If only we had a Chipotle here. Oh, man... I think I'd be set for a while. Haha
Last few days have been quite good. Been eating very well, not necessarily very clean, but it's been very good.
Front Squats: 105x5, 135x5, 165x3x6
BB Rows: 135x3x8
Standing DB Press: 40sx5, 45x2x5
Single-arm DB Press: 35x6, 35x8 Not terribly difficult but I'll be doing more of this stuff to even out my shoulders in mass and strength since the left remains substantially weaker from poor emphasis on recovery after my injury a few years ago.
Deadlifts: 205x5, 225x5, 245x5
Yeah and stuff. Pretty alright day. Starting to get my strength back, just from being more consistent lately. It's helping stress levels and mood during the school day too. I've been less tense lately, even despite the fact that I have a nutrition class test tomorrow (IRONIC, RIGHT?), music history paper due Tuesday, music history test Thursday.
Feels good, mang. Even my mood at work is better. Just throw my headphones on, vacuum, feel like dancing, smile at the pretty college ladies as they walk by. Can't say I feel really fantastic, but it's quite the change from the piss-poor, moody, depressed self from 3 or 4 weeks ago.