two dreams from the past week:
i was sitting around a camp fire with some people, just hanging out. everyone was being kind of quiet. at some point i realized that a new person had come and joined but was sitting on the ground right outside the circle, kind of behind and to my right. i turned around and it was pau gasol. no one else seemed to notice or care that he was there so i turned around and talked with him for a while. asked what he thought about marc being named defensive POY, he said he was very proud, very happy for him. we had kind of a long conversation. nice guy. then i woke up.
couple of nights later, i was in a forest and caught up in a big mock-battle over who could, in teams, climb to the top of these very tall trees and retrieve some kind of object first. my team had taken a lot of casualties just getting to the trees, so we were behind. the only way to climb up was via a rope and using your hands and legs to grip, and you needed at least three people to get up or you couldn't bring the object down. i saw one girl from my old gym who flander would get a chubby for (jacked but not ripped, big ass, big natural boobs, pretty) jump back down off the rope and her hands were shaking from the extertion, she almost couldn't close them anymore. so me and a couple teammates started up our tree and people were throwing spears at us and shooting arrows and stuff. that's all i remember.