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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1125 on: September 08, 2016, 10:32:26 pm »
@t0ddday (or anyone else who cares to reply)

with regards to track work and the hamstring issues I'm having. Would it be better to continue with track work and just go at a lower intensity or maybe switch to something like hill sprints for the interim until the issues are resolved?

Hamstring issues:
Left leg. Getting some serious tightness (almost catching) high in the hamstring near glute and also low in the hamstring near back of knee. Also extremely tight at top of calf. Working through with roller and spiky ball yesterday helped a bit. Due for a sports massage next Tuesday. Running is fine. Sprinting once warmed up is fine too. Cautious though about putting too much stress on it.

i've had something similar .. the hamstring tightness + upper calf "thickness". At some point when I injured my calf, it almost seemed like my hamstring stopped working and my calf took on full responsibility for flexing the knee - and pulled it. That's how it felt anyway.. I unwisely pushed through it on some fast sprints/runs when I was feeling some pain.

be careful with it.

hills made that issue much worse for me.. calf turned into a rock.

Haha ok I'll rethink the hills. Forgot about how much they stress the calves.

I'm sure the whole thing is related to either my feet or hips (or neck) but I just haven't figured it out yet.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1126 on: September 11, 2016, 02:22:58 am »

Daily mob circuit

11/09/16 -

30 mins mob work (while watching UFC 203)

Wide Grip RDL-
60 x 10, 10

80 x 5, 100 x 5, 120 x 5, 130 x 3

Decline Sit Up-
15kg x 10, 10

Barbell Curl-
bar x 20, 20

Upper back combo (batwing to T- 2s holds)
3.5kg x 20, 20

Not quite ready to resume normal programming yet. Shoulder is still taking it's time and hams are just weird. Thinking it could be anterior pelvic tilt related. Going to focus more on neutral alignment and see how I go. Legs are shitting me but will see how I go.

Also thinking while I was training and I'm pretty sure I don't take enough rest between sets. Figure that I'm training for strength while I'm in the gym so shouldn't be skimping on rest periods. 
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1127 on: September 12, 2016, 08:55:15 pm »
Working on two things this week. Sleep and curbing sugar/alcohol. So far so good. Have had at least 5 nights in a row of greater then 7 hours sleep so far. This is the hard one but even last night where I went to bed at 11.15 I was away this morning at 6.30 giving me around that 7 hour mark. Feeling better for it too.

Haven't had any alcohol in 3 days which in itself isn't anything special but I'm planning to only drink 1-2 times per week. When I do drink I usually have a couple of glasses of wine or a couple of beers but the main problem is the knock on effect of what I eat during this time. Obviously multiple benefits here. Reduced cals from no drinks, reduced cals from no additional eating during this time and better sleep from no drinks. So far so good.

Sugar/junk food is the hard one for me. Literally everywhere I go it's there. Work, client meetings, home, etc. If I can limit this to 1-2 days per week I would be flying.

Weight this morning is 92.9. Should be coming down pretty quickly over the next couple of weeks.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1128 on: September 13, 2016, 07:50:49 pm »
13/09/16- 7pm

Super quick workout tonight.

Warm Up-
Banded hip flexor, banded ankle dorsiflexion, banded shoulder dislocations

bar x 10, 60 x 5, 90 x 3, 100 x 1, 110 x 5

Single Arm DB Floor Press-
20 x 12, 12

Done! Literally had 25 mins to get a lift in. Decided to forego the oly shoes too and squatted in my Volleys. ROM was good (see IG vid below). May use these for future squats. Did have some left ankle soreness post squat but this is also the ankle I sprained 2 weeks back.

Later did 30 mins of rolling and stretching. One thing I noticed is that while my right hamstring has been super tight in places when doing the standing pike I did a straddle stretch on the ground (pancake style) and there was zero tightness or soreness in my right ham but had significant soreness and tightness in the upper left ham at the glute tie in. Just weird.

Note to self for the future- need to work on feet. Mainly strength. Especially for additional running and jumping volume.

« Last Edit: September 13, 2016, 08:40:39 pm by Coges »
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1129 on: September 13, 2016, 08:38:54 pm »

Lol at the bolded paragraph. Some of your best work there T0ddday.

I sit in pretty much the same situation with bingeing. I also happen to intermittent fast and potentially abuse caffeine. This sounds like such a stupid question and nutrition 101 but how would you advocate someone eats who has these issues and wants to train multiple times per week (mornings and evenings)?

*Edit- Moreso if you've seen what works for pre-workout, post-workout, pre-game, morning training, etc.

Thanks for the compliment - humor makes things more fun for sure.   

As far as your questions, first thing to answer for yourself is whether you want to lose significant body weight...

Second thing is to own your relationship with caffeine.   A few years ago I would have told you to quit/cut back.   However research shows that's not necessarily your only option.  You basically have two choices....

1) Quit it for a while and return to using it only extremely infrequently...

2) Own it.  Jesse williams (high jump world champion is a caffiene lover - he drinks diet red bull, black coffee, caffiene pills, etc.  probably 500-600mg daily).  Dose it out and use it.  Studies don't show long term risks...  Have 100-200mg in morning.  Have another dose before workout.  Slightly smaller dose before evening squat workout, etc.  Will you habituate?  Somewhat.  You won't get crazy amped.  But you will be able to go to sleep.  Your appetite won't be totally suppressed and then rebound the next day when you don't have caffeine...  Force yourself to eat on it.  This will help you stop the binging -

For two a days the diet plan would be basically - wake up, small food, caffiene, morning workout, 1-2 moderate meals, low dose caffeine, evening weight workout - optional post workout meal or snack.

Re: bodyweight- I currently sit between 92-94 depending on the day. I believe ideally I need to be 86 and that would be my solid base from which I can do mini bulks and mini cuts for the future. I'm not sure if that's considered significant weight loss or not. My thinking is that if I can get consistent training, nutrition and sleep together then most of it will happen naturally and with consistent effort should not take a significant amount of time.

On the caffeine its an interesting point you make about eating on caffeine to stop the bingeing. I definitely use caffeine (mostly straight up black coffee- espresso) to suppress appetite and as much as I love the taste of coffee I also drink it when I'm bored. Just doing some calculations and I'm generally taking in between 300-400mg per day. I rarely eat around having coffee though which supports your point. Restructuring my eating though may actually reduce my caffeine intake without too much effort which could be a nice side effect. I like the idea of your meal and caffeine structure and I may need to invest in caffeine pills (early morning coffee making and sleeping children generally don't mix well).

Now just to close my knowledge gap here can you confirm or contradict the following:

Today I'm 93kgs and my BMR is roughly 3,000 cals based on activity levels. I should simply aim to eat around 2,400 cals a day to get the weight loss required and then to stabilize at the desired weight (86).
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1130 on: September 14, 2016, 08:40:11 pm »
Wednesday night ball game recap:
Won by 40. Played the 3rd bottom team and it was a pretty easy game. A lot of cherry picking going on so I threw about 10 full court passes. Left ankle is still swollen and has been bugging me so I thought, great idea, I'll tape both ankles. Taped them pre-game. Felt brilliant. Got about 10 mins in and had to sub myself out and remove all the tape. Heels were killing me and it felt like they were bruised. After taking the tape off it was beautiful. Did take me a complete half to warm up though. Played the entire 2nd half, had 8 points without even trying. Not saying much considering the other team didn't have a guy over 6ft so rebounding and put backs were just too easy. Did go back to my hyperdunks last night and was reminded just how good they were. Late in the second half I was on the break. Effortlessly got huge air and only missed dunking as the ball slipped from my hand. Still managed to lay it in but it shows the body isn't all that bad right now.

Left shoulder, right hamstring and pretty much everything else once warmed up were fine. Still an issue that it takes so long to even be able to sprint without restriction.

Current injury hypothesis
I think I've been my own worst enemy lately. Was thinking back to when my right hamstring/calf started giving me issues. It ties in around when I started wearing my knee sleeves during games (basically got lazy and stopped taping my knees) and also was exacerbated when I started wearing my Iverson's. I know the sleeves can alter the forces going through different parts of the muscle/tendons and I should have picked up on this earlier. Going to tape my right knee only from here and try not to interfere with anything else. Also need to look at a good liniment for some pre-game heat to get the body up and running.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1131 on: September 14, 2016, 08:42:30 pm »
Heading away for a week on Saturday. Cannot wait. Will lift again on Saturday but think this will give me the chance to have a break. Might take my KBs with me so I can do some swings/get ups/squats and am thinking I'll go on a few runs. Other than that will keep up the daily mob and smr work.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1132 on: September 25, 2016, 11:11:10 pm »
Back from my holiday. Spent a week doing some serious eating and drinking. Basically said to myself, fuck it, have the week off and start fresh next week. I did get a 2.7k beach run in and some light glute/ham KB work but have done nothing else in the last 10 days. Actually I forget, I played ball to. Easy game. 24 points. Want to move to the place I visited (Phillip Island). Beautiful coastline, plenty of places to run, sprint and swim. Also have a gym with courts. Half joking as will probably move there in the next 2-3 years.

Saw physio this morning. I have a grade 1 supraspinatus tear. Also have the winged scap issue going on which I thought I'd fixed. She taped me up and gave me a few exercises to do daily. All upper body work is out for the next few weeks and only light band type work only. Squats and deads are good to go.

Discussed the hamstring/glute issue with her too. She said tendinopathy is very unlikely and it's most likely to be a pelvic lumbo control issue. This is not new to me and I have a fair idea of what I need to do to fix this.

Have set myself some goals for the last qtr of the year. Aside from being consistent I'm going to aim for a 150 squat and 180 deadlift @ 90kgs before Christmas. Totally achievable. Will start squatting again at 100 and push it by 5's each week till I can't push anymore. 3 months of deadlifts will get me back to 180ish too. I don't think these goals are too audacious and I cannot wait to get out to do more sprints and jumps when the body is right.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2016, 11:17:30 pm by Coges »
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1133 on: September 26, 2016, 10:45:45 am »
place looks tight, what are you gonna do down there?

i was talking with my work wife last week again about starting our own consulting business. probably 4+ years out from being able to make a run at that (i've got my two years in pakistan coming up and then if the consulting thing is looking appealing i'd want to do a master's first to get some training in stats and econometrics -- probably princeton because it's free). it would open me up so much in terms of where to live. i'm envious of people whose jobs aren't geographically tethered. in my industry you're either in a poor country or you're in one of a few really expensive cities: geneva, london, NYC, DC. there are a few exceptions, but emphasis on "few."

that is, unless you set up shop for yourself. then you just need to be close-ish to an international airport and you can live wherever. it'd be fun to live in santa barbara, or istanbul, or barcelona, or savannah, or minneapolis.

sorry for the tangent, just something that's been on my mind.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1134 on: September 26, 2016, 10:08:51 pm »
place looks tight, what are you gonna do down there?

i was talking with my work wife last week again about starting our own consulting business. probably 4+ years out from being able to make a run at that (i've got my two years in pakistan coming up and then if the consulting thing is looking appealing i'd want to do a master's first to get some training in stats and econometrics -- probably princeton because it's free). it would open me up so much in terms of where to live. i'm envious of people whose jobs aren't geographically tethered. in my industry you're either in a poor country or you're in one of a few really expensive cities: geneva, london, NYC, DC. there are a few exceptions, but emphasis on "few."

that is, unless you set up shop for yourself. then you just need to be close-ish to an international airport and you can live wherever. it'd be fun to live in santa barbara, or istanbul, or barcelona, or savannah, or minneapolis.

sorry for the tangent, just something that's been on my mind.

I work in a family business (life insurance consulting- very exciting) which I am going to buy from my Dad in the next  18 months to 2 years. This is the catalyst for my move as I cannot move the company prior to taking over.  That’s all agreed and set in stone so it’s just a matter of time. The issue is that, although a lot of my work can be done via electronic means, I still need client facing meetings which would mean at least a couple of days a week of serious driving (2-3 hours each way). It’s something I’m happy to do for the potential lifestyle benefits though.

Your work sounds fascinating though and the ability to live wherever you want would be brilliant. Looks like you’ve got a fair bit of planning ahead of you before you get there but it’s pretty exciting to start thinking about that kind of future. We’re the same now that we’re planning for our future with our kids and looking at the environment we can provide for them to grow up in.  This is where we will be living once we move down there. There’s a few kms of coast line that is lined with surf beaches and has numerous running/hiking tracks along it. It’s only 5k from the town centre too.

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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1135 on: September 26, 2016, 11:50:48 pm »
Have been thinking about my left scap issue. According to my physio I have about 20% less muscle mass around the left scap than the right. Basically my traps are the only thing supporting my scap. Kinda scary but it's all pretty awesome if I can fix it properly. It's something which I have no doubt had on some level for years and I wonder just how much it has affected my training. Feeling really positive that if I can fix this I can make some even greater gains off the back of it.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1136 on: September 27, 2016, 08:18:01 am »
27/09/16 - 7.30pm
Bw - 93.4

Bar x 10, 60 x 5, 80 x 5, 100 x 4
90 x 7, 7

Lying leg raise (super slow ecc)
Bw x 10,  5

Squats felt good. Shoulder is a little sore in later reps of each set which is a bugger. Hams really felt it on the 7 rep sets. Still finished strongly though so no major issues.

Did my shoulder rehab stuff too. Banded rows, pull aparts and stuff. All focusing on keeping the scap from winging. Fucking hard!!!
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1137 on: September 27, 2016, 09:34:14 am »
place looks tight, what are you gonna do down there?

i was talking with my work wife last week again about starting our own consulting business. probably 4+ years out from being able to make a run at that (i've got my two years in pakistan coming up and then if the consulting thing is looking appealing i'd want to do a master's first to get some training in stats and econometrics -- probably princeton because it's free). it would open me up so much in terms of where to live. i'm envious of people whose jobs aren't geographically tethered. in my industry you're either in a poor country or you're in one of a few really expensive cities: geneva, london, NYC, DC. there are a few exceptions, but emphasis on "few."

that is, unless you set up shop for yourself. then you just need to be close-ish to an international airport and you can live wherever. it'd be fun to live in santa barbara, or istanbul, or barcelona, or savannah, or minneapolis.

sorry for the tangent, just something that's been on my mind.

I work in a family business (life insurance consulting- very exciting) which I am going to buy from my Dad in the next  18 months to 2 years. This is the catalyst for my move as I cannot move the company prior to taking over.  That’s all agreed and set in stone so it’s just a matter of time. The issue is that, although a lot of my work can be done via electronic means, I still need client facing meetings which would mean at least a couple of days a week of serious driving (2-3 hours each way). It’s something I’m happy to do for the potential lifestyle benefits though.

Your work sounds fascinating though and the ability to live wherever you want would be brilliant. Looks like you’ve got a fair bit of planning ahead of you before you get there but it’s pretty exciting to start thinking about that kind of future. We’re the same now that we’re planning for our future with our kids and looking at the environment we can provide for them to grow up in.  This is where we will be living once we move down there. There’s a few kms of coast line that is lined with surf beaches and has numerous running/hiking tracks along it. It’s only 5k from the town centre too.

damn @ those pics..  :headbang:


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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1138 on: September 27, 2016, 07:51:06 pm »
place looks tight, what are you gonna do down there?

i was talking with my work wife last week again about starting our own consulting business. probably 4+ years out from being able to make a run at that (i've got my two years in pakistan coming up and then if the consulting thing is looking appealing i'd want to do a master's first to get some training in stats and econometrics -- probably princeton because it's free). it would open me up so much in terms of where to live. i'm envious of people whose jobs aren't geographically tethered. in my industry you're either in a poor country or you're in one of a few really expensive cities: geneva, london, NYC, DC. there are a few exceptions, but emphasis on "few."

that is, unless you set up shop for yourself. then you just need to be close-ish to an international airport and you can live wherever. it'd be fun to live in santa barbara, or istanbul, or barcelona, or savannah, or minneapolis.

sorry for the tangent, just something that's been on my mind.

I work in a family business (life insurance consulting- very exciting) which I am going to buy from my Dad in the next  18 months to 2 years. This is the catalyst for my move as I cannot move the company prior to taking over.  That’s all agreed and set in stone so it’s just a matter of time. The issue is that, although a lot of my work can be done via electronic means, I still need client facing meetings which would mean at least a couple of days a week of serious driving (2-3 hours each way). It’s something I’m happy to do for the potential lifestyle benefits though.

Your work sounds fascinating though and the ability to live wherever you want would be brilliant. Looks like you’ve got a fair bit of planning ahead of you before you get there but it’s pretty exciting to start thinking about that kind of future. We’re the same now that we’re planning for our future with our kids and looking at the environment we can provide for them to grow up in.  This is where we will be living once we move down there. There’s a few kms of coast line that is lined with surf beaches and has numerous running/hiking tracks along it. It’s only 5k from the town centre too.

damn @ those pics..  :headbang:

It's a beautiful area. That stretch of coast has some superb surf breaks which is half the reason I want to live down there. Used to surf a heap but making time for it is quite difficult.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1139 on: September 27, 2016, 08:03:31 pm »
Working on two things this week. Sleep and curbing sugar/alcohol. So far so good. Have had at least 5 nights in a row of greater then 7 hours sleep so far. This is the hard one but even last night where I went to bed at 11.15 I was away this morning at 6.30 giving me around that 7 hour mark. Feeling better for it too.

Haven't had any alcohol in 3 days which in itself isn't anything special but I'm planning to only drink 1-2 times per week. When I do drink I usually have a couple of glasses of wine or a couple of beers but the main problem is the knock on effect of what I eat during this time. Obviously multiple benefits here. Reduced cals from no drinks, reduced cals from no additional eating during this time and better sleep from no drinks. So far so good.

Well done on the sleeping.
As for alcohol the other negative effect is that it messes up your metabolism as your body burns alcohol before it burns fat while you're drinking. So if you're drinking beers not only do you get hundreds of empty calories it also takes hours to burn them off instead of your body burning fat.
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