Reverse Deadmill- 4mins 30s
Calf Stretch- 3 mins total
J Curl- sets of 5- bw x 5, 10 x 5, 20 x 5, 30 x 5
Step Up- Heel down- 7.5" box- sets of 15- 20, 30, 40, 45
Garhammer Raise- 5, 4, 4
Seated DB Tibialis Raise- 10 x 20, 15 x 20, 20
Incline DB Press- 15s x 10, 17.5s x 10, 10
Chins- bw x 5, 4, 2
Couch Stretch and 90/90 stretch to finish
Good session. Felt great after but no surprises that I hadn't lifted in over a week looking at my chins. Step ups were ok although the box was likely an inch or two too high. J curls were great. Got some feedback on my form which made a huge difference in using the hips properly throughout the movement.