Thursday 11th April 2024Pretty sore quads, calves and posterior chain
My right inner achilles insertion area didn't like what I did yesterday... Still not ready for heavy full range calf raises yet
Right QL is full good now, and my erectors no feel badly trashed.
Thanks to sidebends and Jefferson curls.
Calf raise ISO - single leg - BW 4x45secs
Friday 12th April March 2024Soreness down to 25%, but right inner achilles still aches.
Felt fine today after the ISOs, and the calf raises on the floor were pain free
I guess today is no longer fully upper body anymore...
I wanted to squat today to try a wider stance, as my femurs are longer than my shins, causing me to lean over much more.
Putting more stress on my lower back, and I have been good morning my squats a lot lately
The wider stance made it much easier get lower and spring out of the bottom, and lower back felt no stress at all.
Reboot - Week 18, Day 3 - Upper weightsBody Weight: 91kg with shoes
Ball circles at wall: front x 30 - 15 each direction, side x30 - 15 each direction
BBall overhead single arm plank againt wall: 2x45 secs
BBall ball control drills 5 mins
Calf raise ISO push against wall, sitting on floor, back against wall: 70% effort
45 Seconds straight
45 Seconds Toes out
45 Seconds straight
45 Seconds Toes out
Sartorius lying on back, single leg ISO pull, against opposite foot: 3x45secs
Leg curl, seated ISO against floor, single leg: 3x45secs
Front plank hold - 33 secs @ RPE 7
Side plank hold Bent knee abducted - 33secs @ RPE 7
glute bridge hold x 33secs @6
rotating sets
Leg extension ISO - Plates moved towards end of loading arm with collars, leaning back
toes out, 30 sec hold at top, 20 sec at 45 degrees x 10kg, 15kg, 17.5kg @ RPE 8
Calf raise - single leg- Staggered stance, on floor, heel never touching, SLOW - BW x5
chain dip belt +5kg x10 @6
+10kg x 30sec hold +12 reps
Dumbbell press, rotating grip: 10lbs x10, 15lbs x10, 25lbs x9, 35lbs x6, 45lbs x1
45lbs 2x8 @ RPE 8/9 (
+5lbs, -4 reps)
That 5lbs jump feels huge!
Rotating sets
Heel touch downs, single leg, off 8inch step: BW x12
High bar squat: - wider stance - Reebok Nano - 20kg x10, 60kg x8, 75kg x8
Oly shoes -
75kg x6, x4
90kg x3, x4
90kg x10 @6.5
90kg x3
High angle barbell row: - controlled - 20kg x10, 40kg x6
50kg x11 @8. 2/10 right brachialis pain on last rep
50kg x11 @8. 1/10 right brachialis pain
Deficit push up: On floor, paused x5
Feet elevated 20 inches - BW x20 @RPE 9 (
+1 rep)
Single arm dumbbell row - head supported, controlled, elbows out - 45lbs x6
60lbs x12 @8 - 3/10 right brachialis pain on last 2 reps
Wood chop ISO push : 70% effort - 2x45secs
Side bend: 35lbs x6, 60lbs 2x12 @8 (+5lbs)
Rotating sets
Scarecrow external rotation: 1kg x20, 2.5kg x20 @6
Subscapularis rotations, lying on back: 1kg x20, 2.5kg x20 @6
Leg extension, single leg, plates shifted towards end of arm, Leaning back, controlled - 10kg x12
Jefferson curl:- controlled - 10kg x6, 17.5kg x15 @8