Turned 53 years old, 4 days ago....
Coming up to 2 month on Carnivore diet now.
Weight loss seems to have plateaued the last two weeks, but maybe I've just gained muscle mass, as I have gained strength rapidly thanks to muscle memory and tons of protein.0
Started to get low blood sugar feeling sometimes, turns out it is likely due to not eating enough fat, I only get 100g of it.
Should be at least 1:1 with protein grams normally, and only under this when doing lean PSMF style days a few days of the week when trying to get under 10% bodyfat.
Started adding in grass fed butter to my meals, soaks well in scrambled eggs. And slices of it on cold bacon
Bringing up my fat to around 150g for now, with 130-220g of protein. 10g of carbs or less
Previously I have been doing 1 huge whole body 4 hour workout in my Garage gym a week, and BBall/bodyweight upper body stuff at the courts on Sunday.
Changed it up this week, and split the session for shorter workouts and less stress for the body to recover from.
Still doing lots of ISOs throughout the week to rehab my sartorius and achilles/plantaris tendons, lower right bicep area and right QL.
Wednesday 28th February 2024
Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat, thoracic and pec stretches,
Reboot - Week 12, Day 3 - Lower weightsBody Weight: 91.2kg with shoes
snatch grip behind the neck press + dislocate stretch with broomSplit squat ISO on balls of foot, rear leg straight: 2x 45 secs
Wall sit, pushing into floor a bit 2x 45secs
Calf raise ISO, single leg : 2x 45 secs
Heel touch downs, single leg, off 8 inch step: slow tempo - BW x10
Bird Dogs - 10 sec hold at top - x2 each side
High Bar squat - 4 secs down, paused, and controlled up - Reebok Nano BW x10, 20kg x6, 40kg x5, 60kg x4,
oly shoes 70kg x3, 80kg x2, 90kg x1
6 mins rest
90kg x10 @RPE 8
100kg x6 @RPE 8
90kg x12 @ RPE 9.5
First time squatting 100kg since I started up again.
It's taken me 4 months, squatting once a week, starting at 40kg which felt hard.
Staying at each weight for 2-3 weeks so my tendons and joints can adapt.
e1RM is probably around 130kg
rotating sets
Tibilias Wall raise - standing warmup in oly shoes BW x10
against side of car, in oly shoes - hold at top
BW x11 @RPE 9
BW x9 @8
Romanian Deadlift - 20kg x10
50kg x12 @6
55kg x10 @7
Leg extension, single leg - end of unit elevated 5 inches -
slow, hold at top - 10kg x5
15kg x8 @7
17.5kg x8 @8
SSB Good Morning: - belt - 30kg x10
40kg x10 @7
Single leg, kneeling deadlift: single dumbbell on opposite side of working leg, supported
40lb x10 @7
tough, glute smoked!
Single leg, Romanian deadlift, RDL: single dumbbell on opposite side of working leg, supported
40lbs x10 @8
Leg curl, single leg : 10kg x6
15kg x11 @9
15kg x10 @8