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Scrawny to Brawny Journal
« on: July 20, 2010, 11:59:30 pm »
I'm doing the program and diet from the book "Scrawny to Brawny" in order to bulk up before track. I'll try to post here every day of the program until the end of Phase IV. (I'm on Phase II, Day 2, I'll start from Day 1 of Phase II)

Day 1: This is my first real day training since I tore my deltoid. My morning smoothie didn't sit too well with me and when I got home from my workout I threw up, just a bit. I'm still getting used to the extra calories I'm taking in, eating when you're not hungry isn't too easy for me. After my morning workout I felt like I hadn't done enough, but I remember it was explicitly written in the book not to add to the weight lifting. Sure enough, when I went to bed I started feeling my quads get sore along with my outer chest.

Day 2: I woke up a little later today in favor of doing my interval cardio workout towards the evening. Sleep was worth it, but I think work is going to slow me down as far as eating goes. I can't really have my snacks when I need to and my lunch and snack come a little too closely to eat comfortably. I'll have to space my meals a little better. When I did my sprints I started feeling pretty bad and I threw up after I was finished. It was most likely because I hadn't followed a good schedule with my food and I wasn't as well hydrated as I should have been. Right now just running hurts even my chest because of how sore it is.

That's all for today. I'm also starting a picture a day thing, at the end of the program I'll make a video to show my progress. I hope to get a lot of insight from other members and I also hope to make really good progress all the way through. Thanks for reading!


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Re: Scrawny to Brawny Journal
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2010, 12:02:37 am »
1. What is scrawny to brawny
2. Why are you doing interval sprints if you're trying to add mass
3. Oh, and welcome
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Re: Scrawny to Brawny Journal
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2010, 12:16:28 am »
1. Scrawny to Brawny is a training and nutrition book written by John Berardi. It has excellent information every hardgainer like myself could use.

2. The training actually calls for HIIT (high intensity interval training) twice a week, it isn't written exactly how I'm doing it, but it's fairly close and I'm in track so the sprinting intervals will actually benefit me later while still allowing me to follow the program.

3. Thank you.   ;D


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Re: Scrawny to Brawny Journal
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2010, 12:57:37 am »
the picture a day thing is really cool man.. try to make it similar lighting/position for the future video, those are always fun to watch.

how badly did you tear your deltoid ? my only advice on that is to just listen to your body, a big bench is nice but re-injuring the deltoid definitely isn't, especially since you can't even squat if you tear it.. so just back off when you see any signs that you need to.

as for HIIT, it'll be fine as long as your kcal intake isn't low, which it doesn't seem like it will be.. so that's good.. definitely have to get those sprints in.. i would also, beyond hit, work on 10 yard sprints from 2,3,and 4 point stances, maximally.. these aren't draining but IMO the more work you can get in with these, the better that start out of blocks will become.. it takes alot of practice to generate all of that force out of the blocks, it's definitely a trainable quality that improves by practicing the movement.

very interested to see your progress man, you definitely seem serious!



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Re: Scrawny to Brawny Journal
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2010, 01:10:06 am »
Haha, I'll keep the videos the same, but I'll probably be getting a better camera soon. The pictures will all be in the same place around the same time of day, so in a few months I'll try to make a morph video.

My deltoid tear was actually pretty serious, I didn't do any lifting at all for a couple months after and the first few weeks I even stopped sprinting because even running made it hurt. Right now it's actually recovered quite well, inclined bench Monday wasn't at all painful like other times when I had attempted.

My kcal intake is over 4,000 right now, and I'll be upping that next week. (something like 4700)
I'll definitely do those short sprint starts, my start needs some help, especially for the 110m hurdles. Top speed needs to come sooner.

I'm pretty interested in seeing my progress as well, haha. I seem serious now, I used to think I was serious but my kcal intake was never high enough and my weight training wasn't really organized, so I never really got anywhere. This time it'll be much different.  8)


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Re: Scrawny to Brawny Journal
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2010, 01:15:27 am »
Haha, I'll keep the videos the same, but I'll probably be getting a better camera soon. The pictures will all be in the same place around the same time of day, so in a few months I'll try to make a morph video.

My deltoid tear was actually pretty serious, I didn't do any lifting at all for a couple months after and the first few weeks I even stopped sprinting because even running made it hurt. Right now it's actually recovered quite well, inclined bench Monday wasn't at all painful like other times when I had attempted.

damn man.. ya sounds like it was pretty bad.. i tore my calf once really bad, split the gastroc right down the middle.. someone knee'd my as i was sprinting in a basketball game, like some crazy freak accident.. i couldn't walk for 2 months. NBA League Pass saved my life while I relaxed on the couch every night :)

My kcal intake is over 4,000 right now, and I'll be upping that next week. (something like 4700)
I'll definitely do those short sprint starts, my start needs some help, especially for the 110m hurdles. Top speed needs to come sooner.

I'm pretty interested in seeing my progress as well, haha. I seem serious now, I used to think I was serious but my kcal intake was never high enough and my weight training wasn't really organized, so I never really got anywhere. This time it'll be much different.  8)

strong words! this will be a good journal.



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Re: Scrawny to Brawny Journal
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2010, 01:20:07 am »
Yeah, the tear was... excruciating at best, the first few days I couldn't even lift my arm to drive, I had to drive and shift all with my right. Trying to sleep was the worst, very few positions were comfortable. Not being able to walk sounds like... not fun haha.

Thanks again for the tips, I really think typing up a journal every day and others helping me out will really keep me motivated.


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Re: Scrawny to Brawny Journal
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2010, 02:10:48 pm »
1. Scrawny to Brawny is a training and nutrition book written by John Berardi. It has excellent information every hardgainer like myself could use.

2. The training actually calls for HIIT (high intensity interval training) twice a week, it isn't written exactly how I'm doing it, but it's fairly close and I'm in track so the sprinting intervals will actually benefit me later while still allowing me to follow the program.

3. Thank you.   ;D

1. I have never read or seen Scrawny to Brawny so I won't pass judgment on it as an individual product. However, John Berardi sucks. If it works for you, hurray. If it really has you taking in 4000-4700 calories a, wow. Why?

2. Why will HIIT benefit you for track? Why is it beneficial for adding mass? You've only got so much time, energy and ability to recover, so why would you do HIIT?

3. Hurray, more members!

4. Sorry if 1. and 2. came across as harsh.
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- Avishek

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Re: Scrawny to Brawny Journal
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2010, 10:33:46 pm »
1. 4000+ calories isn't uncommon, it's not just in the book. The high intake is necessary for high activity and to sustain energy during high intensity training. The calorie intake itself isn't for mass, it's for energy. Think about Michael Phelps who takes in 12,000 a day while training. Also, people like me tend to not eat enough, and a 2,000 calorie diet really only supports moderate exercise for a so called "average" person.

2. HIIT, if done with running, helps with sprints and endurance for races like the 400m. Actually, during track a lot of the 400m workouts are very similar to HIIT, the only difference is HIIT normally only goes to around 30 seconds of high intensity to 90 seconds of rest, whereas my times will vary up to about 1 minute for intensity and 3 minutes for rest because I increase distance in a pyramid up to 400m.

HIIT is not beneficial to gaining mass, though it is to cardio which is very important to me as a 300m hurdler and 400m runner. I have the kcal intake to support the energy and I'm not doing it for an extended period of time so it doesn't really impact my recovery very much.

4. They did, but don't worry about it, I'm not offended easily at all.


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Re: Scrawny to Brawny Journal
« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2010, 10:55:45 pm »
1. Fair enough. Berardi is known, however, for misinterpreting research to the effect of prescribing WAY too much protein and WAY too many calories. For more information, signature.

2. The only reason I asked those questions is because you've gotta pick your battles. You can do everything at once (HIIT plus mass gaining plus quality sprint work plus...) but it might be better to focus on one thing at a time. If you're doing serious weight training, HIIT might be too much to ask of your body and have it still make gains. Plus there are other, much easier ways to get excellent cardio work. Like tempo runs. You can and should still do a little of everything, but maybe think about cutting back on everything but what you need to do now, which sounds like hypertrophy.

4. That's good.

Just my one cent.
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Re: Scrawny to Brawny Journal
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2010, 11:16:28 pm »
Your one cent is appreciated.

1. I agree, Barardi's listed diet seems to prescribe a lot of protein, it almost seems like to much meats for me, and from some reviews I've seen some people who've actually increased body fat during the training. I'm not taking in quite as much protein in diet as is written, but I am supplementing with whey protein. Currently about 160 or so grams per day which is plenty for me since I only weight 136 lbs right now. I'm taking in just over 4000 kcal/day right now and it seems fine.

2. Based on what happened yesterday with my HIIT session I probably won't be doing quite as much as I did. I will still be doing the cardio, but for now I'm not running more than 200m in sprints and I'll probably be doing short explosive sprints to help with the blocks like adarqui suggested. I will also focus on hypertrophy like you said, the HIIT I planned didn't work out quite like I expected so I will be doing less of it. Total time spent on my cardio sessions will be about 15-20 min. Besides, right now the muscle gain will help me more than just sprint work.


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Re: Scrawny to Brawny Journal
« Reply #11 on: July 21, 2010, 11:56:55 pm »
Phase II Day 3 (Day 3):

Today's workout went really well. I did weighted chin ups, clean and press, weighted sit ups, and cable pull throughs. It seems like every day I got to the gym and finish my workout, I feel like I haven't done quite enough. I felt like that this morning, but I'm starting to feel really sore in my traps and shoulders from the clean and press. Abs don't feel to bad... yet, and I'm starting to feel it in my biceps. Splitting my my meals more during work was a great idea. The last two days I felt like I my snack and lunch were piling on top of each other because of the time I have a chance to eat at work. Today I didn't feel stuffed and because I spread the meals into the latter half of the workday I was able to maintain fairly equal time intervals between meals.

My weight this morning actually dropped to 134 lbs. I'm going to guess it's because I haven't done any real exercise in the past few months and the weight dropped was water and fat. I'm not too worried about it though since weight does fluctuate. (It might also have to do with throwing up after my HIIT session yesterday)


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Re: Scrawny to Brawny Journal
« Reply #12 on: July 22, 2010, 08:33:58 am »
My weight this morning actually dropped to 134 lbs. I'm going to guess it's because I haven't done any real exercise in the past few months and the weight dropped was water and fat. I'm not too worried about it though since weight does fluctuate.

Yup, probably water. Keep on keepin' on, with a surplus that high and the beautiful natural anabolic state that is the teenage years, you'll gain weight like gangbusters. Wish I'd taken better advantage of my teenage years, I could be huge like Tam.

(It might also have to do with throwing up after my HIIT session yesterday)

At least you know you're doing the HIIT right!  ;D  Most people shuffle back and forth, barely taxing themselves, and then complain how hard they worked when all they did was dick around and waste time. I'm still not a huge fan in most cases but if you're gonna do it at all, it should hurt like crazy. We used to do interval sprints for ultimate in college and at least half the team would puke or at least dry heave at the end.
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Re: Scrawny to Brawny Journal
« Reply #13 on: July 22, 2010, 08:34:48 pm »
I've read plenty on the natural anabolic state in teenage years, I'm glad I'm taking advantage of it. :D

Yes, HIIT hurts... like hell. I'm still going to do it, but I'm cutting the distances I'll be using, the original plan was to use 200m, 400m, 600m (based on a 400 workout I've done) But I'm changing to 100m, 200m, 400m, and back down. Either way, that one I'll only be using once a week, and the other cardio day I'll just go play ultimate frisbee with my friends. (Which happens to be today)


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Re: Scrawny to Brawny Journal
« Reply #14 on: July 22, 2010, 08:37:19 pm »
Which reminds me...

Phase II Day 4 (Day 4):

Despite eating much more than I'm used to, I wake up even more hungry in the morning. It's a little strange for me to eat so much and be more hungry in the morning than when I eat less.

Today is a rest/cardio day. I've decided to switch HIIT sessions to only once a week, but I'll be playing ultimate frisbee and doing some short sprint and start work on the second rest day.