Bringing back the T0ddday jump program. Hvae been trawling through all my old info and programs. Looking at the ATG stuff, some PJF Performance stuff I came across and I found this old gem. Going back through this log I can see I got some great results (especially squat strength) and just need to make some tweaks to get it to fit me better. Problems I ran into last time were some knee pain, ankle pain from too much bounding too soon and getting run down which is probably a combo of the workload and just normal life stress. Anyway going to run it back and make some minor adjustments to see what I can get out of it.
Going to start with the lifting, 1-2 jump sessions and 1 track session a week and progress it from there.
The original program is as follows:
A) Jump Circuit1x10 vertical jumps (submax)
2x5 SL Vertical Jumps (each leg)
2x3 Max Vertical Jumps
3x5 Repetitive Jumps (5 times consecutive touch)
kX3 Step Jumps ("Toddday method")
10 x Pentultimate Jumps (single leg 1 step)
10 x SL max jumps
B1) Lifting Day 11) Squats: 4,7,7 @ 95,85,85%
2) Hip Thrusts: 2x10
3) Reverse Slant Bench Leg Raises w/weight
4) 50xpullup
5) Standing Dumbell Press (4x10)
B2) Lifting Day 2 1) Squats: 5,3,1 @ 70, 85, 100%.
2) Deadlift: 5,3,2,1,1,1 Workup
3) Explosive Push Press
4) Slant Bench Abdominal Curl w/weight
5) Med Ball Toss
B3) Lifting Day 3: 1) Squats: 3, 1, 1, 1 @ 90%
2) Dumbell Single Leg Deadlift to Press
3) Dumbell Incline Press
4) Dumbell Row
5) Weighted Pullups
C1,2) - Bounding/Sprints/Walking Mobility0) 3xstrides
1) Single leg Supine Bridge x 10
2) Knee to Elbow Walking Lunge x 10
3) Knee to rear foot walking Lunge x10
4) Walking Spiderman x 10
5) Reverse Walking Lunge with posterolateral Reach x10
6) PrimeTime straight Leg skip
7) Rudiment Hops (all legs)
DL hops (3x10)
9) L/R leg bounds (2x5)
10) Alternating leg bounds (2x10)
11) Speed Bounds
12) 5x20m sprint
13) 3x40m sprint
14) 3xflying 30m sprint
15) 2x60m sprint
*** Either (C1) 2x3x100m sprint, (C2) 2x2x150m,1x300 TT sprint/stride
D) 1) Wall HipFlexor Mobilization 2x10
2) Scapular Wallslides 2x10
3) Quadruped Extension Rotation 2x10
4) Knee Break Ankle Mobilization and Dorsiflexion 2x10
5) Stationary Lateral Lunge 2x10
6) Shrimp Squat / Single Leg Squat 2x10
7) Foam Roll and Stretch
Sample Template: M: C1, B1
T: A,D
W: D
R: A,B2,D
F: D
Sa: A,C2,B3
Su: D