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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1065 on: December 19, 2021, 11:31:50 am »
Sunday 19th December 2021

Still a bit sore all over

Still fairly hot, but not too bad once you get into it
Continuing to dial back RPE on most things

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches

pre workout - soft tissue work for lupper body, and some lower

Tendon health+rehab -  fasted -  Upper 1, day 2
10G beef gelatin + 1g vitamin C one hour before session

Bodyweight with shoes - 88.8kg

general mobility drills
Walking on sides of ankle, side to side ankle rocking drills

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Leg extension ISO, single leg - pushing against strap, 80 degree knee angle at 70% effort - 30 secs x 3 sets

B1) Seated soleus calf raise ISO, single leg - SSB on safety bar and knee, neutral foot position - 30secs x SSB+15kg, 20kg, 22.5kg, 25kg, 27.5kg
B2) Calf raise, single leg - 3 secs up, hold, 3secs down - BW x10, weight vest 6kg 2x10 @ RPE 7

BBall ball control and dribbling drills - 15 mins
Mostly stationary stuff

Band pull aparts - horizontal x 20, Diagonals, thumbs up -  Rogue light band x10 each axis
split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1 min - 30 secs actively pushing legs outwards

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

rotating sets - 2-3 mins rest

A) Bulgarian split squat - slightly arm supported, 3 secs down and up - BW x10, weight vest 10kg 2x10

B) Bench - grip 2.5 inches from smooth area - 20kg x15, 40kg x12, 60kg x8, 70kgx7, 80kg x1
1) 85kg x7 @ RPE 9.5
3) 2-3 sec eccentric - 70kg 3x5 @ RPE 6

think I blew my load on the 70kg warm up set....

D) High angle rows - 20kg x15, 40kg x12, 60kg x10, 70kg x6
deadlifted off the floor -
80kg x8@ RPE 7
80kg x8 @ RPE 8
80kg x6 @ RPE 8

A) Push ups
deficit - on dumbbell handles - feet elevated 20 inches - BW x 15 @ RPE 7

B) Single Leg glute bridge - hold at top - BW x10, x11 @ RPE 8
C) Inverted row - using bench press height bar, feet on 20 inch bench, bench press grip width - BW x10 reps @ RPE 10 (chest an inch from bar on last rep)

A) Dumbbell curl - 15lbs x12, 25lbs x5, 30lbs x8, 27.5lbs x8 @ RPE 8

B) Ivanko super gripper - 70lbs x10
left hand - 85lbs x12, x10, x9 @RPE 7
right hand- 85lbs x12, x10, x9 @RPE 6.5

reduced loads quite a bit, for better quality reps

Sharapova band cuff/trap/serratus exercise - light Rogue mind band - x3, x2 trips up/down wall
LU raises - controlled - 2.5kg plate x15 @ RPE 7, 5kg plate 2x10 @ RPE 8

« Last Edit: December 21, 2021, 07:45:28 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1066 on: December 21, 2021, 07:46:51 pm »
Monday 20th December 2021

Upper body achey, but lower body is pretty sore
Some inflamed feeling in both achilles but it got better later in the day

Sleep schedule has been erratic. Total day off today

« Last Edit: December 21, 2021, 07:48:28 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1067 on: December 21, 2021, 07:51:22 pm »
Tuesday 21st December 2021

Feeling better, but still not quite right
Still resting

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches

Calf raise ISO -
on step -  at neutral 1x30 secs, chain dip belt+7.5kg 4x30secs

Pushing against strap around knees ISO - glute medius - at 70% effort - 4 x30secs
Leg extension/leg press hybrid ISO, single leg - sitting in chair pushing back against wall with feet into floor, 80-90 degree knee angle at 70% effort - 30 secs x 4 sets

Glute bridge hold - 2x 30secs

Active stretch lats, pecs between sets
calf and couch stretch after


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1068 on: December 22, 2021, 05:36:46 am »
Wednesday 22nd December 2021

Left knee hurt today, I think the upper part of the patella tendon, so will have to regress back again...
Will push Sumo deadlifts in the mean time

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

pre workout - soft tissue work for lower body and upper back
TFL rectus femoris, and hip flexor stretch

Tendon health+rehab - Day 4 Lower2
10G beef gelatin + 1g vitamin C one hour before session

Bodyweight in shoes = 88.8kg

general mobility drills
Walking on sides of ankle, side to side ankle rocking drills
side leg raises x 20 each leg

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Leg extension ISO, single leg - pushing against strap, 80 degree knee angle at 70% effort - 30 secs x 3 sets

B1) Seated soleus calf raise ISO, single leg - SSB on safety bar and knee, neutral foot position - 30secs x SSB+ 20kg, 25kg, 27.5kg, 30kg, 32.5kg
still trying to find the right load, still somewhat easy right now

B2) Calf raise, single leg - 3 secs up, hold, 3secs down - BW x10, chain dip belt + 7.5kg x10, +10kg 2x10 @ RPE 7

BBall ball control and dribbling drills - 10 mins
Mostly stationary stuff

broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x20 + Shoulder dislocates x few sets
split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1 min - 30 secs actively pulling legs inwards, 30 secs pushing legs outwards
Side plank with leg abduction - against 20 inch bench - x 20secs each side
Front plank x 30 secs

Alternating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Kettle bell Swing - 40kg x8 warmup
40kg 3x8

B) Squats -

Overhead squat - slow tempo 20kg x5, 30kg x5
5 hang snatch high pull + 1 power snatch + 3 high hang power snatch before set

Front Squat - oly shoes - 5 secs down, 3 sec up  - 20kg x5, 40kg x5, 60kg, x4, 80kg x3, 85kg x3 @ RPE 7  (+2.5kg)

A) High bar squat - oly shoes - 4 secs down, 2 secs up  - 60kg 2x3, 80kg 2x3, 100kg x3, x1, 110kg x2, 120kg,
130kg x1 @ RPE 8

B) Low bar squat - oly shoes - 3 sec down, controlled up  - 60kg x3, 80kg x2, 100kg x2

left knee hurt, I think it's the upper part of patella tendon, so shut things down.
It actually hurts in the upper part of the concentric, rather than at the bottom or on the way down, so not like you expect.

Alternating sets - 3 mins rest

A) Sumo Deadlift - oly shoes, hook-gripped, bar not controlled between reps - 60kg x10, 80kg x4, 100kg x4, 110kg x4, 120kg 4 @ RPE 7
B) Wall Tibialis raise - in oly shoes (DoWin Rogues) -  free standing warmup BW x10
BW x5, x7, x10, x8 @ RPE 8
C) RDL -  oly shoes, hook-gripped, lowered under control to just above the floor - 20kg x10, 60kg x6, 80kg x6, 100kg x5, 110kg x5 @ RPE 7

Both Sumo deadlift and RDL felt good, strong, powerful, and no lower back stress. Just good glute activation.


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1069 on: December 23, 2021, 11:10:05 pm »
Thursday 23rd December 2021

The interrupted squat volume sure makes me feel better today than my usual post session feels, so likely been doing too much.... 3 hour sessions says as much  :ninja:

Left knee not feeling as bad as I was expecting based on yesterday, but still sore.
It hurts when the leg is fully extended and flexed, and feels around where the patella tendon connects to the knee cap, based on touch and pressure.
Walking upstairs feels fine.

Achilles feel no worse after yesterday, so will continue as is

decided to do nothing today and monitor how the left patella feels tommorrow
« Last Edit: December 23, 2021, 11:13:58 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1070 on: December 23, 2021, 11:21:02 pm »
Friday 24th December 2021

Lower back/erectors feeling more sore today, but I feel quite good overall in terms of freshness. Again due to less squats
Left patella tendon feels no different after the full day of rest yesterday, so will start loading it today.

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches

Split squat ISO -rear leg straight, at 90 degrees, on balls of feet x 1 min
Calf raise ISO -
on step -  at neutral 1x10 secs, chain dip belt+10kg 4x35secs

Pushing against strap around knees ISO - glute medius - at 70% effort - 4 x30secs
Wall sit ISO, single leg - two legs +10kg x 30 secs
single leg at 30-40 degree knee angle - 30 secs x 4 sets

Glute bridge hold - 2x 30secs

Active stretch lats, pecs between sets
calf and hip flexor/TFL stretch after

6 hours later

Calf raise ISO -
on step -  at neutral 1x10 secs, chain dip belt+10kg 4x35secs
Wall sit ISO, single leg - two legs x 30 secs
single leg at 30-40 degree knee angle - 30 secs x 4 sets


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1071 on: December 25, 2021, 10:34:48 pm »
Saturday 25th December 2021

posterior chain still sore
didn't feel like training so more rest

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches

Calf raise ISO -
on step -  at neutral 1x15 secs, chain dip belt+10kg 4x45secs

Wall sit ISO, single leg - two legs x 30 secs
single leg at 30-40 degree knee angle - 30 secs x 4 sets


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1072 on: December 26, 2021, 06:44:06 am »
Sunday 26th December 2021

Posterior chain still a little sore, but overall starting to feel decent
Left patella tendon feeling better, but still hurts when walking downstairs when cold

have a bit of gout in my left big toe... everytime I start gaining weight gout is around the corner...

skipped the soft tissue work today

Tendon health+rehab - Upper 2, day 4 - fasted

10G beef gelatin + 1g vitamin C one hour before session

Bodyweight with shoes - 90kg

general mobility drills
Walking on sides of ankle, side to side ankle rocking drills
split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - on balls of feet x 30 secs

rotating sets - 30 secs rest

A) Spanish squat ISO - nylon strap, At 30-45 degree knee angle - 4x 30secs
B)Pushing against strap around knees ISO - glute medius - at 70% effort - 4x 30secs
C) Calf raise, single leg - 3 secs up, 3 sec hold, 3secs down, 3 sec pause - BW x10, chain dip belt+10kg x6, +15kg 2x7 @ RPE 7

Quad triple on calf raises :)
Went up 5kg on main sets. Felt OK and still somewhat too light today

BBall ball control and dribbling drills - 20 mins
some slight discomfort on right achilles insertion

Band pull aparts - horizontal x 20, Diagonals, thumbs up -  Rogue light band x10 each axis

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Hip thrust, single leg - hold at top - BW  2x11 @ RPE 7, BW x10 @RPE 8

B) Dip- dip shrugs x 20, BW x10, x3
cuffs achey at the bottom, so bailed after the first warm up set...

A1) Pull up/Chin up - Hang and 20 scap shrugs,
Pull up - dead hang/paused,  wider - BW 2x3
BW x 10 @ RPE 8
Chin up, shoulder width -  BWx8 @ RPE 8
Pull up, dead hang/paused, wider - BW x4 @ RPE 8
Chin up, shoulder width -  BWx5 @ RPE 7

Not bad hitting 10 reps on pullups @ RPE8, at 90kg total weight, plus the weight of heavy oly shoes ontop
Didn't think I would get over 8 reps!

A2) Single arm dumbbell row - supported - controlled down - 36kg x4, x10 @ RPE 8

B) Overhead press
B1) Military Press - barbell - using bulldog grip, thumbs on smooth  - 20kg x10, 30kg x5, 40kg x3
45kg x8 @ RPE 8
Belt - 45kg x10 @RPE 9

Belt made quite a difference, as I only expected to hit 7 or so at RPE 8. Reps were just cranking out

B2) Dumbbell, palms facing, overhead press, arms in line with ears - 15lbs x10, 35lbs x10 @RPE 7

"+" = 15 breaths rest
A) Push up - deficit, on dumbbell handles - feet elevated 20 inches - BW x 16 +4+4+4 @ RPE 7 on initial set and @9 on last mini set

B) Band pull aparts - High to low, palms up - Jump stretch light band x 20 +6+6+6 @ RPE 7
C) Sharapova band cuff/trap/serratus exercise - light Rogue mini band - x35, x30, x28  @ RPE 7/8/8

Scare Crow external rotations - 2.5kg plate x 20
Bar hangs - pull up grip 2x30secss
Jefferson Curl - dumbbells 20lbs x10, 30lbs x10



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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1073 on: December 27, 2021, 06:00:35 am »
Monday 27th December 2021

Damn, my posterior chain is pretty sore, especially my hamstrings.
Upper is a little sore, but not as much as my lower body....

Finally some noticeable improvement to my right achilles insertion, so yesterday is heading in the right direction
Left patella tendon still sore

total rest today


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1074 on: December 28, 2021, 09:53:50 pm »
Tuesday 28th December 2021

Lower back pretty sore
left patella tendon still achey when going downstairs cold, but improving

Body not ready, so more active rest today

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches

Split squat ISO - rear leg straight, at 80 degrees,  x 30secs

Wall sit ISO, single leg - two legs at 60 degrees  4x30 secs

Calf raise ISO -
on step -  at neutral 1x30 secs, chain dip belt+15kg 4x35secs

Glute bridge hold - 2x 30secs

Active stretch lats, pecs between sets
calf and hip flexor/TFL stretch after

upper body mobility/dynamic stretches


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1075 on: December 28, 2021, 10:11:06 pm »
So the Wit Fitness version of the Reebok Legacy Lifter 2 oly shoe was way discounted down, and I said why not, and bought the second last pair in size 9 from the US website!
I may or may not keep them, but the colour way makes a nice classy contrast to my black, yellow, pink pair  :)
I don't think they will get restocked either


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1076 on: December 29, 2021, 12:25:23 pm »
Wednesday 29th December 2021

Posterior chain still sore, although I think the stuff I did yesterday may also be a contributor
Quads and Upper body a bit as well.

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

pre workout - soft tissue work for lower body and upper back


Tendon health+rehab - Day 4 Lower2
10G beef gelatin + 1g vitamin C one hour before session

Bodyweight in shoes = 88.8kg

general mobility drills
Walking on sides of ankle, side to side ankle rocking drills
side leg raises x 20 each leg
split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 80 degrees knee angle - x 45 secs

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A)Spanish squat ISO - nylon strap, At 30-45 degree knee angle - 4x 30secs

B) Seated soleus calf raise, single leg - SSB on safety bar and knee, down to neutral foot position - 3 secs up, 3 sec hold, 3secs down, 3 sec pause - SSB+25kg x5, 35kg x7, 40kg x7
still too easy

C) Calf raise, single leg - 3 secs up, 3 sec hold, 3secs down, 3 sec pause - BW x10, chain dip belt+15kg x7, +20kg x7 @ RPE 7
15kg felt too easy, so bumped it up to 20kg

BBall ball control and dribbling drills - 15 mins
more movement today

broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x20 + Shoulder dislocates x few sets
Front plank x 30 secs
glute bridge hold x 30secs
Side plank with leg abduction - against 20 inch bench - x 20secs each side

Alternating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Kettle bell Swing - 40kg x8 warmup
40kg 3x8
last set was flying, due to contrast from the sumo deadlifts. Throwing the bell up over my head

B) Olys -
3 snatch high pull +1 power snatch + 3 high hang power snatch, with no foot movement x 20kg bar, then 1/4 overhead squat x 10
3 low hang power clean + 3 high hang power clean, with no foot movement x 20kg bar

C) Sumo Deadlift - flat shoes, hook-gripped, bar not controlled between reps - 60kg x4, 80kg x4, 100kg x4,
belt, hookgripped - 120kg x4, 130kg 4, 140kg x5, 150kg x5 @ RPE 7

Surprised by how relatively easy 150kg was as I haven't deadlifted heavy in a while, only second time doing Sumo deadlift this year, and started it last week..
Stayed conservative and left some in the tank. Might just hit 180kg x5 in a few weeks time
Hookgrip was also solid all the way to 150kg
Didn't notice it until I had my shower, but I slightly ripped the skin/callous at the base of my right pinky...

Used Merrell Vapor Glove 4, barefoot style shoes, today instead of oly shoes, but still facing down the slope of the garage

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Alternating sets - 2 mins rest

A) RDL -  oly shoes, hook-gripped, lowered under control to just above the floor - deadlifted off the floor - 100kg x8, 110kg x8 @ RPE 7

B) Wall Tibialis raise - in oly shoes (legacy Lifter 2) -  free standing warmup BW x10
BW x8, x7, x7 @ RPE 8/8/9

Bulgarian Split Squat - 3sec up and down - BW x 10

Side Lying Clam - hip straight, resisting the band eccentric, hold at top - IronEdge XXHeavy band x 10 each side, XXheavy+medium band x12, x13 @ RPE 7


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1077 on: December 30, 2021, 03:27:04 pm »
Wednesday 29th December 2021

Posterior chain still sore, although I think the stuff I did yesterday may also be a contributor
Quads and Upper body a bit as well.

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

pre workout - soft tissue work for lower body and upper back


Tendon health+rehab - Day 4 Lower2
10G beef gelatin + 1g vitamin C one hour before session

Bodyweight in shoes = 88.8kg

general mobility drills
Walking on sides of ankle, side to side ankle rocking drills
side leg raises x 20 each leg
split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 80 degrees knee angle - x 45 secs

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A)Spanish squat ISO - nylon strap, At 30-45 degree knee angle - 4x 30secs

B) Seated soleus calf raise, single leg - SSB on safety bar and knee, down to neutral foot position - 3 secs up, 3 sec hold, 3secs down, 3 sec pause - SSB+25kg x5, 35kg x7, 40kg x7
still too easy

C) Calf raise, single leg - 3 secs up, 3 sec hold, 3secs down, 3 sec pause - BW x10, chain dip belt+15kg x7, +20kg x7 @ RPE 7
15kg felt too easy, so bumped it up to 20kg

BBall ball control and dribbling drills - 15 mins
more movement today

broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x20 + Shoulder dislocates x few sets
Front plank x 30 secs
glute bridge hold x 30secs
Side plank with leg abduction - against 20 inch bench - x 20secs each side

Alternating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Kettle bell Swing - 40kg x8 warmup
40kg 3x8
last set was flying, due to contrast from the sumo deadlifts. Throwing the bell up over my head

B) Olys -
3 snatch high pull +1 power snatch + 3 high hang power snatch, with no foot movement x 20kg bar, then 1/4 overhead squat x 10
3 low hang power clean + 3 high hang power clean, with no foot movement x 20kg bar

C) Sumo Deadlift - flat shoes, hook-gripped, bar not controlled between reps - 60kg x4, 80kg x4, 100kg x4,
belt, hookgripped - 120kg x4, 130kg 4, 140kg x5, 150kg x5 @ RPE 7

Surprised by how relatively easy 150kg was as I haven't deadlifted heavy in a while, only second time doing Sumo deadlift this year, and started it last week..
Stayed conservative and left some in the tank. Might just hit 180kg x5 in a few weeks time
Hookgrip was also solid all the way to 150kg
Didn't notice it until I had my shower, but I slightly ripped the skin/callous at the base of my right pinky...

Used Merrell Vapor Glove 4, barefoot style shoes, today instead of oly shoes, but still facing down the slope of the garage

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Alternating sets - 2 mins rest

A) RDL -  oly shoes, hook-gripped, lowered under control to just above the floor - deadlifted off the floor - 100kg x8, 110kg x8 @ RPE 7

B) Wall Tibialis raise - in oly shoes (legacy Lifter 2) -  free standing warmup BW x10
BW x8, x7, x7 @ RPE 8/8/9

Bulgarian Split Squat - 3sec up and down - BW x 10

Side Lying Clam - hip straight, resisting the band eccentric, hold at top - IronEdge XXHeavy band x 10 each side, XXheavy+medium band x12, x13 @ RPE 7

Dang dude your back is handling those really well (and your hams as well, im just commenting because back is the limiting factor for me). Pretty fast and form is pretty clean looking, rdls low


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1078 on: December 31, 2021, 06:43:26 am »
Dang dude your back is handling those really well (and your hams as well, im just commenting because back is the limiting factor for me). Pretty fast and form is pretty clean looking, rdls low

The main thing is the recent change in my getting my body to use the glutes to take the brunt of the load and move it as well, as opposed to the lower back.
Which has also spilled over to my BBall movements and dribbling, which tends to hammer my lower back before.
All the single leg hip thrust and glute bridge holds helped here.
But the combo of kettlebells wings and sumo deadlifts to hypertrophy the multifidus was the biggest factor... I do a lot of bodyweight sumo deadlifts every morning when I get up as part of my mobility work in the bathroom :)
Focusing on squeezing the glute and stretching out the hip flexors while doing so

I came across this article by Dr Andrew Lock that gave me a clue

quote from insta post below

For those who say “you adapt”. Well he sure did, he adapted to end up having back pain from poor technique.
The segmental failure was giving him pain due to overuse. It hurt to lift.
All tissue has fatigue and load capacity.
He had a lack of segmental spinal control and the adaptation was to try and stabilise with a lumbar kyphosis !
Poor technique adaptation becomes habit. That’s Motor Control Theory, a basis of neurological physiotherapy.
Correcting technique by introducing a Sumo position and emphasis on Lat contraction resolved the problem.

The Lats act like a retinaculum. That is a band of tissue that bounds down others to create a more efficient lever system.
The Sumo increased the Hip Torque involvement and decreased the External Moment Arm. These are 2 basics of efficient lifting.
Once taught we were able to move back to conventional with lumbar spine control in a month. We also used a better hip hinge and kettlebell swings. There are many options once the pattern is learned.
The best lifters practice best technique without negotiation whether the weight is light or heavy. You get what you practice.

« Last Edit: December 31, 2021, 10:12:37 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1079 on: December 31, 2021, 06:48:57 am »
Thursday 30th December 2021

I feel all warm and tingly, it's a state I have inbetween fresh and drained feeling after doing heavy lifts.
So I guess I just did the right amount yesterday

Posterior chain is pretty sore all round. Upper back a bit, and biceps for some reason... but it could be due to the kettlebell swings
Quads a bit as well.

Achilles felt no worse after yesterday, and a bit better

Wall sit ISO, single leg - two legs at 60 degrees  4x30 secs

was going to do a complete rest day, but ended up doing some wall sits