Monday 29th July 2024
What the hell is going on - tweaked left knee, strained right calf the last week
And today, I did my right QL!
Right side of lower back is pretty stiff post session, can't stand full straight...
Will have to stay seated as much as possible
Reboot - Week 32, Day 3 - Lower weights
Body Weight: 92.3kg with shoes, in winter clothing
snatch grip behind the neck press + dislocate stretch with broom x 1 min
Sartorius, lying on back, cable pull: - SLOW, 5 sec hold at mid point - 5kg x5,
10kg 2x5 @RPE 8/9
A. Front plank hold: 35secs
B. Side plank, legs bent and abducted - opposite hand in air- 35secs
C. Glute bridge hold: 35secs
Leg Extension ISO - single leg - front of unit elevated 5 inches, plates moved towards end of arm -
Leaning back, slow up, 10 sec hold at top, slow down, 10 sec hold at 60 degrees, 10 sec hold at 90 degrees - x 5kg, 10kg, 15kg
Minor twinges from left knee near the bottom
Heel touch downs, single leg, off step: - controlled - BW x 10
Rotating sets
Power clean:
20kg x7 - 1 floor, 3 high hang, 3 knee hang
40kg x 7 - 1 floor, 3 knee hang, 3 high hang
50kg x 5 - 1 floor, 2 high hang, 2 knee hang
50kg x3 - 1 floor, 1 high hang, knee hang
50kg x3 - 1 floor, 1 high hang, knee hang
50kg x5 - 1 floor, 2 high hang, 2 knee hang
High Bar squat - Flat shoes (Avancus Apex Power v2) - Staying as upright as possible, no good morning allowed
Slow - 20kg x10, 40kg x2, Belt on from now on x10, 60kg x6, 75kg x6
Belt, 4 sec eccentric - 90kg x4, 105kg x2, 115kg x1
125kg x walkout and 5 x 1/4 squats
belt -
1) 110kg x10 @RPE 8.5 (+10kg, -2 reps)
7 mins rest
2) 1-2 inches above parallel - 85kg x27 @8 - FAST, continuous, 53 sec set time (+5kg)
first 6 reps were closer to a 1/4 squat
10 days since I last squatted with a bar, 100kg+ felt heavy as hell on my back.
Left knee was twingy during the early warm up sets but fine by the time of the heavy main work sets
WTF, some how I strained my right QL pretty badly on the second rep of the 40kg warm up set....
Probably due to not respecting thew eight and bracing properly!
Had to put on the belt and brace hard after that and got through the session OK
Tibilias Wall raise - standing warmup in oly shoes - BW x10
against side of car, in oly shoes - hold at top - BW x8
Myorep. "+" = 15 secs rest, 9 deep breaths
Dip belt+10kg x 20↓ @RPE 9.5 +3+3+3+3+3 (+1 rep on initial set)
rotating sets
45 degree back extension - partial glute ham raise at the top - unit elevated 8 inches - full 90 degree ROM, toes pointed out - collar to collar snatch grip
BW x10 - Controlled with hold and 5 partial GHR at top
20kg x6
1) FAST - 7.5kg (dumbbell behind head) x29 @RPE 8 (+2.5kg, +4 reps) 50 sec set time
7 mins rest
2) 30kg x12 @8
5 mins rest
3) 32kg x9 @9
Calf Raise, single leg - using Dip Belt - Full range stretched
Controlled, 5 sec hold at top, middle and bottom
BW x5
+10kg x3
+20kg 2x3 @RPE8/9 (+5kg)
Bent Knee -
+20kg x3 @9
45 degree QL side raise: - ISO at neutral position - 2x35 secs
strained QL, so only ISO
Leg Extension - single leg - front of unit elevated 5 inches, plates moved towards end of arm -
Leaning back, controlled - 5kg x12,
7.5kg x15 @RPE 5
10kg x15 @6
left knee twinge on first 2 reps, then fine after more reps, and blood pumped into area
Leg curl, single leg : - front lifted up 5 inches, Plates shifted to end of arm - Controlled - 7.5kg x8, 12.5kg x10 @RPE 9