Haven't deloaded for a while so there's definitely a lesson there. I'm heading away somewhere warm for a week in just over 2 weeks time where I will have limited access to a gym so will just get some good work in over the next 2 weeks. Lots of single leg, core, upper body and stretching. I'm thinking with some good core and single leg work I can put myself in a great position to start again. Booked in for a massage on Monday so no doubt that will help too.

*Edit- think I need to get away from straight sets of 5 for a while. At least some other form of periodisation might be called for. That and focusing more on recovery might sort me out. Having a look around at some programs now that I can get stuck into.

guh! damn.

hip pain is a deal breaker for me. scares me so much I back off, quick. squatting has always seemed to be the biggest culprit.

you really need more forced deloads it seems.. I mean, you are always so consistent but these things just slowly surface and then as you work through them while trying to address them, they eventually sideline you.

maybe do like Dreyth was going to do, deload/rest every 4th week (last week of the month). I always liked that idea.


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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1422 on: July 19, 2017, 07:40:08 pm »
Have some twingy feeling in left ham high up at the glute tie in. Aside from getting a ball in there to work around does anyone have any suggestions on what else could help it? I have been wanting to include KB swings, jefferson curls, etc but don't want to stress it more than I already am.

Does Derrimut have a GHR? Slow eccentric GHR's never hurt. Or SL eccentric DL concentric ham curl machine, but GHR is better.

Also could try the 45 second hamstring lever holds and progress as a warmup. They helped me a lot.

Edit: Also, with the hips, lying banded hip distractions, as shown in this article: is great, I do it when I remember.

Yes to GHR. Two of them actually. Will give those a shot. My next few weeks is going to be trying to sort a few of these problems out. No doubt I have inactive/weak glutes and hams and I need to give them more attention.

What's a hamstring lever hold? I just googled and got a bunch or random stuff.

That's a boss article. Thanks mate. Have pinned that one to come back and read fully later.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2017, 07:56:20 pm by Coges »
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1423 on: July 19, 2017, 07:41:40 pm »
With the wrist, if you didn't tear a ligament, i've noticed that massaging the fore arms really help the wrist.

Nah nothing torn. Just strained from hitting the heavy bag with mitts only and no wraps. Won't make that mistake again.
I definitely need to do more massaging on the forearms too. Even just with grip strength it helps a massive amount.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1424 on: July 19, 2017, 07:51:41 pm »
bw- ?
injuries- left wrist
soreness- major soreness in right hip/top of glute med, lots of hot spots in hams too

Warm Up-
Hanging, chest & lat stretches

bw x 5, 5
+5kg x 4, 3, 3, 2

Seated Cable Row-
45kg 5x10

Single Arm Cable Pull Down
27kg 2x20

DB Hammer Curl
10kg 2x15

Gracilis, piriformis, HF, pancake + 5kg

Forced deload  :'(
Hips just getting way too sore. They've been tight and I'm working on them but there was a breaking point and I think it was the incline bench the other day. I'm used to doing 30 degree inclines and the bench is fixed at 45. My natural arch that I use was just too much here I think. That was the straw so to speak. Sitting at work has killed it too. Stretching after training today helped a lot but I'm bummed by the fact that this is the stage I usually have issues and yet again I haven't progressed. Haven't deloaded for a while so there's definitely a lesson there. I'm heading away somewhere warm for a week in just over 2 weeks time where I will have limited access to a gym so will just get some good work in over the next 2 weeks. Lots of single leg, core, upper body and stretching. I'm thinking with some good core and single leg work I can put myself in a great position to start again. Booked in for a massage on Monday so no doubt that will help too.

*Edit- think I need to get away from straight sets of 5 for a while. At least some other form of periodisation might be called for. That and focusing more on recovery might sort me out. Having a look around at some programs now that I can get stuck into.

guh! damn.

hip pain is a deal breaker for me. scares me so much I back off, quick. squatting has always seemed to be the biggest culprit.

you really need more forced deloads it seems.. I mean, you are always so consistent but these things just slowly surface and then as you work through them while trying to address them, they eventually sideline you.

maybe do like Dreyth was going to do, deload/rest every 4th week (last week of the month). I always liked that idea.

Yeah it feels muscular and is relieved when I stretch mainly gracilis and piriformis. It's mainly caused by sitting at work as well so I'm looking into standing options. I wake up pain free and go home in serious pain. Hip flexors are tight AF though and I can't seem to make the stretches stick so I'm assuming I need some more work. Getting a massage in a few days and will get them to give me a good working over.

Yes to the deload. I get caught up in trying to progress and always break at the same point. A good mate of mine actually said to me on Monday after I squatted "just be careful cause this is usually when you break down". I do think that one of my big problems is I'm consistently lifting around 85-90% of 1RM which is just too stressful when I don't take any breaks. Need to be smarter.

Going to change my training up a bit actually. Bought this book last night and the strength one that goes along with it and am going to give it a run. The first 8 weeks is base building where you focus on building an aerobic base along with muscular endurance and the type of high rep work that I usually avoid. These are things I've never done and I think that work capacity has been a huge hole in my training which I feel will solve some problems. I'm heading away in 2 weeks so will use that time to get the body right, do plenty of glute/ham/core work and come back fresh as a daisy  :D

Having read the books though, there's some seriously good content in there. They're only $7 each for kindle versions too.
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