Dream about gabkicks haha:
Ok, so, I'm hanging out with you in your basement, playing F1 or something. Then some chick comes over and you're like dude give me some space. So I go upstairs, now I'm in some kind of boat in the amazon. Meanwhile, it keeps flashing back to you trying to makeout with this chick. You're making progress.
Then it switches back to me, and these pirate people with axes/swords board the ship and start chopping everybody in to pieces. So i'm running, fending for my life etc.
Then it switches back to you, you're like, RIGHT THERE, and all of a sudden, fucking commets/asteroids start raining down and destroy everything and I wakeup.
Ok so, i'm driving with my mom in her car, apparently going to pick up a pizza. So she drops me off near the corner, and leaves to go do something. I'm walking to the pizza place and the entire town is deserted, no one anywhere. Then I see some football guy I trained way back, and he tells me "it's labor day man everything is closed.". So, now i'm just waiting for my mom to spin back around and come pick me up.
So, off to my left I see 5 cops all of a sudden, with guns pointed at the football guy possibly. I then put my hands up, which now have workout gloves on them (for when I do pullups). The cops notice me and I'm like "i didn't do anything". Then, 10 cops are on me, guns pointed, one tackles me, hands behind my back on the ground. The dude is using his gun to frisk me, ya that sounds gay but apparently I killed 18 cops so no one is withdrawing their weapons. I keep telling them i didn't do nothing, put the gun down, but they don't listen.
Anyway, it then skips to where i'm in prison waiting for my verdict date, which seemed to take like a month in the dream. That's why this dream was hell, I felt like i was in it for so long. So that period of time goes by, then I'm off to the court. I get out of the court, hug my family, cops everywhere, then go inside the court. There everyone looks intent that I am guilty. So, as they are about to read the verdict, I wakeup.