Monday 19th October 2020Traps, biceps, adductors and calves sore, but everything else is not too bad
Crap sleep last night, tried to go to sleep early but just lay in bed for hours without falling asleep.... then got up and pigged out, and went back to sleep but then got woke up by next door childare centre...
Soft tissue work - just feet, tibs and adductors mainly
bodyweight at home without shoes = 86kg - heavy as hell from pig out
BBall practice session at WLC school outdoor courts - 85 mins
1) 15 mins dribble and ball control drills
2) medium to high intensity moves, shots, layups, threes
3) movement efficiency drills - 2 sets each - star drill, 2 legged side to side speed hops, 2 legged forward and back speed hops.
4) Jumps at the 42 min mark, and dunks on 8 feet netball rim - 30 mins worth
5) intervals - halfcourt - all to 60% effort x 2
foewards and backwards running combo
side ways sprint bound x alternating sides
No hops today, but felt fairly explosive. Crap sleep and bodyweight I guess.
Did more right left plants today as right hip was feeling a little achey when planting left right.
Did a few single leg jumps off left foot and they felt good and quite decent even despitethe weight gain foot felt strong.
Starting to run on the balls of my foot today on the intervals, heel/achilles is getting there.
CooldownSit in bottom of narrow stance squat for 2 mins
at home - Juggernaut Squats - Cycle 1 - Week 7 - 8s Wave - day 1 RealizationWas not planning to workout after BBall, but I didn't feel too tired from BBAll/jumps.
And I was keen to try the new ATX Bulls bearing bar and Element 26 belt, so what the hell, lets roll.
Spanish squat 2x 45 secs holds
Peterson setups 5 inch x12, Patrick step up 6 inch x12
supported ATG split squat BW x12
Squats Did these before the back squat of the same load
Front Squat 40kg x3, 60kg x3
High bar squat - belted - bare feet - 40kg and 60kg x pause with 10 deep breaths, 60kg x10. Oly shoes - 60kg x5, 80kg x5, 100kg x3, 110kg x2
75% of training max 142.5kg
AMRAP 115kg, 253lbs x12 @ RPE 9.5 (+
4 reps) = e1Rm 165kg, 363lbs
Added 4 reps to the 115kg x8 I did 7 weeks ago
Form was solid and stable, upper back solid - thank you Zercher carries and long duration front squat holds and pauses
Might have had another rep in me, but I started to see stars on the last rep, so racked it
The belt probably gave me 2 extra reps, but the fatigue from BBall/jumps balancing it out, so who knows!
Even with the belt, all sets felt hard due to BBall/jump fatigue, but I felt a lot of power coming out of the hole, from the better belt bracing.
Just need to get back down below 80kg bodyweight and I'll be at 2xBW!
Training max is now at 152.5kg, up from 132.5kg 7 weeks ago when I started the training cycle.
Going up 10kg every 4 weeks so far, squatting once a week, with a deload every 4 weeks
Front Squat - belted 3 secs down, paused - 80kg x 5 @ RPE 8
80kg - 10 sec hold at top, 3 sec down, 3 sec pause x 2
Even with the belt I found it hard to brace and put pressure into my abs, as keeping your chest up to support the bar, makes it hard to do so.
But there is probably a way to do it...
This group in Oly shoes - alternating sets 2 mins rest"+" = 20-30 secs rest
A1) RDL - to mid shin - facing down slope of garage, hook gripped - clean deadlifted off the floor - 60kg x5, 80kg x5
belt - 105kg x11 @ RPE 8 --> grip slipped on 8th rep, had to deadlift bar again
no belt, grip hooks - 105kg x 11 @ RPE 9
belt - 105kg x5 @ RPE 7
much easier than last week, but the belt might have helped a bit.
Lower back felt so much better on the belted sets.
I found it hard to brace quite the same without the belt and lower back feels so much more beat up, despite using grip hooks
A2) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported 4 sec eccentric, explode up - BW x 5, 30kg x5, 50kg x 5
70kg x9, x8 @ RPE 8
A3) Wall tib raise - body at 40 degree angle - in oly shoes BW x5, 2x12 @ RPE9
Nordic curl - natural GHR - 6 inch aerobic step + rolled yoga mat on hip.
5 tiny partial reps and 2 assisted reps to warmup
BW slow eccentric x8 assisted
Single leg kneeling deadlift BW x10 each side
30kg x 8
Lateral squat - BW x10
Side Lying Hip Abduction working leg angled in front of body - 2x20 each side
Glute bridge slider leg curl - BW x 9 (+1 rep)
Standing lateral leg raise 7.5kg band to the front x 15
Jefferson curl 20kg x10, 35kg x10 with a hold, and 30 sec hold on last rep
Rectus femoris release with 20kg barbell in seated position, each side - damn, super painful from mid thigh up to hip
16 hour fast - BBall'ed and trained fasted
4900+ calorie burn - according to Fitbit Charge 3, with HR monitor on - ugh left HR monitor on... massive inflation
Plan to eat 2500+