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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #960 on: June 26, 2016, 10:37:15 pm »
26/06/16 5pm

Trained with my mate last night so just did whatever.

RDL - bar x 10, 60 x 10
Deadlift- 80 x 5, 100 x 5, 120 x 5, 130 x 5
(last set was belted - lower back felt somewhat dodgy after 120 set. Threw the belt on and the 130 set was hard but not sure I got much from belt anyway)

Got talking to my cousin who was training at the same time so spent about 25 mins standing around. We had just watched him do box squats for sets of 4 at 180kg. It's his deload week too  :o after maxing out at 220 for 5x5 last week. He is about 115-120 at the moment though but strong as fuck. He's a bodybuilder but trains for strength too. First time I've ever actually seen him lift. We catch up pretty often but never in the gym.

bw x 5, 5, 5

Tyre Flip (don't know weight of tyre but it was tractor sized)
4 x 5 flips each

EZ bar curls-
25kg x 10, 10, 10

Felt pretty good afterwards. Forearms are feeling it from the tyre flips. First time ever doing these but they felt pretty good.

Your cousin sounds like a beast.
It would've been really cool/motivational seeing those lifts done in person.

Yeah he didn't know I was there at that point. We were standing about 10m away just in awe. He's a legit big dude though so seeing him do any lifting is great. He uses 70s for db bench which just blows my mind. Super nice guy though and was really helpful to my mate (who has lost 30+kgs recently) with some information on training.

That's nuts!
The heaviest db's at my gym are 50s (110lbs) and I barely see anyone using the 40s section let alone the 50s.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #961 on: June 26, 2016, 11:26:29 pm »
26/06/16 5pm

Trained with my mate last night so just did whatever.

RDL - bar x 10, 60 x 10
Deadlift- 80 x 5, 100 x 5, 120 x 5, 130 x 5
(last set was belted - lower back felt somewhat dodgy after 120 set. Threw the belt on and the 130 set was hard but not sure I got much from belt anyway)

Got talking to my cousin who was training at the same time so spent about 25 mins standing around. We had just watched him do box squats for sets of 4 at 180kg. It's his deload week too  :o after maxing out at 220 for 5x5 last week. He is about 115-120 at the moment though but strong as fuck. He's a bodybuilder but trains for strength too. First time I've ever actually seen him lift. We catch up pretty often but never in the gym.

bw x 5, 5, 5

Tyre Flip (don't know weight of tyre but it was tractor sized)
4 x 5 flips each

EZ bar curls-
25kg x 10, 10, 10

Felt pretty good afterwards. Forearms are feeling it from the tyre flips. First time ever doing these but they felt pretty good.

Your cousin sounds like a beast.
It would've been really cool/motivational seeing those lifts done in person.

Yeah he didn't know I was there at that point. We were standing about 10m away just in awe. He's a legit big dude though so seeing him do any lifting is great. He uses 70s for db bench which just blows my mind. Super nice guy though and was really helpful to my mate (who has lost 30+kgs recently) with some information on training.

That's nuts!
The heaviest db's at my gym are 50s (110lbs) and I barely see anyone using the 40s section let alone the 50s.

Haha yep. I've been going to one of the Derrimut gyms out here and they have pretty much everything. There are some huge guys there and every time I've been there someone has been deadlifting over 200, another squatting in the high 100s and someone benching around 150. It's a pretty cool environment to train in.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #962 on: June 27, 2016, 12:08:11 am »
And now...

Here's the program from Toddday (thanks again mate). I'll post it here in full along with some questions. Toddday I have put the questions in red. Starting the training week week Monday is the best fit. Means I can do AM and PM sessions. Toddday if you think this doesn't fit with basketball on the Wednesday please let me know. The only issue I can see here is if I get banged up playing ball then struggling with the lifting session 2.


AM- Track 1 - Bounding/Sprints/Walking Mobility
0) 3xstrides
1) Single leg Supine Bridge  x 10
2) Knee to Elbow Walking Lunge x 10
3) Knee to rear foot walking Lunge x10
4) Walking Spiderman x 10
5) Reverse Walking Lunge with posterolateral Reach x10
6) PrimeTime straight Leg skip  x10?
7) Rudiment Hops (all legs) (sets/reps - just forward or backward and side as well - x10 each leg?)
8 ) DL hops (3x10)
9) L/R leg bounds (2x5)
10) Alternating leg bounds (2x10)
11) Speed Bounds reps
12) 5x20m sprint   (rest periods for sprints- just based on when ready to go again?)
13) 3x40m sprint   
14) 3xflying 30m sprint
15) 2x60m sprint
16) 2x3x100m sprint

PM- Lifting Day 1
1) Squats: 4,7,7 @ 95,85,85%
2) Hip Thrusts: 2x10
3) Reverse Slant Bench Leg Raises w/weight (sets/reps)
4) 50xpullup
5) Standing Dumbell Press (4x10)

1) Wall HipFlexor Mobilization  2x10
2) Scapular Wallslides 2x10
3) Quadruped Extension Rotation 2x10
4) Knee Break Ankle Mobilization and Dorsiflexion 2x10
5) Stationary Lateral Lunge  2x10
6) Shrimp Squat / Single Leg Squat 2x10
7) Foam Roll and Stretch


AM or PM- Jump Circuit
1x10 vertical jumps   (submax)
2x5 SL Vertical Jumps (each leg)
2x3 Max Vertical Jumps
3x5 Repetitive Jumps (5 times consecutive touch)
kX3 Step Jumps ("Toddday method")
10 x Pentultimate Jumps (single leg 1 step)
10 x SL max jumps

1) Wall HipFlexor Mobilization  2x10
2) Scapular Wallslides 2x10
3) Quadruped Extension Rotation 2x10
4) Knee Break Ankle Mobilization and Dorsiflexion 2x10
5) Stationary Lateral Lunge  2x10
6) Shrimp Squat / Single Leg Squat 2x10
7) Foam Roll and Stretch


AM- Mob
1) Wall HipFlexor Mobilization  2x10
2) Scapular Wallslides 2x10
3) Quadruped Extension Rotation 2x10
4) Knee Break Ankle Mobilization and Dorsiflexion 2x10
5) Stationary Lateral Lunge  2x10
6) Shrimp Squat / Single Leg Squat 2x10
7) Foam Roll and Stretch

PM- Basketball


AM- Jump Circuit
1x10 vertical jumps   (submax)
2x5 SL Vertical Jumps (each leg) (stationary or running)
2x3 Max Vertical Jumps
3x5 Repetitive Jumps (5 times consecutive touch)
kX3 Step Jumps ("Toddday method") (sets)
10 x Pentultimate Jumps (single leg 1 step)
10 x SL max jumps (stationary or running)

PM- Lifting Day 2
1) Squats: 5,3,1 @ 70, 85, 100%.
2) Deadlift: 5,3,2,1,1,1 Workup
3) Explosive Push Press (sets/reps)
4) Slant Bench Abdominal Curl w/weight (sets/reps)
5) Med Ball Toss (sets/reps)

1) Wall HipFlexor Mobilization  2x10
2) Scapular Wallslides 2x10
3) Quadruped Extension Rotation 2x10
4) Knee Break Ankle Mobilization and Dorsiflexion 2x10
5) Stationary Lateral Lunge  2x10
6) Shrimp Squat / Single Leg Squat 2x10
7) Foam Roll and Stretch


PM- Mob
1) Wall HipFlexor Mobilization  2x10
2) Scapular Wallslides 2x10
3) Quadruped Extension Rotation 2x10
4) Knee Break Ankle Mobilization and Dorsiflexion 2x10
5) Stationary Lateral Lunge  2x10
6) Shrimp Squat / Single Leg Squat 2x10
7) Foam Roll and Stretch


AM- Track 2 - Bounding/Sprints/Walking Mobility
0) 3xstrides
1) Single leg Supine Bridge  x 10
2) Knee to Elbow Walking Lunge x 10
3) Knee to rear foot walking Lunge x10
4) Walking Spiderman x 10
5) Reverse Walking Lunge with posterolateral Reach x10
6) PrimeTime straight Leg skip
7) Rudiment Hops (all legs)
8 ) DL hops (3x10)
9) L/R leg bounds (2x5)
10) Alternating leg bounds (2x10)
11) Speed Bounds
12) 5x20m sprint   (rest periods for sprints- just based on when ready to go again?)
13) 3x40m sprint   
14) 3xflying 30m sprint
15) 2x60m sprint
C2) 2x2x150m,1x300 TT sprint/stride (TT = time trial?)

PM- Lifting Day 3:
1) Squats: 3, 1, 1, 1 @ 90%
2) Dumbell Single Leg Deadlift to Press (reps/sets)
3) Dumbell Incline Press
4) Dumbell Row
5) Weighted Pullups

1) Wall HipFlexor Mobilization  2x10
2) Scapular Wallslides 2x10
3) Quadruped Extension Rotation 2x10
4) Knee Break Ankle Mobilization and Dorsiflexion 2x10
5) Stationary Lateral Lunge  2x10
6) Shrimp Squat / Single Leg Squat 2x10
7) Foam Roll and Stretch


PM- Mob
1) Wall HipFlexor Mobilization  2x10
2) Scapular Wallslides 2x10
3) Quadruped Extension Rotation 2x10
4) Knee Break Ankle Mobilization and Dorsiflexion 2x10
5) Stationary Lateral Lunge  2x10
6) Shrimp Squat / Single Leg Squat 2x10
7) Foam Roll and Stretch

I am pretty stoked to get started on this. My only other question is regarding some aerobic work. I had planned to introduce tempo work (12-15 x 12s run/60s rest) twice a week on off days. I have heard this provides good aerobic and work capacity and help with recovery. It would likely fit in Tuesday and Friday in this plan. What are your thoughts?

All in all thanks again Toddday and I'm looking forward to some  :ibjumping: :ibjumping: :ibjumping:
« Last Edit: June 27, 2016, 02:31:50 am by Coges »
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #963 on: June 27, 2016, 11:34:30 am »
i'm not t0ddday but that looks like PUHLENTY of volume without worrying about any additional work. maybe see how much of that you can realistically handle week-in and week-out before adding anything. my n=1 experience is that i can't do a full t0ddday program as written, but if i do as much as i can and sacrifice the less important stuff in favor of the more important stuff, it's really effective.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #964 on: June 27, 2016, 08:35:02 pm »
i'm not t0ddday but that looks like PUHLENTY of volume without worrying about any additional work. maybe see how much of that you can realistically handle week-in and week-out before adding anything. my n=1 experience is that i can't do a full t0ddday program as written, but if i do as much as i can and sacrifice the less important stuff in favor of the more important stuff, it's really effective.

Yeah I know good point. Knew it while I was writing it but as usual felt the need to ask anyway.

I will leave it and see how I go with the overall volume. No doubt just the volume of the program will increase my work capacity and the fact that I'll be doing track work will increase my fitness for playing ball.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #965 on: June 27, 2016, 11:43:43 pm »
Have been a bit slack on the old diet the last week or two. Am still sitting around 91-92 and but my waist has come down to just over 35". Am thinking with this new program that I will not skimp on the food just yet and see if the extra volume can do some of that work for me. Will give it a couple of weeks and see how I progress and just need to make sure I get enough protein in.

27/06/2016 - PM mobility work

1) Wall HipFlexor Mobilization  2x10
2) Scapular Wallslides 2x10
3) Quadruped Extension Rotation 2x10
4) Knee Break Ankle Mobilization and Dorsiflexion 2x10
5) Stationary Lateral Lunge  2x10
6) Shrimp Squat / Single Leg Squat 2x10

Felt pretty damn good after this.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2016, 11:52:48 pm by Coges »
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #966 on: June 28, 2016, 12:51:29 am »
So jealous, my waist is ..idk, prob 36" but im sitting at 81kg unlike your 92! That program looks crazy. Looking forward to following your progress!
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #967 on: June 28, 2016, 01:20:09 am »
So jealous, my waist is ..idk, prob 36" but im sitting at 81kg unlike your 92! That program looks crazy. Looking forward to following your progress!

Man I thought your waist would have been less than that. I was at 37+ a few months though and have gradually brought it back.

I'm stoked about starting the program. Should be a cracker and am really interested to see how the body responds.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #968 on: June 28, 2016, 11:38:08 am »
i weigh 78-79kg and have a 31-31.5" waist. :trolldance:
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #969 on: June 28, 2016, 07:36:18 pm »
i weigh 78-79kg and have a 31-31.5" waist. :trolldance:

 :o :o :o

Holy shit!!! How tall are you again?

Also when I measure waist I'm measuring across the belly button. Easiest way for me to get some consistency.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #970 on: June 28, 2016, 07:38:00 pm »
28/06/2016 - PM mobility work

1) Wall HipFlexor Mobilization  2x10
2) Scapular Wallslides 2x10
3) Quadruped Extension Rotation 2x10
4) Knee Break Ankle Mobilization and Dorsiflexion 2x10
5) Stationary Lateral Lunge  2x10
6) Shrimp Squat / Single Leg Squat 2x10
7) Rolled IT bands, back and lats. Lacrosse ball on upper back and lats. Golf ball on feet followed by foot and calf stretches and some deep lunge stretching.

*Edit- forgot to mention my continuous DOMS from the tyre flips. They may be the most pos chain taxing exercise I have ever experienced. Calves, hams, glutes, lower & upper back, forearms, fingers. Unbelievable.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2016, 08:52:26 pm by Coges »
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #971 on: June 29, 2016, 12:09:14 am »
i weigh 78-79kg and have a 31-31.5" waist. :trolldance:

 :o :o :o

Holy shit!!! How tall are you again?

Also when I measure waist I'm measuring across the belly button. Easiest way for me to get some consistency.

180cm, just under 5'11.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #972 on: June 29, 2016, 12:34:23 am »
i weigh 78-79kg and have a 31-31.5" waist. :trolldance:

 :o :o :o

Holy shit!!! How tall are you again?

Also when I measure waist I'm measuring across the belly button. Easiest way for me to get some consistency.

180cm, just under 5'11.

No wonder you're lying next to hot naked girls  :P
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #973 on: June 29, 2016, 07:29:04 pm »
Ball game last night. Won by 19. We were up by 28 after about 10 minutes though and really should have won by 50 but we let the pressure off and had some tired legs in the second half. We actually played really well defensively and managed to hit a lot of our shots. Funny how that helps.

Personally I had 9 points and a shit load of rebounds. My touch is still off during games and I wonder if this is fatigue related. I had a lot of opportunities from offensive rebounds but just couldn't get them to drop. Will see how this goes as I start the new program with track work which should help my fitness a great deal.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #974 on: June 30, 2016, 05:49:37 am »

6) PrimeTime straight Leg skip  x10?
7) Rudiment Hops (all legs) (sets/reps - just forward or backward and side as well - x10 each leg?)
11) Speed Bounds reps
12) 5x20m sprint   (rest periods for sprints- just based on when ready to go again?)

- The primetime straight leg skips are part of your dynamic warmup.  The idea here is to pick a distance rather than reps.  So, ideally you lunge walks (x10) should take place over 15-20 yds.  If you end up doing 12 lunges or just walking a few yards at the end thats fine.  Use this same distance for your primetime leg skips and your rudiment hops.  Your rudiment hops can be done forward, backward, sideways all one one leg for about 10 yards- so left leg forward, left leg back, right leg forward, right leg back, left leg side, right leg side.

- The speed bounds should take place over about 20 yards with a stride out after. 

- As far as rest periods for sprints - yes it is based on when you are ready to go again but don't have a full recovery "ME" mindset.  It's a lot of sprinting volume.  If you need 1 minute between 20yd sprints to feel like your 95% and 5 minutes before you feel like you can PR your 20yd sprint then take 1 minute.  With this much volume you can't think every rep is the ultimate sprint - rather think every rep is quality.  If you need 10 minutes between 20yd sprints before you feel like your ready to go 90% then you are not in shape and you should just take 1-2 minutes and you will adapt.  You really shouldn't need much rest for 20s, 40s, etc.  When the reps get longer (100m +) allow yourself some additional rest but start the program with the goal of suboptimal rest that you will adapt to.  This also gives the awesome affect of faster improvement which makes any program more fun.... What I mean by this is if you start out with:

2x60m sprint  (5 minutes rest between reps)
(20 minutes rest)
2x3x100m sprint (10 minutes rest between reps, 20 minutes between sets)

You might go 8.5, 8.5 & (15, 15, 15) & (15, 15, 15)  in week 1 and then in week 4 you might go (8.3, 8.4) and (14.5, 14.5, 14.5) & (14.5, 14.5, 14.5).

Instead if you take 3-4 minutes between 60s and 5 minutes between sets and 4-5 minutes between 100m sprints you might start off at: (8.5, 8.7) & (15, 15.5, 16.0) BUT you will adapt to this and in week 4 be at the same spot with less rest and your improvement will be more significant and your work capacity increased so you can workout for shorter which is good for having a life...

Basically, use minimal rest possible to still hit reasonable marks.  So if your 100m set looks like (14.5, 17.5, 20.5) you NEED more rest... But if each rep is within reason from the last then use that rest interval rather than waiting till you feel perfect....

3) Reverse Slant Bench Leg Raises w/weight (sets/reps)

So, I tried to show these to Acole but basically your head is higher than your butt and your feet off the floor.  I like to do this following here:

2x10-15x straight leg raise w a dumbell (maybe start with a 5-10lb)
2x10 x diagonal leg raise - so you raise legs from middle to your up and to your right side (your left butt/hip comes off bench) and back down and to other side like a V)..  Here you need a lighter dumbbell between your feet. 

Increase reps to 20 and then add weight to dumbbell...

2x5 SL Vertical Jumps (each leg) (stationary or running)
kX3 Step Jumps ("Toddday method") (sets)
10 x SL max jumps (stationary or running)

Sorry, the first SL jumps are stationary (warmup) and the final ones are approach jumps. 

As far as the "Toddday method" jumps what it means is this.  3 jumps with 1 step.  Then 3 jumps with two step approach.  Keep going UNTIL you don't gain any inches with the increased steps.  If you get to a 5 step approach you are basically doing a full run-in approach.  Don't do more steps than are needed... For me on my good side I go - 1 step (R step turn) = ~ 37'', 2 step (L, R) = ~38", 3 step (LRL) = ~40", 4 step (LRLR) = ~40, 5 step (RLRLR) = ~43, max steps (around 7 with a hop start) = ~ 45".  Notice I don't get as much gain on the even steps.  I am left leg dominant and LR plant so I can do a spin step and jump high but then when I add a step I start with R forward which is awkward.  Then I can jump well with a walking approach (RLR) but adding the next step isn't much gain at all.  Continue like this until there is no gain for two consecutive additional steps..

3) Explosive Push Press (sets/reps)
4) Slant Bench Abdominal Curl w/weight (sets/reps)
5) Med Ball Toss (sets/reps)

Explosive Push Press = (if you can't drop the weight do 3 sets of 3-8) if you can drop the weight do sets of 2 (you will have to clean it up each time). 
Med Ball Toss = Get at least 10 backward and 5 forward tosses in.


C2) 2x2x150m,1x300 TT sprint/stride (TT = time trial?)

Yup a time trial means record this time diligently and be FULLY rested for it.  This is your one weekly test of speed endurance.  The other work you will do will indirectly help speed endurance but here is your test to make sure it's improving.

2) Dumbell Single Leg Deadlift to Press (reps/sets)
3) Dumbell Incline Press
4) Dumbell Row
5) Weighted Pullups

For single leg deadlift to press we do as many reps as possible.  So here is the idea.

Put a 50lb dumbbell on the ground.  Lift up your right leg off the floor.  The right leg is not to touch the floor again.  Now bend down and pick up dumbell with your right hand.  Deadlift it and clean it to your shoulder.  Then press it.  Now lower it back until it touches the ground and repeat.   You will most likely find yourself hopping around like a fool.  That's ok.  But that other leg can't touch.  When it does the set is over.  If you fail at 2-3 reps you are using too much weight.  When you get 8 clean reps in a row - that's when you up the weight.  You should be at about 5-6 reps with the optimal weight.

Other assistance stuff can be 2-3 x 8-10 reps.

I agree with LBSS.  Don't add volume.  Instead cut volume where the program is flexible.  Tape the SL deadlift stuff.  In fact tape everything I would like to have a library of multiple people doing these exercises it would be helpful for everyone...

Remember, that most of the program is submax.  Have a submax (training with a team) mindset for the bounds and most everything but things like squats and vertical jump... Your body will tell you when it's time to go all out on something like DL bounds.  When they get easier - so you might be doing 5 bounds to 15 yards and one day you will just say from now on I am going 16 yards.  And then you are.

Good luck.