120625 Phs3 W2D1 Keep increasing DropDepth drop
1x 8 at 15 plates
3 x 8 at 16 plates (newest height at 36inches, I am 2 inches from the ceiling, and landing feel alright)
Posterior Wall Sit
2 x 20 sec
2 x 20 sec with 30lbs dumbbell
2 x 20 sec with 2X30lbs dumbbell
1 x 20 sec with 2X40lbs dumbbell
After I got home, i was on kneeling on the floor playing with kids... suddenly felt a slight sharp pain behind the knee cap. As I shift the weight and stand up, I felt some soft tissue being shifted. Very scary indeed.
Inspected my knee a bit and everything seem all right. Hope thing are ok.
At the same night, I have to do my personal work.. I stay up till 5 am.. and only sleep for 3 hours.
I hope i can get this personal duty complete as soon as possible, so i can focus in vert and ball training.
Suffer now, and move on.... I have to get my stuff done and over with...there are lot of important stuff to do....
(P.S. I wear knee strap all day in office the next day)
The Step is what i use for Depth Drop.
Starting height at 4 inches with additional 2 inches per plate.
Today is the first time I look up the Spec of my Step Platform... and for the first time, I found out my actual Depth Drop height.
At 36 inches, it is about 1.5-2 inches above my max vertical....
I can not believe all this years, I had been jumping below my own Vert height. This also mean that I will soon have to move outside to preform depth drop due to the low ceiling...