Author Topic: THE DREAM JOURNAL  (Read 341207 times)

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« Reply #105 on: September 15, 2010, 04:00:26 am »
It's crazy because I was thinking yesterday, when I saw you write LEVEL 7, about crazy stuff like this:

Have two walls: one wall behind the athlete and one wall 100m of the athlete ahead. Also walls to the side, so the athlete is running in a cubicle. Now the walls in front and back can raise and lower to block the athlete. Have one hungry/angry bear released 100m behind him. Both walls hit the ground and block whoever is in between them as soon as either the bear or the athlete cross their respective finish lines (for the bear it's the athletes starting line, for the athlete it's a line 100m ahead of that).

So basically, if the athlete finishes first he'll be OK because he'll have two walls in between him and the bear. If the bear finishes first, then the athlete will be trapped in between the two walls with the bear inside that space as well. :D

I was thinking about this because my sister said to me when we were in the mountains that she thought once you see a bear you should run... so I saw LEVEL 7, I thought about all this ^^^ and now I dreamed what I wrote above.

Crazy shit and correlations happening in the brain. Maybe that stupid center (basketball player) was the bear? Whatever.

ya man stuff like that happens to me all the time too, brain twists things around then i somehow dream about variations of that..

definitely putting that in level-7 thread, that's good stuff :)


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« Reply #106 on: September 15, 2010, 06:37:27 am »
Yeah I get all kinds of crazy torture stuff in my head it just won't stop. I could go on forever. :-X
Current PR status:

All time squat: 165 kg/Old age squat: 130 kg
All time deadlift: 184 kg/Old age deadlift: 140 kg
All time bench: 85 kg/Old age bench: 70kgx5reps
All time hip thrust (same as old age hip thrust): 160kgx5reps


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« Reply #107 on: September 15, 2010, 10:23:53 am »
From earlier this week.

The details of the first half of the dream are vague, but I know that in general I was with a group where people kept dying or suffering weird puncture-type wounds (including me). Very much a horror-movie feel, like, "Who's the killer?" So we were trying to figure it out and we ended up in this creepy old house owned, apparently, by the receptionist in my office. She's a fat middle-aged lady, perfectly nice as far as I can tell although I don't interact with her much. We had some theory about why the source of the evil would be in this house so she let us in so we could look around. We were snooping and opening and doors and whatnot and then someone opened a door to the basement and thousands of bats started flying out and swarming around. "Aha!" we thought. "That makes sense...bats!" And then a little creature that looked like an ewok but which in the dream was clearly called a hobbit walked out and started coming toward us. It seemed about ewok-sized as it came out the door but as it moved toward us it got smaller and smaller until finally it was about 4 or 5 inches tall.

We were satisfied with the bat answer but then we turned around and the receptionist-lady (Sharon) was standing there, kind of looming, and started to make some speech about how foolish we were and her powers and her teeth got real long and sharp and she turned bright red and she was smiling very creepily.

Then I woke up.

Then later, as I was remembering the dream, I began to realize that there were all kinds of very cinematic touches here and there foreshadowing the fact that Sharon was the evil thing. For example, there was a "shot" while we were snooping around in which she could be seen in the kitchen in the background, kind of out of focus, putting live frogs into a pot and kind of smiling.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

black lives matter


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« Reply #108 on: September 16, 2010, 05:01:56 am »
From earlier this week.

The details of the first half of the dream are vague, but I know that in general I was with a group where people kept dying or suffering weird puncture-type wounds (including me). Very much a horror-movie feel, like, "Who's the killer?" So we were trying to figure it out and we ended up in this creepy old house owned, apparently, by the receptionist in my office. She's a fat middle-aged lady, perfectly nice as far as I can tell although I don't interact with her much. We had some theory about why the source of the evil would be in this house so she let us in so we could look around. We were snooping and opening and doors and whatnot and then someone opened a door to the basement and thousands of bats started flying out and swarming around. "Aha!" we thought. "That makes sense...bats!" And then a little creature that looked like an ewok but which in the dream was clearly called a hobbit walked out and started coming toward us. It seemed about ewok-sized as it came out the door but as it moved toward us it got smaller and smaller until finally it was about 4 or 5 inches tall.

We were satisfied with the bat answer but then we turned around and the receptionist-lady (Sharon) was standing there, kind of looming, and started to make some speech about how foolish we were and her powers and her teeth got real long and sharp and she turned bright red and she was smiling very creepily.

Then I woke up.

Then later, as I was remembering the dream, I began to realize that there were all kinds of very cinematic touches here and there foreshadowing the fact that Sharon was the evil thing. For example, there was a "shot" while we were snooping around in which she could be seen in the kitchen in the background, kind of out of focus, putting live frogs into a pot and kind of smiling.

pretty cool, you recalled & restated that dream very well.. you should follow her after work (IRL) and see what she's upto, could have been a telekenetic dream.

i havn't been "trying" to remember my dreams lately, which is kind of odd.. it's kind of interesting though, i have this hunch that when i do interval walks with short sprints mixed in, that's when i have really insane dreams.. i really havn't been doing any interval sprints lately during my walks, and i can't even recall any of my recent dreams, nothing "crazy" comes to mind.. when im interval sprinting during my walks, it's almost like i'm being chased/chasing something.


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« Reply #109 on: September 24, 2010, 03:55:20 pm »
had a very cool dream, was by the canal nearby, and a tornado was coming, and their were people everywhere outside running for safety, so im running from the tornado then jump in the canal and hold onto some reebar, then mech warrior robots start coming out of the sky killing everyone.. then i'm in an insane hotel, scenery amazing, in something out of Clue where people are all plotting against each other, i was just walking through the hotel/grounds though checking out the scenery.

cool shizz


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« Reply #110 on: October 11, 2010, 03:35:31 am »
I just dreamed that adarqui came in Romania, while me and Nightfly were searching for an apartment near a gypsy ghetto... there were a TON of gypsies outside talking crap while we were around browsing, only to find out that my ex-teacher (classes 1-4) was in supervising the projects...

Then adarqui came in, I don't remember what we talked about though... it started to fade away after I woke up. I think it was something about boxing, oh yeah - we met one weird violent, crazy guy - and I was like "hey you need to go train in boxing" and he was like "really, you think so? did you box?" so adarqui was "right... tell him (at least we can get rid of him)" so I recommended that guy to join "the only boxing gym around".

It was really weird. The conclusion was that "now I can come visit Florida, right" :D

PS. The reason why I dreamed "about" adarqui was because I just browsed through his facebook account yesterday evening, viewed some pictures (yes, it was limited to that, don't worry) etc.
Current PR status:

All time squat: 165 kg/Old age squat: 130 kg
All time deadlift: 184 kg/Old age deadlift: 140 kg
All time bench: 85 kg/Old age bench: 70kgx5reps
All time hip thrust (same as old age hip thrust): 160kgx5reps


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« Reply #111 on: October 11, 2010, 05:27:58 am »
I just dreamed that adarqui came in Romania, while me and Nightfly were searching for an apartment near a gypsy ghetto... there were a TON of gypsies outside talking crap while we were around browsing, only to find out that my ex-teacher (classes 1-4) was in supervising the projects...

Then adarqui came in, I don't remember what we talked about though... it started to fade away after I woke up. I think it was something about boxing, oh yeah - we met one weird violent, crazy guy - and I was like "hey you need to go train in boxing" and he was like "really, you think so? did you box?" so adarqui was "right... tell him (at least we can get rid of him)" so I recommended that guy to join "the only boxing gym around".

It was really weird. The conclusion was that "now I can come visit Florida, right" :D

PS. The reason why I dreamed "about" adarqui was because I just browsed through his facebook account yesterday evening, viewed some pictures (yes, it was limited to that, don't worry) etc.



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« Reply #112 on: October 17, 2010, 05:32:46 am »
OK so since I couldn't really sleep "well", I also had a strange dream:

I was with my mom to a country place of one of my mom's childhood friends. There were abandoned market buildings with groceries products still in the rafters. So my mom was like "hey, they won't need this anymore" and took a LOLLIPOP (WTF) and started sucking it (WTF). I was like "don't do that, you don't want to go to jail because of a stupid lollipop". So out of nowhere two cops showed up to arrest her, but we bribed them and they left.

Then I went home and in my balcony there was one yacht that was mine and two guys in a small boat that were banging into the yacht with the boat to break it. So I picked up a cell phone and called 911 (here it's 112 the emergency number, but I called 911) and after like 3 times ringing, one woman picked up the phone and say "yeeeeeeeees?". I was like "um... I have a problem". So in the middle of my dream I woke up for a short period I think, and then continued with my dream and was like "I just dreamed that there were two guys on a boat trying to bang into my yacht that is on my balcony. I know it sounds silly, but you gotta help me". And then I heard a strange noise, like the ones you usually hear in videogames, and went to look into my balcony and the yacht and the boat with the guys disappeared, and instead there was one giant orange fish in there (was like 10 feet long and pretty fat). Or maybe it was a horse (? I can't remember).

So I was like "nevermind..." on the phone and hung up. Then my cell phone rang to wake me up to go to the gym.
Current PR status:

All time squat: 165 kg/Old age squat: 130 kg
All time deadlift: 184 kg/Old age deadlift: 140 kg
All time bench: 85 kg/Old age bench: 70kgx5reps
All time hip thrust (same as old age hip thrust): 160kgx5reps


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« Reply #113 on: October 17, 2010, 05:35:25 am »
OK so since I couldn't really sleep "well", I also had a strange dream:

I was with my mom to a country place of one of my mom's childhood friends. There were abandoned market buildings with groceries products still in the rafters. So my mom was like "hey, they won't need this anymore" and took a LOLLIPOP (WTF) and started sucking it (WTF). I was like "don't do that, you don't want to go to jail because of a stupid lollipop". So out of nowhere two cops showed up to arrest her, but we bribed them and they left.

Then I went home and in my balcony there was one yacht that was mine and two guys in a small boat that were banging into the yacht with the boat to break it. So I picked up a cell phone and called 911 (here it's 112 the emergency number, but I called 911) and after like 3 times ringing, one woman picked up the phone and say "yeeeeeeeees?". I was like "um... I have a problem". So in the middle of my dream I woke up for a short period I think, and then continued with my dream and was like "I just dreamed that there were two guys on a boat trying to bang into my yacht that is on my balcony. I know it sounds silly, but you gotta help me". And then I heard a strange noise, like the ones you usually hear in videogames, and went to look into my balcony and the yacht and the boat with the guys disappeared, and instead there was one giant orange fish in there (was like 10 feet long and pretty fat). Or maybe it was a horse (? I can't remember).

So I was like "nevermind..." on the phone and hung up. Then my cell phone rang to wake me up to go to the gym.

hah nutty..

last night i dreamed about ufo's then i had a sexual encounter with some really hot chick, then my grandpa woke me up in the middle of that, was a good dream, so i was like.... 'shhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiitttttt'.

i can't remember all the details right now but it was heavily ufo based.



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« Reply #114 on: October 17, 2010, 06:04:35 am »
Maybe you were kidnapped? :ninja:

You probably have bionic legs now, so you better go out and test them.
Current PR status:

All time squat: 165 kg/Old age squat: 130 kg
All time deadlift: 184 kg/Old age deadlift: 140 kg
All time bench: 85 kg/Old age bench: 70kgx5reps
All time hip thrust (same as old age hip thrust): 160kgx5reps


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« Reply #115 on: October 17, 2010, 03:54:11 pm »
Maybe you were kidnapped? :ninja:

You probably have bionic legs now, so you better go out and test them.

that would be awesome, to get abducted by aliens and then they inject you with supreme vert enhancing technology.


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« Reply #116 on: October 17, 2010, 04:04:49 pm »
Yeah, them reading your mind and all that. Before you know it, you're flying and throwing down mexadats (alien term for "dunks"). Heck, how do I know all this?
Current PR status:

All time squat: 165 kg/Old age squat: 130 kg
All time deadlift: 184 kg/Old age deadlift: 140 kg
All time bench: 85 kg/Old age bench: 70kgx5reps
All time hip thrust (same as old age hip thrust): 160kgx5reps


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« Reply #117 on: October 23, 2010, 05:45:33 am »
had a dream that i had to fend off a pride of lions with two plastic pads that made a loud bang when i clapped them together.. which kept scaring them.


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« Reply #118 on: October 25, 2010, 04:40:39 pm »
I dreamed that i was in a car with Mircea Badea a romanian TV Star, and was driving on a steep course at the mountains, and exactly when i say " people always fall in the river at this turn" an older model of my car goes by us and straight into the river. When i stop and look who was in the car i see the trainer from a romanian women's basketball team drowning


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« Reply #119 on: October 25, 2010, 05:14:18 pm »
been dreaming alot lately. yesterday, i dreamed that i was driving on the highway and for some reason, I was sitting facing the window instead of the road. like i was shifted over 90 degrees. anyway because of this ackward position, wheni tried to hit the gas, i could only hit it hard enough to go 25mph on a 65mph road. my dad in the front seat (who is usually very calm and sometimes encourages me to drive fast) was freaking out because i was going so slow. my mom in the backseat (who always gets nervous, esp when  drive fast) was perfectly calm.
