Week 7
Session 26
Weight- 90.5
Total Cals- 3,093
Warm Up-
Joint rotations
Push ups- 10, 10, 10
BW Squat- 10, 10, 10
Inverted Row- 10, 10, 10
Front Squats-
bar x 5, 40 x 5, 50 x 5, 65 x 5, 87.5 x 5
bar x 5, 40 x 5, 47.5 x 5, 47.5 x (3,2), 47.5 x 3
Unilateral Floor Press-
20 x 12, 12, L-11 R-9
Tuck Front Lever
20s, 20s, 20s, 15s, 12s
Had a whopping 3.5 hours sleep last night thanks to the kids. Ended up training in the evening but never really got 100% into it.
Also, really need to leave a day after deadlifts before doing front squats. Will be easier to do FS and then snatch grip DL days back to back. Lower back definitely suffered as a result.
OHP is sucking too. It's definitely a form issue. Maybe more warm up sets are required.
On a positive I cleaned all weights for FS and OHP with the exception of the 87.5kg. Tried that one but only got it half way.