Author Topic: Scooby 2011 Journal  (Read 579808 times)

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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #630 on: October 12, 2015, 03:01:43 am »
151011 Resumed Heavy Powerlift for strength Matainance

Core is important.. Kadour told me this personally many times.  I am doing those youtube Abs work out every 2nd morning.
Did a few times of Level 1 and 2 and started doing level 3 twice.  which is hard but is only 12 min long.
I also added the chest work out.. which i did Twice in 2 days in a row.  However 48 hrs after the first chest work out... soreness appear on my triceps...

Very very sore, abs on the other side remain ok.

Resumed 80% 1rm squat and deadlift on the sunday 45 min rush session.
Leg is tire the next day.
- work up toward 45 lbs plate x3 on each side. (315lbs)
Squat is easy, 4 set of 3 reps. Deadlift is tough may be because i am tired for squat.  did like 3 sets only. x3 x2 x3 

Did some jump attempt last week, rep one is so poor that i barely tap the rim.
rep 13 is better with increased speed and control, but just reached over by finger length.

Sent the video to Kadour, and he said i should start trying to dunk at low rim..  "you need a low rim" he said.
also, kadour is sending me a gift, in return, i will paypal him some tiny little funding as sponsorship to his movie.
BIY - believe in yourself
Born 1980
190 lbs
Reach 7'5" (89")
2 legs leap 28"@06, 33"@11, 34.5"@2012, 37"@2013
Ankle Surgery - Dec 14, 07
Dunk Goal - Nov 11, 2012 (Daughter's 1 yrs old Bdays)

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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #631 on: October 12, 2015, 02:10:00 pm »
cool. Why is he suggesting low rim dunking? Also how low?

Your main goal right now is to consistently get vert up? or to land a dunk on 10'?


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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #632 on: October 15, 2015, 02:40:27 am »
151014 Olifing class 6 completed
Coach said. I am getting more consistence with technique, he is telling me to preform clean from ground, no jerk no snatch.  I can request to learn it, he suggest not.  Because IF WHAT I WANT IS VERTICAL POWER, clean is sufficient.   Snatch & jerk will require a platform to drop which is not available in most gym.  (However, the Vert training in  Taiwan suggest snatch or snatch hi-pull for vert)

Went to Jump around at lunch today (Thursday) and Vert remain low... leg is still sore.. not sure from the sunday squat or yesterday Olifting class.
Olifting is a weird sport.. the kind of tired is not like a heavy day of squat or deadlift.... is more.. like the brain is tire... or may be this is what the says.. the CNS is tired.

So I jump for like 10 time and shoot around for 35 min.  Left knee is a bit sore.  Just an inch over the rim or so... not my max.. tested my Squat under the rim jump and unable to touch the rim.. (guess this is official fact that my vert has decreased.)

btw, having trouble sleeping.  Some time i sleep late due to movie at 2am.. but when I sleep early at 12... I end up waking up at 1:30 to 3am...  usualy for 30 min or so and back to sleep... but again i might wake up at 4:30 or 5:30... and have to go back to sleep again untill like 8am.  Kind of messed up.  My smart wrist band is saying i am having 1.5 to 2 hrs of deep sleep daily..... in a consistent manner..  this cant be a good thing...especially when i am Olifting..

as to Adarq,  not sure y Kadour said "You need a low rim"  Guess he want me to practice jumping with the ball, self lob or drib it it with the ball...for technique and timing...he did not talk about how low.. but he know i have a slightly lower rim as well as a 5inch shorter rim close by...

Ai.. thanks for ur message adarq.. remind of the good old days when i watch u doing all those self lob dunk... dunking is like surfing right? waiting for the right wave/jump for u..

« Last Edit: October 15, 2015, 02:43:11 am by scoobychau »
BIY - believe in yourself
Born 1980
190 lbs
Reach 7'5" (89")
2 legs leap 28"@06, 33"@11, 34.5"@2012, 37"@2013
Ankle Surgery - Dec 14, 07
Dunk Goal - Nov 11, 2012 (Daughter's 1 yrs old Bdays)

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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #633 on: October 22, 2015, 11:24:59 pm »
151022 Olifting session 7 completed

took 1 week off to vacation, and have zero training for the pass 7 days.

Did a session of T0dday jump at lunch.. as my vert decreased.. i am going back to  jumping toward the rim. 
out of 20 jump, first 7 is so poor that i can not tough the rim (lack of warm up probably)  from jump 8 to 11, My speed of landing and jumping increased and i felt the force absorb and explosive power. and able to reach over the rim by a inch or so. from rep 12 to 20... the result is up and down.. but never really good.

Return to olifting class and crap, i lost my technique, the back seems to raise up TOO early EVEN I Focus and THINK i am not.
End up spending 2 hrs of lifting light weight.  No where near to heavy weight yet... fuxk.

the next morning, leg is tired.. not sure from jump or lift.

Olifting class changed to Tue and Thus starting this week.
BIY - believe in yourself
Born 1980
190 lbs
Reach 7'5" (89")
2 legs leap 28"@06, 33"@11, 34.5"@2012, 37"@2013
Ankle Surgery - Dec 14, 07
Dunk Goal - Nov 11, 2012 (Daughter's 1 yrs old Bdays)

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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #634 on: October 29, 2015, 05:33:26 am »
151029 Olifting class session 10 tonight

I resumed Heavy lifting once a week on sunday morning ( squating 315lbs 4 set of 3 and deadlifting a few more set/rep after)

also resumed Jump training at lunch, doing Tooday method, 1 step jump, 2 step jump and work up to 3 step jump.
I try to get about 20 jump in total during my jump training lunch session.   But with limited time. this mean i do not have proper warm up... the initial 7-10 jump usually end up as warm up.  (First 3 or 5 jump might not be able to tip the rim)

However, I changed the jump session a little this week, instead of jump 20 times, I spent my time doing 4 depth drops, followed with full court Sprint with 4 depth jump.  for a total of 4 Sprint, and 3 set of Depth jump.  With this in place, i am able to touch the rim on my very first jumnp and reach over in my 3rd jump.   I end up doing 5 rep of 1 steps, 5 rep of 2 step and 5 reps of 3 steps jump.

see how things go with this change. 

Olimpic lifting is hard, I am getting the technique and form back after 2 sessions resumed from holiday.  However, even with proper technique, i am not able to lift Fast.  Coach is not letting me lift heavy... i am still just lifting 40kg.  which is useless for vertical development.

is like having 10lbs, 20lbs,40lbs gloves, for boxing training.  I am able to throw punch with 40lbs. but i am slow.
ok lets do 20lbs... and i am faster.. ok lets do 10lbs.. it is easy BUT i am still not FAST enough. 

the coach and throw punch fast at 10, 20 and even 40.   Able to throw punch is not enough, able to throw it FAST is the key.
JUST like vertical jumping. 

now.. i am stuck at Light weight gloves.... because even though I can go heavier... but i am not able to go fast... even when it is light.
both the coach and me.. is trying to figur thing out.

one more update, i tried 45 hrs fasting with drinking water last weekend. did not feel anything special...but i lost 8lbs.

some more research show for athlete performance, intermittent fasting is the way to go. which is just an 16 hr fast (skipping breakfast only)
Which i find it pretty dumb as so many people skip breakfast caz they are late to work..

anyway, i gave it a try and did it today.. will see how things go.

Talked to Kadour, and because of his religion,  he fast also... twice a week no eating or drinking.
BIY - believe in yourself
Born 1980
190 lbs
Reach 7'5" (89")
2 legs leap 28"@06, 33"@11, 34.5"@2012, 37"@2013
Ankle Surgery - Dec 14, 07
Dunk Goal - Nov 11, 2012 (Daughter's 1 yrs old Bdays)

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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #635 on: October 29, 2015, 09:12:49 am »
Have you ever actually stuck to one training method for longer than a couple weeks?
Insert motivational quote here...


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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #636 on: October 29, 2015, 12:44:22 pm »
151029 Olifting class session 10 tonight

I resumed Heavy lifting once a week on sunday morning ( squating 315lbs 4 set of 3 and deadlifting a few more set/rep after)

also resumed Jump training at lunch, doing Tooday method, 1 step jump, 2 step jump and work up to 3 step jump.
I try to get about 20 jump in total during my jump training lunch session.   But with limited time. this mean i do not have proper warm up... the initial 7-10 jump usually end up as warm up.  (First 3 or 5 jump might not be able to tip the rim)

However, I changed the jump session a little this week, instead of jump 20 times, I spent my time doing 4 depth drops, followed with full court Sprint with 4 depth jump.  for a total of 4 Sprint, and 3 set of Depth jump.  With this in place, i am able to touch the rim on my very first jumnp and reach over in my 3rd jump.   I end up doing 5 rep of 1 steps, 5 rep of 2 step and 5 reps of 3 steps jump.

see how things go with this change. 

Olimpic lifting is hard, I am getting the technique and form back after 2 sessions resumed from holiday.  However, even with proper technique, i am not able to lift Fast.  Coach is not letting me lift heavy... i am still just lifting 40kg.  which is useless for vertical development.

is like having 10lbs, 20lbs,40lbs gloves, for boxing training.  I am able to throw punch with 40lbs. but i am slow.
ok lets do 20lbs... and i am faster.. ok lets do 10lbs.. it is easy BUT i am still not FAST enough. 

the coach and throw punch fast at 10, 20 and even 40.   Able to throw punch is not enough, able to throw it FAST is the key.
JUST like vertical jumping. 

now.. i am stuck at Light weight gloves.... because even though I can go heavier... but i am not able to go fast... even when it is light.
both the coach and me.. is trying to figur thing out.

one more update, i tried 45 hrs fasting with drinking water last weekend. did not feel anything special...but i lost 8lbs.

some more research show for athlete performance, intermittent fasting is the way to go. which is just an 16 hr fast (skipping breakfast only)
Which i find it pretty dumb as so many people skip breakfast caz they are late to work..

anyway, i gave it a try and did it today.. will see how things go.

Talked to Kadour, and because of his religion,  he fast also... twice a week no eating or drinking.

My metabolic functions just got slower from reading that lol, I can understand lighter intermittent fasting periods but my god Kadour is practicing to survive a concentration camp haha! anyways good luck in your training I know you've been working many years towards these goals. also miss all the cool videos you posted on YT frequently.
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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #637 on: October 29, 2015, 01:07:42 pm »
151029 Olifting class session 10 tonight

I resumed Heavy lifting once a week on sunday morning ( squating 315lbs 4 set of 3 and deadlifting a few more set/rep after)

also resumed Jump training at lunch, doing Tooday method, 1 step jump, 2 step jump and work up to 3 step jump.
I try to get about 20 jump in total during my jump training lunch session.   But with limited time. this mean i do not have proper warm up... the initial 7-10 jump usually end up as warm up.  (First 3 or 5 jump might not be able to tip the rim)

However, I changed the jump session a little this week, instead of jump 20 times, I spent my time doing 4 depth drops, followed with full court Sprint with 4 depth jump.  for a total of 4 Sprint, and 3 set of Depth jump.  With this in place, i am able to touch the rim on my very first jumnp and reach over in my 3rd jump.   I end up doing 5 rep of 1 steps, 5 rep of 2 step and 5 reps of 3 steps jump.

see how things go with this change.

nice.. i used to love performing several short sprints before i'd start jumping.. really wakes you up.

Olimpic lifting is hard, I am getting the technique and form back after 2 sessions resumed from holiday.  However, even with proper technique, i am not able to lift Fast.  Coach is not letting me lift heavy... i am still just lifting 40kg.  which is useless for vertical development.

is like having 10lbs, 20lbs,40lbs gloves, for boxing training.  I am able to throw punch with 40lbs. but i am slow.
ok lets do 20lbs... and i am faster.. ok lets do 10lbs.. it is easy BUT i am still not FAST enough. 

the coach and throw punch fast at 10, 20 and even 40.   Able to throw punch is not enough, able to throw it FAST is the key.
JUST like vertical jumping. 

now.. i am stuck at Light weight gloves.... because even though I can go heavier... but i am not able to go fast... even when it is light.
both the coach and me.. is trying to figur thing out.

one more update, i tried 45 hrs fasting with drinking water last weekend. did not feel anything special...but i lost 8lbs.

some more research show for athlete performance, intermittent fasting is the way to go. which is just an 16 hr fast (skipping breakfast only)
Which i find it pretty dumb as so many people skip breakfast caz they are late to work..

anyway, i gave it a try and did it today.. will see how things go.

Talked to Kadour, and because of his religion,  he fast also... twice a week no eating or drinking.

In general I feel good skipping meals and eating light.. but when I dunked, I couldn't skip meals or dunk on an empty stomach. If I dunked in the morning, I'd go for milk + coffee/cappuccino powder. This helped me feel very alert and "jittery" (caffeine) but without the weakness i'd feel if I skipped a meal. The feeling of "slightly hungry, jittery, alert, aggressive, and possible pooping way too much" is when I jumped my best.. lmao .. Oh also, the previous meal (the night before), I'd load up on bananas and some protein, so that come morning, i'd have everything digested and I was ready to go.

My pre-dunking meal was always very light (like I mentioned before).

I'm not a caffeine drinker anymore so.. Right now i'm just drinking orange juice in the morning before I train. Does the job for tennis/running etc.



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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #638 on: October 29, 2015, 03:24:51 pm »
I never drank coffee in my life.
Current PR status:

All time squat: 165 kg/Old age squat: 130 kg
All time deadlift: 184 kg/Old age deadlift: 140 kg
All time bench: 85 kg/Old age bench: 70kgx5reps
All time hip thrust (same as old age hip thrust): 160kgx5reps


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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #639 on: October 30, 2015, 06:50:11 am »
Update from Completing Session 9 of Olifting Class.

JUMP MANUAL i spent Months if not over half a years. Completed and repeated.  (the Original Author never reply question when i email or fb message him)
BOINVERT, Completed and repeated. (Email response is good when i have question)
VJB Completed and repeated. (Various program with in the book, and Kelly is a Great guy)
JUMP SOLE (even this pcs of junk I Completed)
I even did many weeks of Raptor designed program (did not pay him, and he sort of got more important things to do in life and stopped his coaching with me)
Also that Custom Jack Woodrup prgram where i pay him monthly.. Did it for Over half year  at least, i can not remember right... MR woodrup Facebook account is closed now.... for watever reason.

Over the course of all this years, there is one program where i started and did not complete,  Jump Alert.

And I did Squat extensively to get to 2.17 x BW squat... (not buy squat every few months on and off for fun.)
the only Crap i did not START/repeat is that Project Vertical junk by Tyler Ray.

I agree, I sucks, as I am stuck at that 37  or so vertical and never got higher for at least 2 Fuking yrs...  and... I never stopped.  Call me dumb, call me waste of time..  Watever.  I... just continue to seek watever way is available.   And frankly... this Olifting way will most likely be my last attempt.

Fasting, Dry, Wet, eating Fish.. get lighter water.. i will do whenever i remember.. Stretching.. Hiit, Cardio.... I am trying... also..

ok... I got that out of my chest....

Back to my update.

I did my 9 session of olifting yesterday.
the learning progress is slow over these 5 weeks or so.. may be I lack talent.

i went from hang clean to power clean, to able to keep my Hip and leg angle constant at initial off the ground phs before arriving the hip for extension and HUMP the bar.

I spend alot of time getting the form right, as i often wrongly HUMP the bar too early (when the bar is just 1 inch above knee level)

but now.. is all fixed, and the bar is always on top of my dick level as I Hump the bar.  (Some Lifter Keep saying Hump is a good sign, where i believe Extending the hip which LEAD to humping is good, but humping is not a must.... However... Humping did make the bar fly like it is light and often result in explosive speed/lift)

when the Hump(or full extesnion ) happen, the bar Really Fly up high easy.

took like like 6 classes to get to this point. I was power cleaning about 60kg (when form start to degrade)

I took 1.5 week off and when I return to my 7th class
my technique is fucked... the Angle is messed up as i Raise my back too early off the ground
I spent my 7th and 8th class to fix my technique doing hang clean. (consider that is a Fking waste of time AND money)

however... after i got the technique back. I AM NOT ABLE TO lift fast still , not as FAST as coach at least.  Everything is right, but the explosive Thurst is not there.  As if a person is punching with a 30lbs glove in slow speed.

So coach make me go back to just the bar with 10kg on top.   I am trying to lift Fast, not heavy.  the concept is... Lift fast > lift heavy.

a fighter not able to throw fast punch with 10lb glove is useless,,, does not matter if u can throw a OK punch in 20lbs.  It need to be Fast, period

that was the conclusion of session 8.

On session 9 (yesterday)
My coach suggested me to stop power cleaning and starting Power snatching (wide grip), Ending with the bar above my head. 
So in this session, I spent  2 hrs power snatching just the bar and a little 10kg.... 

With the wider grip, the Bar is always at the Correct hip level (above Dick)... where I can Hump and Bounce/thrust the ball up.
Coach now tell me to Flex my Butt when i Hump (which i find it very hard, as the CATCH phs is RIGHT after the Extenion.... instead.. i feel like i am throwing a Punch and quickly taking it back instead of leaving my Fist all the way up front)

I spend a good 30 min just doing hi pull, where i Do not go down to catch the snatch.  I am told the Triple extension and HOLD my position.  this way.. I am certain that my Calf is contracted with Toe pointing down with my shoulder Snugged.  (later on, when I Catch in Clean or snatch, i am certain that my calf did not activated as much as I quickly drop myself down to catch.)

I recall, the Tawinese  Short Dunker  told me to do Power Snatch over Cleans.  (my coach suggested Clean over snatch is because he think I can preform clean in private gym. where as snatch is too scary/not safe for regular gym.)

Anyhow.. after today extensive snatching section, my coach feel that I am going to right direction again.

trying to develop explosve Power as fast as blinking of an eyes.. the Feeling of Fast over the feeling of lifting heavy....
the next day, my shoulder is VERY Sore, and same as my Calf and Shin, this had NEVER happened in my previouse 8 lifting session.
May be this is a good sign.
(however, I did have a basketball game the day before the recent olifting session.. so i am not sure what is the real course)
The full body soreness make me feel like i am starting to have a cold/flu.  which I sure hope it wont happen.

just Journal. For record keeping for myself.

PS. Face book have this new Share your memory function recently.   It is about this time of the year. 2013 Oct where I was at my PEAK vertical...
every time this memory appear on my fb... it disgust me. I am stuck. I know ... and thanks for reminding me how High i got before..
i am not even at my peakl level.. and i am trying to dunk... while the clock is ticking and i am getting older and older.
BIY - believe in yourself
Born 1980
190 lbs
Reach 7'5" (89")
2 legs leap 28"@06, 33"@11, 34.5"@2012, 37"@2013
Ankle Surgery - Dec 14, 07
Dunk Goal - Nov 11, 2012 (Daughter's 1 yrs old Bdays)

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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #640 on: October 30, 2015, 07:05:14 am »
See, the problem is not what you do, the problem is how you interpret things.

You are NOT stuck at 37''. You are a 35 year old hard working dad with very limited hours availabvle for training, yet you were able to build and now able to maintain a VERY good running vertical jump. LBSS, raptor, me and may others have never jumped a 37'' DLRVJ. Don't seek solutions to get unstuck. You are not stuck. Keep doing what got you here.
Once again, DLRVJ is not rocket science, on the contrary it is as simple as it gets. Squat heavy to get stronger, do some explosive stuff for RFD, jump a lot to maintain movement efficiency at the jump itself, keep your body composition under control, that's it!
Not saying you are doing something wrong now. But you DON'T have to go crazy with fasting and i don't know what, bread with olive oil. You were great already, i remember you got to 8%bf with a deep six-pack and some thick-ass blood pipes easy last time you tried.
You are kinda gifted. You respond good to training. You are capable of building strength fast and consistent. Staying lean too. Use those tools. Don't sabotage yourself trying 'new stuff', you don't need new stuff.
Target training paces (min/km), calculated from 5K PR 22:49 :
Easy run : 5:48
Tempo run : 4:50
VO2-max run :4:21
Speed form run : 4:02


it's the biggest trick in the run game.. go slow to go fast. it doesn't make sense until it smacks you in the face and you're like ....... wtf?


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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #641 on: October 30, 2015, 01:23:12 pm »

You cannot dunk because you are simply not strong enough to jump 38"+

Make a goal of  high bar, full squat 2xBW consistently for 5 reps+.. get there and you will have a chance to dunk.
Any other thing you invest your time and effort is not going to help you as much.

You of all people should know that the only reason you are in the 30s" VJ is because you were able to consistently handle 315 at some point. Do the same with 400s. You just have to not go mental when you burnout.   ;D
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #642 on: October 30, 2015, 01:56:40 pm »
All that ^^^^^ * 12342384239583453
Current PR status:

All time squat: 165 kg/Old age squat: 130 kg
All time deadlift: 184 kg/Old age deadlift: 140 kg
All time bench: 85 kg/Old age bench: 70kgx5reps
All time hip thrust (same as old age hip thrust): 160kgx5reps


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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #643 on: November 06, 2015, 12:05:38 am »
150610 A jump session..... with video and comparing to before..

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

I slowed down... and vert decreased.  I need to fingur out how i got myself to that speed by looking up my training history.
BIY - believe in yourself
Born 1980
190 lbs
Reach 7'5" (89")
2 legs leap 28"@06, 33"@11, 34.5"@2012, 37"@2013
Ankle Surgery - Dec 14, 07
Dunk Goal - Nov 11, 2012 (Daughter's 1 yrs old Bdays)

YOU'VE NEVER DONE! (by Thomas Jefferson)


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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #644 on: November 06, 2015, 05:39:32 am »
I slowed down... and vert decreased.  I need to fingur out how i got myself to that speed by looking up my training history.

Don't look, i'll tell you. It is 3 words / 18 letters:

« Last Edit: November 06, 2015, 01:40:49 pm by vag »
Target training paces (min/km), calculated from 5K PR 22:49 :
Easy run : 5:48
Tempo run : 4:50
VO2-max run :4:21
Speed form run : 4:02


it's the biggest trick in the run game.. go slow to go fast. it doesn't make sense until it smacks you in the face and you're like ....... wtf?