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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #885 on: July 22, 2021, 09:48:17 am »
Thursday 22nd July 2021

Big improvement to my right achilles tendon insertion, way less pain when pressing against the heel.
Main change I did yesterday was hold the calf raise ISO higher near the fully contracted position.
The lower position seems to compress the tendon against the bone there

Whole body achey
Third day of squats in a row, will take a break tomorrow and rest up I think

Upper body lifts felt pretty strong today, even after a week not doing them.

morning mobility work

Soft tissue work on Feet, TFL area and Glute Medius


Tendon health - rehab - fasted

Dribbling and ball control drills x 5 mins

Glute bridge x 45 secs
split squat ISO, rear leg straight at 90 degrees - x 30 secs
Spanish squat ISO  x45 secs

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) SSB single leg calf raise ISO - arm supported - no elevation  30kg x 30 secs, 50kg x 30 secs
both side back to back  - 45 secs x 65kg, 75kg x 2 sets

B1) Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push against strap, 90 degree leg angle >80% effort -  2x 40secs
B2) Single leg Sissy squat ISO -  70 degree leg angle - 2 x 40secs
B3) SSB Split squat ISO - heel off the ground, 1/4 squat depth - 30kg x 30 secs, 50kg x 40 secs

B4) Squats - controlled down explode up - 2mins rest

In Oly shoes, facing down slope of garage
SSB -  30kg x6, 50kg x 6, 70kg x6, 80kg 3x3
Front Squat - 20kg x5, 40kg x5, 60kg x3, 70kg 2x3
High bar squat - 20kg x6, 40kg x6, 60kg x6, 80kg 3x3

+5kg. Squats felt harder and a bit uncomfortable from the aches.


- did these in between the above - controlled and fairly comfortable sets @ RPE 6-8

Band pull apart complex - 20 secs rest between- high to low, palms up + diagonals alternating sides - JumpStretch light band x10 + 6/6 

pushup - on floor x 8, feet elevated 20 inches, deficit - hands on Powerblock dumbbell handles - 2x10, x8   (+1 set)
Pullups, shoulder touching bar handles - Hang and 20 scap shrugs to warmup, semi inverted row on SSB x 8
Dead hang/paused - parallel grip, shoulder width - BW x 1, x1, 4x3 (+1 set)
regular grip. wider - BW 2x3

High angle rows - 20kg x12, 40kg x8, 60kg 2x10, x8  (+2 reps, +1 set)

Dumbbell curl - 10lbs x10, 25lbs 2x8
Dumbbell palms facing overheard press, arms in line with ears - 5lbs x10, 10lbs x10, 25lbs x11, x10
W external rotations into press - bent forward at 45 degrees 5lbs 2x12

Ivanko super gripper - 64lbs x8, 92lbs 3x6
Glute bridge, slider leg curl - BW x6 eccentrics + 3 rep
BW 3x8

Jefferson curl - hold at bottom of each rep - 20kg barbell x 15



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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #886 on: July 23, 2021, 04:36:34 am »
Was this just one workout? How long did it last? I counted 62 sets.   :o
Target training paces (min/km), calculated from 5K PR 22:49 :
Easy run : 5:48
Tempo run : 4:50
VO2-max run :4:21
Speed form run : 4:02


it's the biggest trick in the run game.. go slow to go fast. it doesn't make sense until it smacks you in the face and you're like ....... wtf?


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #887 on: July 23, 2021, 06:52:05 am »
Was this just one workout? How long did it last? I counted 62 sets.   :o

Around 2 hours, but since I rotate sets between exercises fairly quickly, I get through a lot with decent rest for each, in that time.
And none of the sets are near failure, and half are warm up sets

This is much shorter than my previous sessions back when I was squatting/deadlifting heavier - those went over 3 hours, sometimes near 4 hours!
having 5+ mins rest between sets of squats doesn't help
No wonder I felt drained after those sessions... but the heavy weights were also a factor :p

I didn't feel too bad after yesterday, nor today - so it's better than before.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2021, 06:53:46 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #888 on: July 23, 2021, 07:12:17 am »
Friday 23rd July 2021

Upper/outer pecs and posterior shoulder felt pretty sore upon waking, but overall soreness is down from this time last week after this session.
Don't feel tired at all

morning mobility work
upper body stretches

Tendon health - rehab - fasted

So I dropped a lot of the ISOs back down to 30 secs, so I can do them heavier and push harder.
I find a big force drop off after 35 secs, plus the burn gets heavy around then.
And according to the research tendon tissue creep hits 80% by 30 secs

split squat ISO, rear leg straight at 90 degrees - x 45 secs
Spanish squat ISO  x45 secs

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) SSB single leg calf raise ISO - arm supported - no elevation  30kg x 30 secs, 50kg x 30 secs
near fully contracted position, both side back to back  - 30secs x 65kg, 70kg, 75kg, 80kg, 85kg

Topped out at 85kg today, hard but still stable and pain free on both sides.
30 sec holds made it more comfy

B) Lying Clam shell ISO -  IronEdge XXHeavy  band  - right side only - 5x 30 secs

Also tried with a band around the ankle and externally rotating the right leg outwards for 2 sets

C) Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push into floor with ball of foot while seated -  90-100 degree leg angle >80% effort - 5 x 30secs

So I realized that you can do this seated on a chair or bench, just bending the knee, and getting your lower leg under you and then push the front of your foot into the floor.
So no need for fancy setups or straps.
And it hits the patella and quad tendons way harder.
My left upper patella tendon and quad tendon certainly felt it, it hurt in a good way, whereas when I do it with a strap as before, I don't feel anything....

25 min walk
backwards walking - middle of walk - 20 degree sloped path - 1.5 mins

Right achilles tendon insertion felt OK so I went on an easy walk today


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #889 on: July 26, 2021, 08:02:43 am »
Monday 26th July 2021

Rested the last 2 days, and I feel crisp

morning mobility work
Upper body stretches and shoulder dislocate stretch

Soft tissue work on Feet, TFL area and Glute Medius


Tendon health - rehab - fasted

Dribbling and ball control drills x 18 mins
- jump shots and hook shots against the wall, alternating arms, with a small hop  - 2x5 each

split squat ISO, rear leg straight at 90 degrees - x 35 secs
Spanish squat ISO  x45 secs

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) SSB single leg calf raise ISO - arm supported - no elevation  30kg x 30 secs, 50kg x 30 secs
both side back to back  - 30 secs x 70kg, 80kg, 85kg, 85kg

hard for left side, while the right side feels way stronger

B) Side plank band Clam shell ISO -  IronEdge XHeavy  band  - 10 sec hold per rep - 3x3
C) Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push against strap, 90 degree leg angle >80% effort -  4x 30secs

A) Squats - controlled down explode up - 2mins rest

In Oly shoes, facing down slope of garage
SSB -  30kg x6, 50kg x 6, 70kg x6, 85kg 3x3
Front Squat - 20kg x5, 60kg x3, 75kg 2x3
High bar squat - 20kg x6, 60kg x3, 85kg 2x3

+5kg. Squats felt good, strong

B) 1 Arm dumbbell Single leg RDL - Dumbbell on opposite arm of working leg - BW x8, 20lbs x8, 45lbs x10, 50lbs x10 @ RPE 7

C) L Sit hold -  2x 10 secs


- did these in between the above - controlled and fairly comfortable sets @ RPE 7-8

Band pull apart complex - 20 secs rest between- high to low, palms up + diagonals alternating sides - JumpStretch light band x10 + 6/6 

Pullups, shoulder touching bar handles - Hang and 20 scap shrugs to warmup, semi inverted row on SSB x 8
Dead hang/paused - regular grip. wider - BW x1, 3x3
parallel grip, shoulder width - BW x 1, 3x4 (+1 rep per set)

« Last Edit: July 27, 2021, 09:15:00 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #890 on: July 27, 2021, 09:13:53 am »
Tuesday 27th July 2021

Sore calves, lats, hamstrings and erectors - single leg RDL did the damage...
pecs are also pretty sore for some reason

Feels like I'm finally making good healing progress on that pesky left quad tendon now

morning mobility work
upper body stretches

Tendon health - rehab - fasted

Dribbling and ball control drills x 18 mins
- jump shots and hook shots against the wall, alternating arms, with a small hop  - 2x5 each

split squat ISO, rear leg straight at 90 degrees - x 1 min
Spanish squat ISO  x45 secs

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) SSB single leg calf raise ISO - arm supported - no elevation  30kg x 30 secs, 50kg x 30 secs
near fully contracted position, both side back to back  - 30secs x 70kg, 80kg, 80kg, 85kg

B) SSB single leg, bent leg, knee over toes calf raise ISO - arm supported -  30kg x 30 secs
both side back to back  - 30secs x 50kg x 4 sets

hits a few things at once, soleus, patella tendon and glute medius

C) Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push into floor with ball of foot while seated -  90-100 degree leg angle >80% effort - 4 x 30secs

quad tendon pain while doing this has decreased

15 min walk
backwards walking - middle of walk - 20 degree sloped path - 1 min


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #891 on: July 29, 2021, 06:03:34 am »
Wednesday 28th July 2021

Not fresh today, but still felt decent
Sore calves

COVID lockdown here extended another 1 month...

morning mobility work
upper body stretches

Tendon health - rehab - fasted

Dribbling and ball control drills x 18 mins
- jump shots and hook shots against the wall, alternating arms, with a small hop  - 2x5 each
- 3 step jumps, on grass,  low effort, only jumping under 6 inches - Left/right and right/left plants 3x3 each

split squat ISO, rear leg straight at 90 degrees - x 1 min
Spanish squat ISO  x45 secs

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) SSB single leg calf raise ISO - arm supported - no elevation  30kg x 30 secs, 50kg x 30 secs
near fully contracted position, both side back to back  - 30secs x 70kg, 75kg, 80kg, 85kg, 85kg

B) pushup - on floor x 8, feet elevated 20 inches, deficit - hands on Powerblock dumbbell handles - 2x10, x8 @ RPE 7

C) SSB single leg, bent leg, knee over toes calf raise ISO - arm supported -  30kg x 30 secs
both side back to back  - 30secs x 50kg x 4 sets

D) Side plank band Clam shell ISO -  IronEdge XXHeavy band  - 30 secs x4

E) Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push into floor with ball of foot while seated -  90-100 degree leg angle >80% effort - 4 x 30secs

A) Squats - controlled down explode up - 2mins rest

In Oly shoes, facing down slope of garage
SSB -  30kg x6, 50kg x 6, 70kg x6, 90kg 3x3
Front Squat - 20kg x5, 60kg x3, 80kg 2x3
High bar squat - 60kg x3, 90kg 3x3

+5kg. Starting to feel harder on the front squats, so will slow down the progression on these to 2.5kg

B) 1 Arm dumbbell Single leg RDL - Dumbbell on opposite arm of working leg - BW x8, 30lbs x8, 50lbs x8, 55lbs x8 @ RPE 7



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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #892 on: July 29, 2021, 06:10:21 am »
Thursday 29th July 2021

Sore calves, pecs, glutes and hamstrings
A little beat up feeling
morning mobility work
upper body stretches

Tendon health - rehab - fasted

Dribbling and ball control drills x 10 mins
- jump shots and hook shots against the wall, alternating arms, with a small hop  - 2x5 each

split squat ISO, rear leg straight at 90 degrees - x 1 min

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) SSB single leg calf raise ISO - arm supported - 10mm elevated  30kg x 30 secs, 40kg x 30 secs
just above neutral, both side back to back  - 30secs x 50kg, 55kg, 55kg

dropped the weight and holding ISO lower just above neutral, near the threshold of pain on my right achilles insertion

B) Outer leg lateral drive into wall - inner leg, bent, held in leg raise position - 3x 30secs

C) Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push into floor with ball of foot while seated -  90-100 degree leg angle >80% effort - 4 x 30secs


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #893 on: July 31, 2021, 07:47:10 am »
Saturday 31st July 2021

Full rest yesterday. Feel ok, but a little achey and hamstrings still a bit sore

Right achilles insertion improved dramatically after last session!
Dropping the ISO calf raise back down to 55kg and holding it lower in the ROM did the trick.
No dorsiflexion pain at all this morning upon waking, while lying in bed.
And pain from pressing against the back of the heel is down to a 1/10
Let's build on this.

On the bad side my left quad tendon feels inflamed again :/

So going too heavy and pushing too hard on the ISOs is not always the best...
Just controlled stress so the tendon can adapt to it, and heal.

morning mobility work
upper body stretches

Tendon health - rehab - fasted

Dribbling and ball control drills x 15 mins

split squat ISO, rear leg straight at 90 degrees - x 1 min

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) SSB single leg calf raise ISO - arm supported - 10mm elevated  30kg x 30 secs, 50kg x 30 secs
just above neutral, both side back to back  - 30 secs x 55kg, 55kg, 55kg

B) Tib raise - SSB + oly shoes 30kg x8, 50kg x8,  55kg 3x8 @ RPE7
wall tib raise,  in oly shoes x5 @RPE 8

C) SSB single leg, bent leg, knee over toes calf raise ISO - arm supported -  30kg x 30 secs
both side back to back  - 30secs x 50kg x 3 sets

D1) Spanish squat ISO  3x35 secs
D2) Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push into floor with ball of foot while seated -  90-100 degree leg angle >70% effort - 3 x 30secs

- did these in between the above - controlled and fairly comfortable sets @ RPE 6-8

Band pull apart complex - 20 secs rest between- high to low, palms up + diagonals alternating sides - JumpStretch light band x10 + 6/6
High angle rows - 20kg x12, 40kg x8, 60kg 4x8
Dumbbell palms facing overheard press, arms in line with ears - 10lbs x10, 20lbs x10, 27.5lbs 2x8
Dumbbell curl - 10lbs x10, 17.5lbs x8, 27.5lbs 2x8
Ivanko super gripper - 64lbs x8, 92lbs x6, 64lbs 3x10, plus one extra set for left hand
Glute bridge, slider leg curl - BW 3x8
W external rotations into press - bent forward at 45 degrees 5lbs 2x8

Jefferson curl - hold at bottom of each rep - 20kg barbell x 15



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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #894 on: August 01, 2021, 02:05:36 pm »
Sunday 1st August 2021

Upper body not too bad, but calves, hamstrings and erectors sore
Right Achilles insertion about the same
Left quad tendon still a little sore, but better

A few warmer days now, so spring is approaching, so need to get leaner.

morning mobility work
upper body stretches

Tendon health - rehab - fasted

Dribbling and ball control drills x 30 mins
- jump shots and hook shots against the wall, alternating arms, with a small hop  - 2x5 each

split squat ISO, rear leg straight at 90 degrees - x 1 min

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) SSB single leg calf raise ISO - arm supported - 10mm elevated  30kg x 30 secs,
just above neutral, both side back to back  - 30secs x 50kg x 5 sets

B) Side plank with leg abduction - against wall at 45 degrees - 3x 30secs each side

C1) Spanish squat ISO - just above parallel -  3x35 secs
C2) Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push into floor with ball of foot while seated -  90-100 degree leg angle @70% effort - 3 x 30secs


6 hours later

Wall sit, just above parallel - 4x 30secs


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #895 on: August 02, 2021, 06:10:34 am »
Monday 2nd August 2021

Sore calves and glute medius.

Right Glute medius tendon appears to be just about fully healed, haven't noticed any issues recently
Right Achilles insertion about the same, so will load heavier today and see how it responds
Left quad tendon feels way better, all inflammation gone.


Tendon health - rehab - fasted

Dribbling and ball control drills x 20 mins
- jump shots and hook shots against the wall, alternating arms, with a small hop  - 2x5 each

A little more intense today

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 45 secs

rotating sets - 1 mins rest
A) SSB single leg calf raise ISO - arm supported - 10mm elevated  30kg x 30 secs,
just above neutral, both side back to back  - 30secs x 50kg, 55kg, 55kg 60kg, 60kg

B1) Spanish squat ISO - just above parallel -  3x35 secs
B2) Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push into floor with ball of foot while seated -  90-100 degree leg angle @70% effort - 3 x 30secs

25 min easy walk
This was tiring, guess BBall dribbling and ISOs tired me out


6 hours later

Wall sit, just above parallel - 4x 30secs

« Last Edit: August 02, 2021, 06:13:19 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #896 on: August 03, 2021, 08:22:14 am »
Tuesday 3rd August 2021

Felt tired today.
Tendons felt all about the same

changed things up today, did ISOs first then BBall dribbling work

Soft tissue work on Feet, TFL area, outer quads and Glute Medius
Plus some upper body


Tendon health - rehab - fasted

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 45 secs

rotating sets - 1 mins rest
A) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - 10mm elevated  30kg x 10, bent knee x10,  40kg x 10, bent knee 2x10,  50kg x8
just above neutral, both side back to back  - 30secs x 60kg, 60kg, 60kg

B1) Spanish squat ISO - just above parallel -  x35 secs, +5kg 35secs x2 sets
B2) Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push into floor with ball of foot while seated -  90-100 degree leg angle @70% effort - 3 x 30secs

Dribbling and ball control drills x 20 mins
- jump shots and hook shots against the wall, with a small hop  - 2x5 each arm

The most intense session yet. felt good

broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x12 + 30 sec stretch x 2 sets

controlled and fairly comfortable sets @ RPE 7-8

Band pull apart complex - 20 secs rest between- high to low, palms up + diagonals alternating sides - JumpStretch light band x10 + 6/6 

A1) Side plank band Clam shell ISO -  IronEdge XHeavy  band  - x 30secs, x10 reps, x30 secs

A2) 1 Arm dumbbell Single leg RDL - Dumbbell on opposite arm of working leg - 20lbs x8, 50lbs x8 60lbs x8 @ RPE 7
upped top set by 5lbs, felt fairly hard

B) L Sit hold -  x 10 sec, 2x 15secs

Pullups, shoulder touching bar handles - Hang and 20 scap shrugs to warmup, semi inverted row on SSB x 8
Dead hang/paused - regular grip. wider - BW x1, 3x3
parallel grip, shoulder width - BW x 1, 3x4

a bit tougher today...tweaked my right upper trap area on last set :/
Hurts quite a bit right now

20 min easy walk

6 hours later

Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push into floor with ball of foot while seated -  90-100 degree leg angle @70% effort - 4 x 30secs
« Last Edit: August 04, 2021, 06:11:14 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #897 on: August 04, 2021, 06:09:38 am »
Wednesday 4th August 2021

Felt decent today despite some aches from yesterday, feeling lighter on my feet and legs not feeling heavy.
Tendons feeling about the same
tweaked muscle in my right neck/trap region still hurts a lot, but much less than last night.

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Soft tissue work on whole lower body and lats

Tendon health - rehab - fasted

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1 min

rotating sets - 1 mins rest
A) SSB single leg calf raise ISO - arm supported - no elevation - BW x10, 30kg x 10,  40kg x 30secs, 50kg x 30 secs
just above neutral, both side back to back  - 30secs x 60kg, 65kg, 65kg

+5kg on top sets, felt OK

B) SSB single leg, bent leg, knee over toes calf raise ISO - arm supported -  BWx10, 30kg x 30 secs
both side back to back  - 30secs x 40kg x 3 sets

Dropped the weight down from 50kg, so leg doesn't shake as much. Just a bit in the last 5 secs

C) Side plank with leg abduction - against wall at 45 degrees - 2x 30secs each side

D1) Spanish squat ISO - at parallel -  x35 secs, +5kg 35 secs x 3 sets
D2) Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push into floor with ball of foot while seated -  90-100 degree leg angle @70% effort - 2 x 30secs


Dribbling and ball control drills x 25 mins
- jump shots and hook shots against the wall, with a small hop  - 2x5 each arm with a 10sec rest
- 3 step jump drill - 3x3 LR/RL plants, no jump
- 3 step jump 3x3 LR/RL plants, jumping 6 inches

broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x15 + 30 sec stretch x 2 sets

SSB Lateral step down - moderate stance width to heel touch - oly shoes on 6 inch step -  BW x8, 30kg x8, 40kg x8, 50kg x8 @ RPE 6

Some aches in left quad tendon. Will stay at this depth and weight until this decreases
Sure hits the glutes and glute medius


6 hours later

Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push into floor with ball of foot while seated -  90-100 degree leg angle @70% effort - 4 x 30secs (2-3mins rest)


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #898 on: August 05, 2021, 07:14:31 am »
Thursday 5th August 2021

Achey, but still feeling decent.

Last night on the leg extension ISOs, my left quad tendon finally didn't hurt at all. That is the most painful position with the knee slightly in front of the toes.
That's some quick progress from last week.

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Soft tissue work on feet, TFL and outer quads, plus erectors and obliques

Tendon health - rehab - fasted

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 45 secs

rotating sets - 1 mins rest
A) SSB single leg calf raise ISO - arm supported - no elevation - BW x10, 30kg x 30 secs,  40kg x 30secs, 50kg x 30 secs
just above neutral, both side back to back  - 30secs x 60kg, 65kg, 65kg

B) SSB single leg, bent leg, knee over toes calf raise ISO - arm supported -  BWx10

C1) Side plank with leg abduction - against wall at 45 degrees - x 30secs each side
C2) Outer leg lateral drive into wall - inner leg, bent, held in leg raise position - x 30secs
C3)standing hip push against strap around upper shins @80% effort - 2x 30 secs
C4) seated hip push against strap around lower thighs @80% effort - x30 secs

D1) Spanish squat ISO - nylon strap, thighs at parallel -  x35 secs, +5kg 35 secs x 3 sets

Really leaned back on these today, with torso slightly beyond vertical, and lower back relaxed. Made it way harder.
I've always felt like I was going to slip and fall back before doing it like this, but today I got smart and put a bumper plate between my feet and the support, I hooked the strap to.
No chance of that happening now.

Not quite as hard as a matrix squat though :)
Imagine the load on the quads and tendons....

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D2) Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push into floor with ball of foot while seated -  90-100 degree leg angle @70% effort - 1 x 30secs


Dribbling and ball control drills x 25 mins
- jump shots and hook shots against the wall, with a small hop  - 3x5 each arm with a 10sec rest
- Altitude drops - 6 inches x 5
- 3 step jump 3x3 LR/RL plants, jumping 6 inches, on grass
- single leg jump, off short run up, jumping 6 inches off left leg x 3

Progressing the load

broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x15 + 30 sec stretch x 2 sets

Tried some reverse lunges down to parallel, both legs at 90 degrees knee angles and it felt good - especially the rear leg with regard to my glute medius tendon. That used to hurt a lot.

25 min walk
backwards walking - middle of walk - 30 degree sloped path - 1.5 mins


6 hours later

Wallsit x 30secs to warmup

Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push into floor with ball of foot while seated -  90-100 degree leg angle @70% effort - 5 x 30secs (2-3mins rest)
« Last Edit: August 05, 2021, 07:18:05 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #899 on: August 06, 2021, 08:47:33 am »
Friday 6th August 2021

Feeling ok, but having some right ankle impingement issue cropping up again from old ankle injury.
Seems to have flared up again when I started squatting again deep with a narrow stance, smashing the front on the shin into the ankle joint
Doesn't show up when I'm training or running/jumping, only when I'm walking around cold

And I started having occasional Plantar Fasciitis pain in my left foot :/
Again it never flares up while training.
Always though this was a muscular issue, so thought release work and stretching might sort it out, but it turns out it's due to the big toe getting squashed in and cutting off blood flow....
Might explain why I only even get it on my left foot.
I just need to be more conscious on my toe position and avoid my narrow shoes from now on

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Upper body felt strong today, made progress all round.
And shoulders feeling much healthier and stronger

morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Soft tissue work on Feet, TFL area and Glute Medius

Tendon health - rehab and upper body - fasted

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 45 secs

rotating sets - 1 mins rest
A) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - no elevation - BW x10, 30kg x 8,  50kg x 8, 60kg x8
just above neutral, both side back to back  - 30secs ISO x 60kg, 70kg, 70kg

+5kg on top sets, felt good, will go up again next week.

B) SSB single leg, bent leg, knee over toes calf raise - arm supported -  BWx10, 30kg x8, 40kg 3x8 @ RPE 7
C1) Spanish squat ISO - nylon strap, thighs at parallel -  x35 secs, +5kg 35 secs x 3 sets
C2) Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push into floor with ball of foot while seated -  90-100 degree leg angle @70% effort - 1 x 30secs


Dribbling, ball control drills and jumps x 20 mins

- jump shots and hook shots against the wall, with a small hop  - 2x5 each arm with a 10sec rest
- Altitude drops - 6 inches 2x5
- 3 step jump 3x3 LR/RL plants, jumping 6 inches, on grass
- single leg jump, off short run up, jumping 6 inches off left leg 2x3, right leg 2x3

Added a bit more volume. And dribbling moves are now fairly intense


broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x15 + 30 sec stretch x 2 sets

All controlled and fairly comfortable sets @ RPE 6-8
rotating sets - 1 to 1.5 mins rest

A) Tib raise - SSB + oly shoes 30kg x8, 50kg x8,  60kg 3x8 @ RPE7  (+5kg)
wall tib raise,  in oly shoes x8 @RPE 8

B) Pushup- on floor x 8, feet elevated 20 inches, deficit - hands on Powerblock dumbbell handles - 3x10   (+2 reps on last set)
finally at 3 sets of 10 without going near failure

C) High angle rows - 20kg x12, 40kg x8, 60kg 3x9 


A1) SSB Lateral step down - moderate stance width to heel touch - oly shoes on 6 inch step -  BW x8, 30kg x8, 40kg x8, 50kg x8, 60kg 2x8
Left quad tendon pain well down, so increased the weight +10kg
A2) SSB Reverse Lunge - one arm supported - BW x8, 30kg 2x8

B) Dumbbell palms facing overheard press, arms in line with ears - 17.5lbs x8, 27.5lbs 2x10, x8
C) Glute bridge, slider leg curl - BW x6 eccentrics + 3 rep, BW 3x9
hamstrings felt stronger today, finally all sets of 9 without going to near failure.

D) Dumbbell curl - 10lbs x10, 27.5lbs x8, 25lbs 2x8


W external rotations into press - chest supported at 45 degrees 5lbs x10, x8
Ivanko super gripper - 64lbs x5, 64lbs 3x11 (+1 rep), plus one extra set for left hand x8

Jefferson curl - hold at bottom of each rep - 20kg barbell x 15 + 20 sec hold

6 hours later

Wallsit x 30secs to warmup
Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push into floor with ball of foot while seated -  90-100 degree leg angle @70% effort - 5 x 30secs (2-3mins rest)