3 interesting dreams, all short ones, last night.
1. I was at the mall with my friend shopping for a new pair of dress shoes. In fact that's what I did yesterday. My mother wants me to look nice for my sister's graduation party so she she basically bought me a new outfit, but we didn't get the shoes yet. In the dream, I'm walking around the mall and we eat at the food court. I get some pu-erh tea, it's a deep red color. I love pu-erh tea. All of a sudden I'm at the party, getting ready for it to begin and helping prepare. But I realize I need to pee first. Once I'm at a urinal, I pull my pants down all the way to the ground. I start peeing and it's a milder color than the pu-erh tea, but still red, which I don't think much about. However, the pee keeps getting all over my new shoes and pants, and I can't seem to figure out how to get it in the urinal. It's so weird, I'm pissed! Literally, cuz now my pants are gonna smell like piss and feel wet and uncomfortable at the party. Then I wake up around 7am and realize I just need to pee.
2. I'm at my dad's house in boston, and my fingers have this craving to play the piano. So I start playing the piano but i'm pretty unskilled and the song just plays by itself. All of a sudden a music video starts playing. Or, I created the scene by playing piano . . . either way the scene changed. This hipster dude with a beard is singing the song. He's gay and he's talking about his boyfriend and how they broke up and it sucks or something. I thought it was interesting because the people in the video seemed exotic and I felt like I was in another city that I have not been to before. The guy singing was cool though and I think he was my friend but i'm not sure. The dream ended but I was still asleep and I thought to myself: "ehh that was an okay performance, I am not really good at the piano."
3. I'm taking this girl I'm seeing, the night after I get back from Boston. She's this curvy indian girl with dimples and kinda curly black hair. So I take a bus to meet up with her. It's a yellow school bus and there are like 25 people on it and it's super packed. After we're about to get off the bus, I realize she's sitting in the back. So I glance at her and say hi and walk towards her. She's wearing some peacock blue shirt and looks fly, as usual. I have a huge wad of something i'm chewing in my mouth, I forget what it actually was but I told her it was "mouri," a formula consisting of roasted fennel seeds that is available in Indian restaurants to help with digestion; you will almost always find it in a bowl placed outside the main door to the restaurant in the entrance. I don't like swallowing the fiber so I usually have this wad in my mouth and have to spit it out. So I get off the bus and find a trash can and spit it out then start talking to her. Without verbalizing it I realize we are actually about to enter a movie theater, but we talk for a bit outside and catch up since it's been 2 weeks since I've seen her last.
She looks mildly concerned for whatever reason. I feel like she's going to say she banged some guy while I was away in Boston for two weeks, but instead, she morphs into this cute redhead, maybe even a redhead version of herself, and has a cigarette in her mouth. So yea she's white now, wearing a white dress outfit thing with black polka dots. I can't smell the smoke, (because it's a dream probably) which is a good thing because I don't like to have conversations with cigarette smoke around me. Either way she looks hot. She also has a cast on her right arm now, it's blue in color, and says she was trying too hard or something - she's not able to describe exactly how she broke her arm because she is too upset. I imagined her fall in my mind as she was working on some project, and she was also on the roof, in my imagination during the dream, when she broke her arm.
The dream ended but as I was in a post-dream semi-awake state, I again got the feeling I was in another city entirely during that dream and the chicks were all really hot. My friend and I were talking about Toronto the other day since I'm looking there for grad school, and we talked about the hot indian girls there so maybe that's why I got that feeling. My mind was just arbitrarily connecting things that happened yesterday I guess. Anyway the redhead was super super cute and had orange hair.
OMG and I just realized this movie theater was the same movie theater I watched a movie in in a previous dream a while ago that I don't remember too well but it was the same movie theater. Except I did not enter the theater in this dream.