Author Topic: Scooby 2011 Journal  (Read 579580 times)

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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #195 on: August 09, 2012, 09:16:04 am »
Don't listen to Raptor!
But for real I got these toe weights they'll have you jumping 6 inches higher in 6 weeks! Just wear them everyday. Their fkn sik as. And since your a member of i'll give you these limited edition toe weights for the special price of $500!
This method works trust me coz I'm a vertical jumps expert!!!

But for real dude reading your journal is soo frustrating! I try not to comment but you always do the most retarded shit. I jump the same vertical as you but at least I can dunk. In 6 months I made as much progess as you have in 6 years just coz I follow the basic shit. You're always looking for a fkn magic forumla instead of just going out and playing basketball and squatting heavy and practicing your fkn jumps. Seriously dude you actually had a great squat and shit before but for whatever reason you're 2 fkn stubborn to go into the gym and you think you're suddenly going to get reactive. You're fkn 30 years old man get you're shit together.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2012, 09:33:44 am by Mutumbo000 »
"IMO, It didn't happen if it's not on vid/official"- adarqui

It's easier to keep up than it is to catch up...


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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #196 on: August 09, 2012, 09:38:51 am »
Yeah man, Scooby, these "jokes" we post here in your thread is pretty much how what you're doing is viewed from outside.

You personally have much experience and invested a lot of time and effort into training hard etc, so you should know better.

It's sad that you're wasting your limited time like this.
Current PR status:

All time squat: 165 kg/Old age squat: 130 kg
All time deadlift: 184 kg/Old age deadlift: 140 kg
All time bench: 85 kg/Old age bench: 70kgx5reps
All time hip thrust (same as old age hip thrust): 160kgx5reps


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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #197 on: August 09, 2012, 09:53:54 am »
Yo Scoob, I have a pair of ankle weights, I'm selling them for 1000$. Are you interested?

They could help a ton in your situation, remember, you haven't tried ankle weights yet, so they must have some potential, right?

To raptor and lancests:
This post is a training journal for record/documentation purpose.  I would be much appreciated if you two very knowledgeable trainer would not post any message that defeat that purpose.

People have different view and ways for doing things, let's respect each other if possible.

I would like to continue using adarq websites as my training log hosting.  


Listen moron, you need to read the fucking post first, I said clearly that was going to be my last post in here had you not posted this idiotic reply.   And I dont give a half a fuck that you think this is a "training journal", its not, its a  fucking  joke, and a shitty one at that.  

I also dont give even a nanogram of a  fuck if you leave due to taking offense to these posts, google nanogram.


« Last Edit: August 09, 2012, 09:58:47 am by LanceSTS »


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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #198 on: August 09, 2012, 10:22:06 am »
I don't post a whole lot here, but Scooby, you remind me of coolcolj. Stubborn, completely convinced his own theory is the best, not improving for years, and you're asian (bad joke, i know). In the end, his knee gave out, he didn't dunk, and became really demotivated. Don't became that guy! You're still relatively young. I'm your age, and made a ton of improvement this year. You know how? By losing weight from 250 to 215, keeping my squat right around 375lb, and jumping 2 or 3 times a week. I did a windmill 2 months ago. I could barely dunk with one hand the year before.

What you are doing wrong is ignoring the basics, and suffer from overcomplication. You say you squat 2x bodyweight? I've seen the squat, and it's not parallel. Also, when you post on a public forum, you're bound to get some criticism, deal with it.

Squat, rld, jump, done!


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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #199 on: August 09, 2012, 10:40:00 am »
I don't post a whole lot here, but Scooby, you remind me of coolcolj. Stubborn, completely convinced his own theory is the best, not improving for years, and you're asian (bad joke, i know). In the end, his knee gave out, he didn't dunk, and became really demotivated. Don't became that guy! You're still relatively young. I'm your age, and made a ton of improvement this year. You know how? By losing weight from 250 to 215, keeping my squat right around 375lb, and jumping 2 or 3 times a week. I did a windmill 2 months ago. I could barely dunk with one hand the year before.

What you are doing wrong is ignoring the basics, and suffer from overcomplication. You say you squat 2x bodyweight? I've seen the squat, and it's not parallel. Also, when you post on a public forum, you're bound to get some criticism, deal with it.

Squat, rld, jump, done!

good post arnoud, however, it will only get added to these, which have been ignored as well. 

Scooby , what is wrong with you? You've been training for 6 years , haven't you learnt something?

I mean , changing everything after a net meeting with "168cm CNS trainer" and "young kid that grabs rim"???


:uhhhfacepalm:  :pissed:

Seriously, I am siding with Vag.  Honestly scooby, I haven't been around here as long as you or Vag or many other people, but I have followed many people's progress and training routines, and you are the ONE person who consistently never fails to ANNOY ME with your training. 

Just because the "Canada Dunker" is athletic and jumps high, you just switch off to whatever the hell he says.  I can go to my school rec center and find all these athletic dunkers all the time and ask them "what do I do to jump like you".  100% guarantee, 99% of them will not completely know wtf they are talking about.

If you are squatting 2xBW, I doubt your core is weak.  You seem to love trying to programs/routines and "trick"/"convince" yourself to switch to a new one by giving yourself a new reason, even though on in the inside, you know it's bullshit.  Your mentality and training tendencies mirror that of 90% of noobs who have a goal, but never achieve it, because they unfortunately have never come across sites like or anything and are only presented with the ineffective training protocols the mainstream displays.  Which sucks, cause, you've been training for 6 years, AND with the knowledge of  I can accept this kind of shit with random people, but you have been on this forum, and have been properly advised MANY TIMES OVER AND OVER.  Yet, you continue to do stuff like this.  BoingVert, seriously?

I sound like a jackass I know, and who am I to talk?  I can't dunk yet neither.  But still, your journal annoys me.

Max effort jumping/sprinting with maximum rest between sets, heavy squats and DLs with a supplementary hamstring exercise, core work, foam roll, stretch, recovery, rinse, repeat.

That's all you need to do, scooby. We've talked about this on IRC, lol. You don't have to buy into a new program, you don't need help from somebody in Canada that can grab the rim, you just need to plan smart.

Boingvert sounds dumb, tbh. You got world-class dunkers endorsing it that never had to workout to get their vert. It's fishy.

... Unless Boinvert is something else completely. /shrug

Please stop saying yolu will keep other peoples advices in mind, cause you never follow them, instead you do retarded stuff over and over and over

LOL. Come on man, listen to the free advice you're getting. You're more stubborn than Harvey!

you achieved a non-consistent, non-explosive /  grinding 2BW single max rep. if you want to do something with 100% proven result - try aiming for 2BW 10+ reps. you might not be able to undo your grinding and slow lifting ways, but trust me - there is no way you cannnot be explosive with a weight (even for 1-2 reps) if you can lift it 10+ times in a row.

at 170lb BW, i can rep 345 10+reps any given day. that will give you decent leg power to push the floor and throw yourself up.

You don't listen if people do give constructive feedback, so... /:

It's just irritating to see, tbh, especially when you have the squat you have and the potential to get up. You're wasting your time with this. Are you even squatting anymore? Are you even max jumping anymore? Stretching? Doing calf raises?

If you can show me a vertical jump program not endorsed by some industry guru I'll show you a program that isn't selling. A majority of programs out there have some reputable face on their product. You're falling for their marketing garbage. Some programs are still decent despite all the BS around them but that doesn't change the fact that you don't have to pay for a good routine.

The whole "official jump program of TFB" just screams marketing crap. Those guys were flying way before that program came out. I guarantee you they were either paid a large lump some or are making commissions on all sales for endorsing BoingVert.

Scooby, even if BoingScam was endorsed by Jesus, the fact is it's a cookie-cutter program lacking personalisation. I mean, the 6 phases (base preparation, technique, shock absorb, force development etc) aren't magic secret training tips, are all just things that you've already been doing. You're nearly six years into this shit, you're not a noob at this.

I would honestly love to see Boing get you 10'' on your RVJ because you seem like a motivated hard-working guy, but unless Shawn Myskza is training you personally you might get to the end of it with nowhere to go. Then you'll just latch onto the next latest thing and move sideways until you can't jump any more. It's not too late, don't go over to the dark side!

  Im only worried about you hurting yourself very seriously, what happened on that last drop was dangerous as hell man.  Youve got to learn to absorb some of that landing in your HIPS, and not your knees.  I would lower the height your landing from and post video until youre landing safely and efficiently, then progress the drop height.

This is the last thing I'll say in this journal because you're ignoring everything, but if you're having pain in your knee and ankle, it's time to look at your program and switch things up.

You should never have to push through the pain.

^ all these people are just meanies


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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #200 on: August 09, 2012, 09:46:26 pm »


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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #201 on: August 13, 2012, 04:03:13 am »
120810 Boin Phs 5 W1 D2
Completed Todays session with high box at 36 inches and, Low box at 18 inches
Unlike Day 1 which require max effort sprinting. today only require me to jump 40 times in total, half of these from the low box and half from the high box.

Read the comments and suggestion on my journal, and it once again reminded me about how I should keep my diet clean to get a lower body fat ratio.

Over the weekend, read the latest artical from Kelly ( , and it mentioned ankle, quad and glute percentage in jump.  After reading it, kind of help me understand how come my single running sucks, as it is heavly rely on calf which is my weakest link.

So I will continue to finish my boing routine. Seriously focus on a cleaner diet (plan to eat oat meal for breakfast and subway sandwich everyday for lunch).  Further more, will try to do circuit training on the upperbody 15-20 min per night for fat burning purpose, may be even incorporated the m100 routine, not confirmed yet... 

As of getting back to squat, i am seriously thinking about it, only 2 week left in this high intensity Boin routine, let me keep squat in the near future, and I should get myself up to 1.5 bw for calf raise as kelly suggested.

I also reviewed Adarq old video where he preform depth drop on a 3X inch box and his depth jump on the 18inch chair.  He jump very quick, and land very rigid yet soft on the ball of his feet.  Going back to the Boing routine video demo...I am not doing it right, either the box is too high, or I am not jumping fast enough.  Too much range of motion and long ground contact time.

Will try to fix it in the week 2. 

Stay focus, eat & sleep vertical.
BIY - believe in yourself
Born 1980
190 lbs
Reach 7'5" (89")
2 legs leap 28"@06, 33"@11, 34.5"@2012, 37"@2013
Ankle Surgery - Dec 14, 07
Dunk Goal - Nov 11, 2012 (Daughter's 1 yrs old Bdays)

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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #202 on: August 13, 2012, 06:44:20 am »
Why do you use a 36 inch box? Just because it's written in the Boing program?
Current PR status:

All time squat: 165 kg/Old age squat: 130 kg
All time deadlift: 184 kg/Old age deadlift: 140 kg
All time bench: 85 kg/Old age bench: 70kgx5reps
All time hip thrust (same as old age hip thrust): 160kgx5reps


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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #203 on: August 13, 2012, 09:57:38 pm »
In the program, there is a testing step for determining the depth drop height.  I jump from a 12 inch box and increase the box 2 inch per step.  Measuring the max vert for each jump and identify the box height where I can jump the highest.  I did that test, and from 29-32 inches box, my vert is the same while i try to stick a piece of tape on the wall.  on my 34 inch box attempt,  I suddenly got higher, but this time i did not try to stick a tape on the wall.  (A screen capture was posted in my previous post).  Due to lack of time, I did not test the 36 inches box.

On the other hand, I remember Kelly from VJB said that, the Depth Jump box height should be more or less a trainer max jump.  Base on these, I suppose the 34.5inches box seems correct... (correct me if i am wrong)

120813 Boing Phs5 W2 D1
Skipped breakfast due to gay meeting at 9-11am in the office.  
12 inches turkey subway with zero gram fat source for lunch.
1 cup of milk and 1 pcs of MrsFeild Cookie pre workout.

Note for jump training:
Just a session of depth jump fwd movement from high box, then sprint, the jump from low box, sprint again.
Finished the session with single leg depth jump vertically, I try my best to lower the contact time but the height is very limited.

Seriously focus in lowering ground contact time, I try to decrease the box height by 2 inches at first, but then I switch back to 36inches.  With the Adarq video in mind, and reviewing the boing demo video, the arm swing should be behind the body prior to landing; and right when i landed, the arm should be throw/swing upward or forward which will help with going higher and faster.  (my previous method was throwing my arm down during the drop to over load the drop, but this does also slow down my jump).

I am considering jumping from a lower box, the adarq was jumping from a 18" chair only, but he is lighting fast and he did it easily....

I am emailing Dr.Jump about the box height: the question is as follow:
If a trainer get the same max vert height in a "range" of box height during the test.  Should the trainer be depth jumping at the low end or the high end of this box height "range".

Additional Circuit Training
I got carreid away and forgot to record this.  After my jump training, I attemt to do upperbody cirucit training to lose weight.
Got this routine from the web somewhere:
Incline Chest -> Seated Shoulder press -> Sider shoulder raise -> Wide Grip Pull -> Bend over dumb roll -> Seated Over shoulder raise
3 rounds trip.

Overhead Dumb Tri extension -> Arm Curls -> Tricept cable push down - X Skipped moutain climb,high knee, burpee ignoring lower leg X
3 rounds trip

Incline Sit up 50 reps & Reverse back up 20 rep & Leg raise from laying on flat bench & 15 rep

total 30 min with light 20-30 sec pause at max when switching from exercise to exercise.

Hope this will help with weight lost...
« Last Edit: August 13, 2012, 11:03:40 pm by scoobychau »
BIY - believe in yourself
Born 1980
190 lbs
Reach 7'5" (89")
2 legs leap 28"@06, 33"@11, 34.5"@2012, 37"@2013
Ankle Surgery - Dec 14, 07
Dunk Goal - Nov 11, 2012 (Daughter's 1 yrs old Bdays)

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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #204 on: August 13, 2012, 10:09:08 pm »
^ easy with the subway sandwiches scoob.. 0 fat is not the end all..  those have TONS of sodium FYI.

educate yourself - |

you maintain whatever strength you have now, drop 15-20lbs - you'd jump at least another 3-4".
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #205 on: August 13, 2012, 11:02:31 pm »

I got carreid away and forgot to record the upperbody circuit training....  :strong:
Thanks for the post Kingfish, will spend some time looking at those website.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2012, 11:04:50 pm by scoobychau »
BIY - believe in yourself
Born 1980
190 lbs
Reach 7'5" (89")
2 legs leap 28"@06, 33"@11, 34.5"@2012, 37"@2013
Ankle Surgery - Dec 14, 07
Dunk Goal - Nov 11, 2012 (Daughter's 1 yrs old Bdays)

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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #206 on: August 19, 2012, 10:16:42 pm »

120815 Upperbody Circuit Fat
Did it today, 35 min... Let lose some fat please

120817 Boing Phs 5 W2 D2
Completed today Depth jump...
However, the performance is bad.. I am not able to jump as high as i should...
Just having a bad day... I wonder if today effort is all wasted..  None of my depth jump (low or hi box) is teaching my previous max height.

120819 Vert Test at my old home
Got back to my old home with that 9'11ish Rim.... and attempt to duck the Kid size ball.... and failed.
Much like my previous, running approach is a mess.  Slow run up with 2 the final two hop step into a jump caught me as high as before... 

As high as before is not good enough to dunk even the small ball, I need to get higher...

My baby and my wife is at the court... along with some kid, watching me attempt to dunk that small ball 5 or 6 times.. some are fairly close but all are rejected from the rim...

The boing vert system have some effect on my body, I can now jump higher in my 2 step jump (relatively to pre Boin)... but it did not help out on the running jump.

According to the Boin book, the last 2 weeks  (phs 6 ), which consist of 4day x 2 weeks routine will help on transforming all the new gained strength and whatever into running jump...

I can't wait to get this Boing over with, and get back to the squat rack.

If according to plan, 2nd week of Sept I will be back with squatting, and lot or running approach jump practice!
Nov 10! I want to catch the deadline.
BIY - believe in yourself
Born 1980
190 lbs
Reach 7'5" (89")
2 legs leap 28"@06, 33"@11, 34.5"@2012, 37"@2013
Ankle Surgery - Dec 14, 07
Dunk Goal - Nov 11, 2012 (Daughter's 1 yrs old Bdays)

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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #207 on: August 19, 2012, 11:47:31 pm »

120815 Upperbody Circuit Fat
Did it today, 35 min... Let lose some fat please

120817 Boing Phs 5 W2 D2
Completed today Depth jump...
However, the performance is bad.. I am not able to jump as high as i should...
Just having a bad day... I wonder if today effort is all wasted..  None of my depth jump (low or hi box) is teaching my previous max height.

120819 Vert Test at my old home
Got back to my old home with that 9'11ish Rim.... and attempt to duck the Kid size ball.... and failed.
Much like my previous, running approach is a mess.  Slow run up with 2 the final two hop step into a jump caught me as high as before... 

As high as before is not good enough to dunk even the small ball, I need to get higher...

My baby and my wife is at the court... along with some kid, watching me attempt to dunk that small ball 5 or 6 times.. some are fairly close but all are rejected from the rim...

The boing vert system have some effect on my body, I can now jump higher in my 2 step jump (relatively to pre Boin)... but it did not help out on the running jump.

According to the Boin book, the last 2 weeks  (phs 6 ), which consist of 4day x 2 weeks routine will help on transforming all the new gained strength and whatever into running jump...

I can't wait to get this Boing over with, and get back to the squat rack.

If according to plan, 2nd week of Sept I will be back with squatting, and lot or running approach jump practice!
Nov 10! I want to catch the deadline.

I'm really flogging a dead horse here, but Scooby, no one is holding a gun to your head and making you finish BoingVert. You're not gonna get a special award for stubbornly completing the most number of scam programs (although if there was such an award it would be named after you). If you acknowledge that you need to be squatting, working your calves, and practising approach jumps, then just start doing it right now.


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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #208 on: August 20, 2012, 09:40:08 pm »

I'm really flogging a dead horse here, but Scooby, no one is holding a gun to your head and making you finish BoingVert. You're not gonna get a special award for stubbornly completing the most number of scam programs (although if there was such an award it would be named after you). If you acknowledge that you need to be squatting, working your calves, and practising approach jumps, then just start doing it right now.

Hi Acole14, me too is skeptical about this Boin routine, and I do want to test its effectiveness, therefore I do want to try to stick close to the book.  The current routine require me to do like 15-30 depth jump 2 times a weeks.  I suppose i will need to recover before getting into heavy lifting on the lower body.

The last 2 week (phs 6) involve like tons of running approach jump for 4 time a weeks.... that sort of align with my predicted plan...
BIY - believe in yourself
Born 1980
190 lbs
Reach 7'5" (89")
2 legs leap 28"@06, 33"@11, 34.5"@2012, 37"@2013
Ankle Surgery - Dec 14, 07
Dunk Goal - Nov 11, 2012 (Daughter's 1 yrs old Bdays)

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Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« Reply #209 on: August 21, 2012, 10:16:18 pm »
120821 Approach Jump indoor hi rim court

Have Ball training today, I did some calf raise and stretching pre training. However, body feel sluggish, wearing the new Spain/toronto Raptor half size up Joes's sneaker.. my Jump feel weird

During training, I look at the rim above my head, it look so reachable and so close...

Attempted like 10 approach jump at different time... I felt like I am getting higher.reaching like 1 inch above this indoor rim.
(this indoor rim is a bit higher then 10', so I think i got a bit higher, at least from a approach wise)

Baby having a fever.. bad night of sleep tonight.
BIY - believe in yourself
Born 1980
190 lbs
Reach 7'5" (89")
2 legs leap 28"@06, 33"@11, 34.5"@2012, 37"@2013
Ankle Surgery - Dec 14, 07
Dunk Goal - Nov 11, 2012 (Daughter's 1 yrs old Bdays)

YOU'VE NEVER DONE! (by Thomas Jefferson)