24/10/16 - 7pm
bw - 92.2
bar x 10, 60 x 5, 90 x 3, 110 x 1
122.5 x 4 (b), 110 x 7, 6 (b)(miscounted again!!!- starting to think it's intentional sabotage)
Hip Thrusts-
Did not do. hips/lower back mildly hating me at this point.
Incline Bench-
bar x 10, 40 x 10, 10, 10
KB Row
16 x 10, 10, 10
Pallof Press-
Red band x 10, 10 (each side)
Squats felt really good. Props to Maxent and the other guys who are pushing his squat unbelted and guys like KF, Dreyth and Chris who have monster squats unbelted. I see 140 & 150 coming to me before Christmas at this rate which would be nice. Not sure if I care about belted vs unbelted enough for it to make a difference to me at this point.
Have been doing the shoulder rehab and did some benching tonight. Felt the shoulder but there was no pain. Just need to take this really slowly. It does shit me though as what little chest muscle I had is pretty much gone.
BW still to come down. After the weekend of eating and drinking I was pretty good today. Want it back under 91 before the start of November.