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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1425 on: July 20, 2017, 12:43:52 am »
Have some twingy feeling in left ham high up at the glute tie in. Aside from getting a ball in there to work around does anyone have any suggestions on what else could help it? I have been wanting to include KB swings, jefferson curls, etc but don't want to stress it more than I already am.

Does Derrimut have a GHR? Slow eccentric GHR's never hurt. Or SL eccentric DL concentric ham curl machine, but GHR is better.

Also could try the 45 second hamstring lever holds and progress as a warmup. They helped me a lot.

Edit: Also, with the hips, lying banded hip distractions, as shown in this article: is great, I do it when I remember.

Yes to GHR. Two of them actually. Will give those a shot. My next few weeks is going to be trying to sort a few of these problems out. No doubt I have inactive/weak glutes and hams and I need to give them more attention.

What's a hamstring lever hold? I just googled and got a bunch or random stuff.

That's a boss article. Thanks mate. Have pinned that one to come back and read fully later.

Sorry, that's what my sprint coach called them. It's this for 45sec-1min x 2-3 sets with better dorsiflexion and keeping everything in line (ankle-knee):

You can progress by bending the leg a bit more on each set until it looks like a SL glute bridge.


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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1426 on: July 20, 2017, 07:38:53 am »
Have some twingy feeling in left ham high up at the glute tie in. Aside from getting a ball in there to work around does anyone have any suggestions on what else could help it? I have been wanting to include KB swings, jefferson curls, etc but don't want to stress it more than I already am.

Does Derrimut have a GHR? Slow eccentric GHR's never hurt. Or SL eccentric DL concentric ham curl machine, but GHR is better.

Also could try the 45 second hamstring lever holds and progress as a warmup. They helped me a lot.

Edit: Also, with the hips, lying banded hip distractions, as shown in this article: is great, I do it when I remember.

Yes to GHR. Two of them actually. Will give those a shot. My next few weeks is going to be trying to sort a few of these problems out. No doubt I have inactive/weak glutes and hams and I need to give them more attention.

What's a hamstring lever hold? I just googled and got a bunch or random stuff.

That's a boss article. Thanks mate. Have pinned that one to come back and read fully later.

Sorry, that's what my sprint coach called them. It's this for 45sec-1min x 2-3 sets with better dorsiflexion and keeping everything in line (ankle-knee):

You can progress by bending the leg a bit more on each set until it looks like a SL glute bridge.

Nice. Thanks mate. Will give this a run tomorrow. Also going to throw some sissy squat ecc in there too for the knees so that would be a nice combo.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1427 on: July 21, 2017, 08:45:22 am »
bw- 88.9 (coming down again)
injuries- right hip/lower back
soreness- right wrist (about 85%)

Warm Up

Dips- bw x 5, 5, +5kg x 5, 5, 5
Incline DB Press- 20 x 10, 10, 10
DB Floor press with 3 sec hold at top- 22.5 x 8, 8
Front plate shoulder raise- 20 x 10, 10
Lateral Raise- 10 x 10, 10

couch stretch x 1 min each side
tailor pose x 1 min +5kg each side
piriformis stretch x 1 min each side

Was a good session. Back/hip was ok and not bugging at all.

Had the massage this afternoon. Feeling great but sore AF. Everything was tight but the hip flexors were brutal. She said they were a 7-8/10 on the tightness scale. Need to do plenty of work from here on in to sort this out. Will take tomorrow off and go again Sunday. No heavy squatting or DLing for a few weeks though I think. Make sure this is under control first.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1428 on: July 22, 2017, 12:17:13 am »
bw- 88.6 (down again)

Rest day

Getting the new program sorted and will be doing a cardio/strength endurance based building block for 6 weeks. Not going to be lifting heavy at all which will be hard to do but should be a nice change up for the body. Wanted to get a cardio base and increase work capacity earlier in the year so pretty happy to finally bite the bullet and do it. See you in 6 weeks barbell.

Going to eat at or around maintenance during this time as no doubt the addition of cardio will do a lot for any calorie deficit I was planning.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1429 on: July 22, 2017, 05:03:46 am »
Great job on the bodyweight!!!

I'm looking forward to seeing what the next 6 weeks has in store.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1430 on: July 22, 2017, 07:20:13 pm »
Great job on the bodyweight!!!

I'm looking forward to seeing what the next 6 weeks has in store.

Thx mate.

Yeah me too. Trad style roadwork for weeks is going to be interesting. 
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1431 on: July 23, 2017, 10:42:26 am »
bw- 88.6 (down again)

Rest day

Getting the new program sorted and will be doing a cardio/strength endurance based building block for 6 weeks. Not going to be lifting heavy at all which will be hard to do but should be a nice change up for the body. Wanted to get a cardio base and increase work capacity earlier in the year so pretty happy to finally bite the bullet and do it. See you in 6 weeks barbell.

Going to eat at or around maintenance during this time as no doubt the addition of cardio will do a lot for any calorie deficit I was planning.

nice!! what's the strength endurance stuff going to look like (generally)?


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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1432 on: July 23, 2017, 07:39:46 pm »
bw- 88.6 (down again)

Rest day

Getting the new program sorted and will be doing a cardio/strength endurance based building block for 6 weeks. Not going to be lifting heavy at all which will be hard to do but should be a nice change up for the body. Wanted to get a cardio base and increase work capacity earlier in the year so pretty happy to finally bite the bullet and do it. See you in 6 weeks barbell.

Going to eat at or around maintenance during this time as no doubt the addition of cardio will do a lot for any calorie deficit I was planning.

nice!! what's the strength endurance stuff going to look like (generally)?

For the SE work it will generally be a circuit of 5-8 exercises with around 15-30% of max weight or bw only. Aiming for 20-50 reps depending on the week with 30-120s rest between exercises and 2 min rest between circuits. Between 1-3 circuits seems to be the go per session. The idea being to build mainly muscular endurance along with some cardio too. The base building block lasts for 8 weeks with the last 3 weeks reintroducing max strength work plus more high intensity conditioning stuff.

For example yesterday I used 25kg and did push press, FS, row, bench press, shrugs, RDL for 20 reps each with 30s rest between exercises, for 3 sets with 2 min rest between sets. Was ok and after push press and front squats the rest was relatively easy.

I think this is going to be great for my joints to have a break and get some almost restorative work in. I've never taken the time to build any sort of base or do what would normally be done in an off season so it's going to be an interesting experiment.

Also, pretty stoked about the program and getting stuck into it. I remember posting a while back about wanting to up the work capacity and get a cardio base so this has come at a good time. The lifting program that goes along with it seems pretty solid too. Lost of reps in the 70-85% range and building to 90-95% over 6 weeks. 
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1433 on: July 25, 2017, 08:15:37 pm »
New Program-
Tactical Barbell- Conditioning
Base Building Phase (8 weeks)

Week 1- Day 1

Pre-workout- BCAAs & apple juice (will not make this mistake again- had 40g of sugar after coming off a month with little to no sugar- not my brightest idea)

Warm Up- 3 min skipping
Shoulder & Hip Flexor

SE Circuit- 3x20 reps @ 25kg
Push Press, Front Squat, Row, Bench Press, Shrugs, RDL

All sets done unbroken with 30s rest between exercises and 2 min rest between sets.
May have gone too light here.

Couch stretch – 2min
Elevated piriformis stretch – 2 min each side

Lots and lots of food today. Finished the Whole30. Had a burger, chips and two beers and felt awesome. Seriously like I’d taken some strong pain meds. Body was floating. Had a couple more beers and a packet of Kookas chocolate coated biscuits and felt sluggish AF. Worth it though. They were delicious. Back to normal eating tomorrow albeit at higher cals.

Week 1- Day 2

Pre-workout- double espresso

Warm up- Walk on treadmill- 3 min

LSS Treadmill Run-
30m total time
7.03 pace (min/km)
4.55km total distance
HR- 155 (measured using treadmill at roughly 28min)

Run was interesting. Took me a good 10-15 to get in the rhythm and past the aches in the ankles, hips, feet, etc but after that could have just kept going. Taking that as a sign I was working in the right range.

Week 1- Day 3

Pre-workout- double espresso

Warm Up- HF & Piriformis stretch, 3 min walk on treadmill

LSS Treadmill Run-
30m total time
7.03 pace (min/km)
4.58km total distance
HR- 148 (measured as I was slowing down so about 10s after I stopped running)

Again pretty similar to yesterday with regards to getting into a rhythm. Did get some fatigue around the 23-28min mark. Will run outside at some stage but weather has been poor and I’m easing myself into this whole running thing. That’s my excuse anyway.  Rain due for the next week so may stay indoors for now.

Week 1- Day 4

Pre-workout- double espresso, BCAAs & dextrose (BCAAs tasted like arse even through the dextrose- wlll opt for protein next time or straight up BCAAs with sugar free cordial to flavour)

Warm Up- Banded shoulder, scap & HF work, 3 min skipping

SE Circuit- 2x20 @ 40kg
Push Press, Front Squat, Row, Floor Press, Shrugs, RDL

30-120s rest b/w exercises- 2 min rest between sets. Push press definitely the hardest and had to set the bar down a few times each set. The rest weren’t so bad.

10m stretching- tailor pose, piriformis, HF, gracilis, hamstrings & front splits
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1434 on: July 25, 2017, 09:23:01 pm »
looks/sounds fun, nice. btw, was that burger from the other day, that you ig'd? made me so hungry. looked good af.

you'll be surprised how strong you are after this, i imagine. pushing overall fitness sets up a great base for subsequent strength/power blocks, hope it works out like that.


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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1435 on: July 26, 2017, 12:17:47 am »
looks/sounds fun, nice. btw, was that burger from the other day, that you ig'd? made me so hungry. looked good af.

you'll be surprised how strong you are after this, i imagine. pushing overall fitness sets up a great base for subsequent strength/power blocks, hope it works out like that.

Haha. Man that burger was so good. I actually ate it so slowly to try and make it last lol. I could have had two quite easily.

I'm hoping so. After the initial 8 weeks it will be 3 max strength sessions, 2 high intensity conditioning and 1 endurance for the next 9 weeks. There are set power blocks that you can plug in when required.

It's kind of like 513 in that sense that it's basically plug and play. 
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1436 on: July 26, 2017, 06:21:41 am »
looks/sounds fun, nice. btw, was that burger from the other day, that you ig'd? made me so hungry. looked good af.

you'll be surprised how strong you are after this, i imagine. pushing overall fitness sets up a great base for subsequent strength/power blocks, hope it works out like that.

Haha. Man that burger was so good. I actually ate it so slowly to try and make it last lol. I could have had two quite easily.

hah nice. i always do that with good food: chew like 10x more than normal, more time in between bites. even then, you get to the end and it's kind of a sad moment. I've got a weak spot for burgers. They've got a few really good burger places nearby. Traditional burgers, bleu cheese burgers, burgers with eggs on em`, and burgers with a solid hot sauce, own me.

I've been wanting this one from BNB (Burgners & Beer, it's a small chain, sounds right up your alley) for a while:


1/2 lb. Premium beef blend, home style chili, sharp cheddar, pickled jalapenos, sour cream, habanero sauce, sesame bun

those dudes put their logo on the bun, lmao:

I'm hoping so. After the initial 8 weeks it will be 3 max strength sessions, 2 high intensity conditioning and 1 endurance for the next 9 weeks. There are set power blocks that you can plug in when required.

It's kind of like 513 in that sense that it's basically plug and play.



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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1437 on: July 30, 2017, 07:59:34 pm »
looks/sounds fun, nice. btw, was that burger from the other day, that you ig'd? made me so hungry. looked good af.

you'll be surprised how strong you are after this, i imagine. pushing overall fitness sets up a great base for subsequent strength/power blocks, hope it works out like that.

Haha. Man that burger was so good. I actually ate it so slowly to try and make it last lol. I could have had two quite easily.

hah nice. i always do that with good food: chew like 10x more than normal, more time in between bites. even then, you get to the end and it's kind of a sad moment. I've got a weak spot for burgers. They've got a few really good burger places nearby. Traditional burgers, bleu cheese burgers, burgers with eggs on em`, and burgers with a solid hot sauce, own me.

I've been wanting this one from BNB (Burgners & Beer, it's a small chain, sounds right up your alley) for a while:


1/2 lb. Premium beef blend, home style chili, sharp cheddar, pickled jalapenos, sour cream, habanero sauce, sesame bun

those dudes put their logo on the bun, lmao:

Man those burgers look dope!!! I had home made burgers last night. Pretty damn good but still not the same as buying one. They have half price on Wednesdays and Sundays so I might snag a couple this Wednesday to get my fix.

Have been thinking on cheat meals. Had red wine and biscuits on Friday night. Felt like absolute crap. Only 3 glasses of red too. Burgers, beers and donuts are going to be the way to go I think. Beer doesn't affect me nearly as much as wine does. Especially as I've had a total of 8 drinks in nearly 6 weeks. Burgers and donuts are always nice regardless so they fit.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1438 on: July 30, 2017, 08:00:17 pm »
Week 1- Day 5


Hapkido class. 90 mins. Lost of kicking in the first 45 mins then more technique work the last 45 mins. Heavy legs by the end.

Week 1- Day 6

Pre-workout- single shot espresso

60min treadmill run
Combo of running and walking – probably about 5 mins total of walking throughout
HR between 120 & 155

Legs super heavy. Took quite a while to warm into this one. It is the furthest I have ever run in one go though so pretty proud of that. Keen to get out and run in the real world though. Next weeks weather is looking better so there’s hope.

Week 1- Day 7


Now I said I was going to forget about the scales and my weight for a while but it’s been an interesting week. I was eating between 2-2500 cals a day prior to this week. I was actively trying to lose fat. My weight was gradually dropping down and reached it’s lowest point at 88.9. I have been eating 3,000+ a day for this week and I’m now 89.9 and the mirror test tells me I’m in pretty much the same spot. The tape measure tells me my waist is right on 34” which is the lowest point yet.

Week 2- Day 1

SE Circuit- 3x30 @40kg (30kg for push press)
Push press, front squat, row, floor press, shrugs, RDL

This was hard and it wasn’t. Took lots of mini breaks mid set and probably only used 90s between exercises once. Was certainly working hard though. Push press and floor press are easily the hardest ones here with front squats coming in third. Sets at 40 and 50 reps over the next two weeks will be interesting.
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Re: Two Hands Two Feet
« Reply #1439 on: August 04, 2017, 12:19:19 am »
Week 2- Day 2


40.03 mins

Calves bore the brunt of this run. Had to walk up two significant hills and the calves were burning. Don’t have an HR monitor so I have a small convo with myself every now and then to make sure I’m around the right range.

Week 2- Day 3


40.02 mins

Felt like I may have pushed a little harder here than I needed to. More walking and more distance than yesterday suggest that as well. Prob need to slow the pace down a bit. I’m nearing 6m/km pace when I should be closer to 7. Will do that for the long run this week.

Week 2- Day 4

SE Circuit- 2x30 @40kg (30kg for push press)

Push press, front squat, row, floor press, shrugs & RDL

Got through each circuit quicker today. Total time for both was 31.06 including the 2 min rest between circuits. Took mostly 60s between exercises with 30s between shrugs and RDLs. Push press was also easier today too. Feeling good about this. 

Basketball game. I haven’t played in about 9 weeks and I definitely noticed the difference in my cardio. Still got puffed after repeated sprints but recovered after 1 minute instead of that accumulated fatigue that usually sets in. Pretty stoked that’s the case after not even two weeks of running.

Week 2- Day 5

Hapkido. Great class. Worked sparring combos and transitions for the first 45 mins or so. Put the protective gear on and we all got smashed a little. Plenty of falling and getting thrown. Next 45 mins was technique work. Lots of 2nd Dan and trying to remember all the stuff I’ve learned and forgotten over the last 7 years.

Week 2- Day 6


7.00min/km pace

Was aiming for 7min pace and got exactly that. Felt I had been going a little too hard in the previous runs. Can definitely feel the difference here. If I had somewhere nice to run or a good loop that was 8-9k this would be much more enjoyable and I might even like running.

Rest day tomorrow  :headbang:
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