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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #780 on: February 11, 2016, 05:41:40 pm »
PT disappointed that you stopped squatting = good PT  :lololol:

Haha. Yep. He was really surprised that it had been recommended I stop squatting. In fairness to my physio he was just taking the cautious approach though which I can't really blame him for.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #781 on: February 13, 2016, 08:13:58 am »

First sesh back. Damn straight.

Warm Up-
Dynamic stretches for legs and arms
tke- 2x10 right leg

A1) Deadlift
WGRDL- bar x 10, 60 x 5
DL- 80 x 3, 100 x 3

A2) Tuck Front Lever
4 x 5-10s

A3) Handstand Pushup
4 x 3

B1) False Grip Ring Holds
3 x 5s

B2) Shoulder Dislocations & Bridge work

C1) Front Squat
bar x 6,
60 x 6, 6

C2) Pull Ups
bw x 4, 4, 4

DB Row- 20 x 20, 15
Seated rear lateral raise- 5 x 15, 10
BB curl- 22.5 x 10, 10

Hang- 30s
Quad/hip combo stretch- 1m each side
Splits work- front splits- about 4" off full flat bag (amazed at this given lack of stretching recently)

« Last Edit: February 14, 2016, 02:44:17 pm by Coges »
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #782 on: February 14, 2016, 02:43:35 pm »

Warm Up-
joint rotations
dynamic stretches
shoulder dislocates

A1) Deadlift
WGRDL- bar x 5, 60 x 5
DL- 80 x 3, 102.5 x 3

A2) Planche Lean- focus on shoulder & scap position
4 x 5-10s

A3) Scap Shrugs (on rings)
bw x 5, 5, 5, 5

B1) Ring Push Ups (10s hold at top on last rep)
bw x 5, 5, 5

B2) Shoulder dislocates & bridge work
- bridge was much improved today. no lower back pinching - shoulders much more open

C1) Good Morning
30kg x 15, 15 (aiming for 20 reps)

40 x 6, 6

Incline DB Press- 17.5 x 12, 6
Front Plate Raise- 15 x 15, 15
Banded Tri Push Down- orange band x 15, 15

Hang- 30s
Quad/hip flexor stretch x 60s each side

5 step horse stance- 30s x 2
- this was incredibly hard. Looking to build to 5min for 1 set  :o

All up took just over 50m. Feeling good for 2nd session back. Legs quite sore after not having trained for so long. Aiming to gradually build back into DL and FS with small increments multiple times per week.
Seeing physio again in 2 days to most likely get some more progressions for the knee. Going to show him the program I'm doing and hopefully get his blessing to continue.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #783 on: February 16, 2016, 07:58:58 pm »


Warm Up-
Dynamic stretches for legs and arms
Hip flexor/hang for 30s/
Forgot TKEs & dead bugs today

A1) Deadlift
WGRDL- bar x 10, 60 x 5
DL- 80 x 3, 105 x 3

A2) Tuck Front Lever
4 x 5s-

A3) Handstand Pushup
4 x 4

B1) False Grip Ring Holds
3 x 5s

B2) Shoulder Dislocations & Bridge work

C1) Front Squat
bar x 5,
62.5 x 6, 6

C2) Parallel Bent Rows
bar x 6
62.5 x 6, 6

Seated Cable Row- 50 x 12, 12
Seated rear lateral raise- 5 x 15, 15
Ezy bar curl- 20 x 15, 15

Hang- 30s
Jefferson Curl- 6kg x 5 reps + 10s hold
Quad/hip combo stretch- 1m each side
Pidgeon Stretch
Splits work- worked on front splits through an extended hip flexor stretch with pulses. Not quite as good as the other day but it was about 20 degrees difference and my legs are still tight and sore from actually training agian. Will work up to a weighted version of this.

Feeling pretty good so far. Shoulders and lats were absolutely pumped after HS push ups. I tried to pull with complete control on DLs which slowed my form considerably. Will go back to pulling explosively as it definitely has more carry through for what I want. Squats were solid without being outstanding and the tuck front lever was complete shit. Wasn't tucking as much as I needed which was fine for the first set but ruined me for subsequent sets.

Saw the physio as a follow up to the sports doc. Basically given me the all clear to keep doing what I'm doing. No jumping / explosive movements just yet. He said give it 4-6 weeks and reintroduce gradually. Only advice he gave me was some quad and glute activation exercises to do. Both on training and rest days. Outside of that he says I'm in good shape with the amount of quad and VMO bulk. I don't think I have big quads but apparently they're not too bad.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2016, 08:12:30 pm by Coges »
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #784 on: February 17, 2016, 06:12:59 pm »
Quote from: entropy on August 10, 2014, 11:25:19 pm
Nice pulls bro. Get that up to 5x180 and then 5x200  and you'll be a beast!

Cheers. Thanks mate.
That's the plan. I want a single at 180 first and then I'll work on the 5's.

« Reply #355 on: September 09, 2014, 04:40:18 am »
•   Quote
30kg / 33% in 3 months is not 'ok' progress, it is jaw dropping crazy progress, props!!!!

Want to leave these two points here as a reminder to myself. Have done a full review of my last two years of lifting and there are two things that keep staring me in the face-

1. I'm impatient. Entropy's comment was in reply to my 5x157.5kg deadlift. Instead of continuing on until I hit a plateau I got greedy and went for broke, didn't get the result I wanted, slacked off for a couple of weeks and started all over again.
2. I'm inconsistent. I have repeating cycles of 3-4 months where I get back to lifetime PR levels. Then, see point 1, I get impatient and disrupt all decent progress.

It's not rocket science for me to get strong and improve on all my lifts. Hoping this reminder serves me well and I can remember it in about 11 weeks time. 
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #785 on: February 18, 2016, 05:36:13 pm »

Warm Up-
joint rotations
dynamic stretches
shoulder dislocates

A1) Deadlift
WGRDL- bar x 5, 60 x 5
DL- 80 x 5, 107.5 x 3

A2) Planche Lean- focus on shoulder & scap position
4 x 5-10s

A3) Scap Shrugs (on rings)
bw x 5, 5, 5, 5

B1) Ring Push Ups (10s hold at top on last rep)
bw x 5, 5, 5

B2) Shoulder dislocates & bridge work
- started playing around with trying to move into a low bridge from a squat position. Something to keep working on. 

C1) Good Morning
30kg x 20, 15 (aiming for 20 reps x 2 sets)

C2) Incline Press
40 x 6, 50 x 6, 6

DB Floor Press (3s iso at top)- 20 x 8, 8
Front Plate Raise- 15 x 15, 15
Lying KB Tricep Ext- 20 x 10, 8

Hang- 30s
Quad/hip flexor stretch x 60s each side

5 step horse stance- 41s x 1
- incredibly hard again. put dowel across my thighs to make sure I was parallel. Had to drop an extra 2-3 inches over what I thought was parallel. Looking to build to 5min for 1 set
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #786 on: February 22, 2016, 06:16:59 pm »

Warm Up-
60s hang
tke- 2x10 each leg
ankle mob work

A1) Deadlift
WGRDL- bar x 10, 60 x 5
DL- 90 x 3, 110 x 3

A2) Tuck Front Lever
4 x 5s - these still suck!

A3) Handstand Pushup
bw x 4, 3, 4, 5

B1) False Grip Inv Rows
3 x 5

B2) Shoulder Dislocations & Bridge work

C1) Front Squat
bar x 10, 40 x 6
65 x 6, 6

C2) Pull Ups
bw x 4, 4
+2.5 x 4, 3

Seated Cable Row- 50 x 15, 15
Rear lateral raise- 6 x 12, 12
Cross body hammer curl- 10 x 8, 8

Hang- 30s
Quad/hip combo stretch- 1m each side

9kg Slam ball- 10 reps EMOM for 10 mins

Felt ok this morning. Haven't eaten or slept the best the last week or so. Need to clean that up. Bloody front squats felt like cardio today. I seem to struggle with my breathing when doing sets of 6. Weird. Deads felt easy which was nice. They seem to be coming back ok.

Measured my waist after training. 37". Time to do something about that one I think. Need to get it back under 35 and then back to 34 which will take me back about 10 years.

In other notes my wife won her age category at a mini tri over the weekend. 250m swim, 10k bike and 3k run. She smashed the bike but lost her spot on both transitions adding 2-3m to her time. Still won which is a great effort.
I've been wanting to do something for a while and there's the series of tris that she's competing in which might suit me. They run 5 of them over the summer months and these mini ones build up and have a max distance of 300m swim, 12k bike and 5k run. I think this is something that I could do in addition to my normal training without adding too much or taking away too much that I want to do. There's two left in this season but I've got till November for the start of the next season so I'm going to give it a shot and start working on it. Only problem is I need to get myself a bike which is going to be an expensive exercise.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #787 on: February 22, 2016, 10:39:18 pm »
Further to the post above, and channeling my inner Viada I wonder how hard it would be to get the following at the same time:

2.5xbw deadlift
2xbw squat
Muscle Ups
15s handstand
Sub 12m 3k
<10% bf

Mind you I don't currently have any of these. Thinking that although some are competing the 3k is such a short distance that even doing longer runs (5-10k) wouldn't impact too much on recovery. Any upper body gymnastics like work is  unlikely to have any impact.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #788 on: February 22, 2016, 10:41:17 pm »
Also, if anyone knows (aradqui) about doing long slow cardio to improve your endurance base before moving to more high intensity work I'd be super interested.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #789 on: February 23, 2016, 07:09:39 am »
Further to the post above, and channeling my inner Viada I wonder how hard it would be to get the following at the same time:

2.5xbw deadlift
2xbw squat
Muscle Ups
15s handstand
Sub 12m 3k
<10% bf

Mind you I don't currently have any of these. Thinking that although some are competing the 3k is such a short distance that even doing longer runs (5-10k) wouldn't impact too much on recovery. Any upper body gymnastics like work is  unlikely to have any impact.

Most of those goals are all compatible and interlinked. The stronger your squat gets the stronger your deadlift gets. The leaner you get the more easy it is to do pull ups and chin ups, which should lead to being able to do muscle ups easier. Not sure about the handstand, but looking at gymnasts they all look lean.

As for the running goal I think it's definitely something that could be worked up to. The fittest AFL players can all run 3km under sub 10 minutes and 3km time trials are regular parts of their pre-season training. AFL guys are far from the biggest people around, but most of them weigh around their height in cm - 100 in kg (for example if they are 190cm tall they are usually around 90kg in bodyweight). Mind you I've never trained middle distance running so I don't know how you'd train for it, but if it was me I'd just go out and run a few 3kms once or twice a week and on another day run an 800m or  a 1500m at a faster pace and try and go a little harder/faster each week til you stall/build up endurance.
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« Last Edit: February 23, 2016, 10:25:12 pm by Coges »
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #792 on: February 23, 2016, 07:02:46 pm »
Further to the post above, and channeling my inner Viada I wonder how hard it would be to get the following at the same time:

2.5xbw deadlift
2xbw squat
Muscle Ups
15s handstand
Sub 12m 3k
<10% bf

Mind you I don't currently have any of these. Thinking that although some are competing the 3k is such a short distance that even doing longer runs (5-10k) wouldn't impact too much on recovery. Any upper body gymnastics like work is  unlikely to have any impact.

Most of those goals are all compatible and interlinked. The stronger your squat gets the stronger your deadlift gets. The leaner you get the more easy it is to do pull ups and chin ups, which should lead to being able to do muscle ups easier. Not sure about the handstand, but looking at gymnasts they all look lean.

As for the running goal I think it's definitely something that could be worked up to. The fittest AFL players can all run 3km under sub 10 minutes and 3km time trials are regular parts of their pre-season training. AFL guys are far from the biggest people around, but most of them weigh around their height in cm - 100 in kg (for example if they are 190cm tall they are usually around 90kg in bodyweight). Mind you I've never trained middle distance running so I don't know how you'd train for it, but if it was me I'd just go out and run a few 3kms once or twice a week and on another day run an 800m or  a 1500m at a faster pace and try and go a little harder/faster each week til you stall/build up endurance.

My mind went to AFL players initially too. Guys are super fit, decently sized although not sure on general strength levels.
I do know they do a lot of repeat sprints and 2 & 3k time trials.

Taking the gymnastics stuff out of the picture the remainder could be expected of a reasonably strong/fit person with some decent focus. I'm not planning on doing anything over middle distance running wise so if I can structure it right I should be ok.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #793 on: February 24, 2016, 08:35:48 am »
Further to the post above, and channeling my inner Viada I wonder how hard it would be to get the following at the same time:

2.5xbw deadlift
2xbw squat
Muscle Ups
15s handstand
Sub 12m 3k
<10% bf

Mind you I don't currently have any of these. Thinking that although some are competing the 3k is such a short distance that even doing longer runs (5-10k) wouldn't impact too much on recovery. Any upper body gymnastics like work is  unlikely to have any impact.

Most of those goals are all compatible and interlinked. The stronger your squat gets the stronger your deadlift gets. The leaner you get the more easy it is to do pull ups and chin ups, which should lead to being able to do muscle ups easier. Not sure about the handstand, but looking at gymnasts they all look lean.

As for the running goal I think it's definitely something that could be worked up to. The fittest AFL players can all run 3km under sub 10 minutes and 3km time trials are regular parts of their pre-season training. AFL guys are far from the biggest people around, but most of them weigh around their height in cm - 100 in kg (for example if they are 190cm tall they are usually around 90kg in bodyweight). Mind you I've never trained middle distance running so I don't know how you'd train for it, but if it was me I'd just go out and run a few 3kms once or twice a week and on another day run an 800m or  a 1500m at a faster pace and try and go a little harder/faster each week til you stall/build up endurance.

My mind went to AFL players initially too. Guys are super fit, decently sized although not sure on general strength levels.
I do know they do a lot of repeat sprints and 2 & 3k time trials.

Taking the gymnastics stuff out of the picture the remainder could be expected of a reasonably strong/fit person with some decent focus. I'm not planning on doing anything over middle distance running wise so if I can structure it right I should be ok.

I'd assume they'd have a reasonable amount of general strength due to the nature of the sport.

Nowhere near as strong as NRL players though :P
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #794 on: February 24, 2016, 05:20:05 pm »
Further to the post above, and channeling my inner Viada I wonder how hard it would be to get the following at the same time:

2.5xbw deadlift
2xbw squat
Muscle Ups
15s handstand
Sub 12m 3k
<10% bf

Mind you I don't currently have any of these. Thinking that although some are competing the 3k is such a short distance that even doing longer runs (5-10k) wouldn't impact too much on recovery. Any upper body gymnastics like work is  unlikely to have any impact.

Most of those goals are all compatible and interlinked. The stronger your squat gets the stronger your deadlift gets. The leaner you get the more easy it is to do pull ups and chin ups, which should lead to being able to do muscle ups easier. Not sure about the handstand, but looking at gymnasts they all look lean.

As for the running goal I think it's definitely something that could be worked up to. The fittest AFL players can all run 3km under sub 10 minutes and 3km time trials are regular parts of their pre-season training. AFL guys are far from the biggest people around, but most of them weigh around their height in cm - 100 in kg (for example if they are 190cm tall they are usually around 90kg in bodyweight). Mind you I've never trained middle distance running so I don't know how you'd train for it, but if it was me I'd just go out and run a few 3kms once or twice a week and on another day run an 800m or  a 1500m at a faster pace and try and go a little harder/faster each week til you stall/build up endurance.

My mind went to AFL players initially too. Guys are super fit, decently sized although not sure on general strength levels.
I do know they do a lot of repeat sprints and 2 & 3k time trials.

Taking the gymnastics stuff out of the picture the remainder could be expected of a reasonably strong/fit person with some decent focus. I'm not planning on doing anything over middle distance running wise so if I can structure it right I should be ok.

I'd assume they'd have a reasonable amount of general strength due to the nature of the sport.

Nowhere near as strong as NRL players though :P

Oh they're certainly not weak but as the game calls for more strength endurance they are weaker than the good old days where it wasn't such a runners game. Yeah the NRL guys like Marty Tapau though would blow them out of the water for strength although they'd struggle to rack up 10-15k's per game.
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