150901 Training never stop... I just did not take the time to type what i have on my phone hereAll the training stat is on my phone.
all August. the basketball court is close, i did not have a chance to practice jumping.
Weekly routine remain the same as Saturday Heavy explosive lifting 1.5hr max, Wednesday plyometric 1.5 hr max.
talked to Kadour and he even voice chat with me...
Which shocked me.. because to me.. Kadour is like Kobe in basketball.
I got emotional when I hear his voice.
He suggested me to lose weight as fast as possible and cut all meat milk product, just eat fish egg and soy milk.
also suggest me to add 5 short 20 min training session everyday. while continue with my previouse training.
So I added the Max cardio (HIIT) bike thing ( 16min daily) to burn fat with 10 min stretching. I manage to do it about twice every 3 days. Along with the 8 min abs.
I was never able to have more than 1 session of training a day.. the best i could do is.. Bike/abs in the morning, plyometric at night.
the 5 training session wll mean that i have to do Morning, Lunch, After work, Pre sleep exercise plus 1 more.
Actually, the 5 session can be... stretch, cardio, abs... so.. it is not as BAD as it seems but i still fail and unable to do 5 sessions.
chatting with Kadour is funny, is like talking to Bruce lee...
what i mean is, he discuss training like a philosopher... I am not saying he is talking useless thing when i ask simple question like how to increase jumping ability.... it is like... when you ask bruse lee how to be a better fighter, and he will answer you.. "be water my friend".
oh yes, he also suggest me to consume more BREAD with olive oil and honey which i ate 2 bag in 2 weeks.
so the pass few weeks or months.. i did not practice jumping ( due to lack of court) but my weight go down from 190 to 183.. (i was 183 all the times.. don know why i suddenly increased to 190) when i first measured right after Kadour tell me to lose weight.
The reason why I finally post an update here is because today is Sept 1st, the lunch basket training court should be open.
BUT WHEN I GO THERE TODAY..... i see a 3rd notice board, CLOSE extend to sept 15.
I tell myself. I will not let this stop me.
De-jumping phase end today. I will find my way to pratice jumping ASAP.
(Tonight.. have dinner gathering, tomorrow is plyometric day... meaning THURSDAY is the only time available this week)