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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #615 on: October 07, 2020, 06:37:51 am »
Wednesday 5th September 2020

Mild drained/tired feeling
Moderately sore, mostly in my upper hamstrings.
Abs and calves are fairly sore as well despite no direct work.
I think the GHR might have worked my calves though, as I did feel them fire during it

Right heel feeling better

Thankfully no deep down brusied DOMS in my upper quads and glutes unlike the previous block.
I think cutting down on the SSB reverse lunge volume is the main difference.... for some reason this exercise causes a lot of muscle damage in my lower body!

Waking mobility work

Mobility work - thoracic, ankle tib/calf rocking, side of ankle rocking and walks

ISOs - tendon health
split squat on balls of foot - rear leg glute tensed to stretch hip flexor  x 2 mins 15 secs
single leg calf raise, just above neutral position x 2 mins 15 secs
single leg knee over toes calf raise, just above stretched range  x 2mins 15 secs


16 hour fast
2400+ calorie burn according to Fitbit Charge 3 - with heart rate monitor off
Plan to eat 1800-1900


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #616 on: October 07, 2020, 08:31:54 am »
The Natural GHR's I do include me propping balls of my feet under a sturdy weight not my calves and they really give your calves a good working out.

You will definitely see some mass development of the Calf with the GHR's
« Last Edit: October 07, 2020, 10:08:12 am by seifullaah73 »
Warm up drills
   - a walk, b skip quick powerful switch (heel to hams focus), a runs, dribbles small to big to run, straight leg to runs (force, reflex, go up/forward). force to hit the ground before it hits the ground knee/hip is at 90 degrees.
   - acceleration: low heel recovery, shin angle low, drive legs back before hitting the ground and drive thighs/knee forward not up
Measuring reminder:
5 toe to heel steps = 148cm

�Strength comes from the legs, Power comes from the torso and Speed comes from the arm.� � Al Vermeil
Arm also aids the legs in driving it down with power - seifullaah73

My Progress Log
A Journey to Running fast and Jumping High


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #617 on: October 08, 2020, 07:27:21 am »
The Natural GHR's I do include me propping balls of my feet under a sturdy weight not my calves and they really give your calves a good working out.

You will definitely see some mass development of the Calf with the GHR's

Yeah I hook my feet under a car so my toes are pressed into the floor


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #618 on: October 08, 2020, 08:11:08 am »
Thursday 8th October 2020

Lower body and posterior chain still moderately sore, as well as my lateral delts, from the overhead squats I think.

bodyweight at home without shoes = 84.9kg

43 min walk/hike
middle of the walk -
backward walking backward walking up a 30-35 degree sloped path x 2.5 mins

Resistance at the Home

Experimental session, whole upper body , calves, abs and zercher holds/carries all in one session.
16+ exercises!
Kinda long session...


externally rotated band pull apart - to forehead, shoulder, sternum + star drill combo - light rogue band  - dual strands x 10 each, 20 secs rest between each axis
band rows x 15
Yates rows 20kg bar x 15

Bench dip shrugs then x10
Vertical wall ab wheel roll outs - pulling handles apart with hold at top x20
Dip shrugs - BW x20 @RPE 6

Rotating sets between each exercise 2-3 mins
A1) inverted rows - undergrip - explosive - legs bent BW x8, BW x8

+10kg x 9 @RPE 7 (+1 rep)

feet elevated 18 inches - explosive - BW x8, x8 @ RPE 7 (-1 rep on first set)

A2) Pushups to upper abs - Close grip triangle - explosive - BW x10, feet elevated 18 inches x3
BW x12 @ RPE 6

Straight bar dip - BW x 2, BWx12 @ RPE 7

AB1) High angle rows to ribcage  - slight pause at bottom, explosive - barbell 20kg x15, 40kg x5, 60kg x3
65kg 2x5 @RPE 7  (+2.5kg, - 5 reps)

upped 2.5kg, dropped reps to 5 and building back up

B2) Bench - shoulder width 14 inch grip 20kg x10, 40kg x8,
60kg x 8 @ RPE 6.5
70kg x10 @ RPE 9 (+2 reps)

Felt decent today. kept elbows tucked, no shoulder pain

Single arm pushup - both side back to back
bar at 5th hole, 20 inches - x8 @ RPE 8  (-2 inches)

C1) single leg SSB Knee over toes soleus calf raise 4.5 inch elevation - Explode up, 3 count ISO in middle -  77.5kg x12, x11 @ RPE9 (+2.5kg, +1 rep)
C2) Wall tib raise - body at 40 degree angle - in oly shoes BW x5, x15, x14 @ RPE9
C3) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported 4.5 inch elevation - Explode up, 3 count ISO in middle - 77.5kg x8,  70kgx8 @ RPE9

D1) Zercher carries - with bar pad 60kg x 5 secs
60kg x 45 sec carry
70kg x 45 sec carry

Damn second set was brutal, especially when done back to back with Ab wheel!

D2)Muscle clean and press - no hip drive, elbows tucked 10kg x8, 20kg x5, 25kg x12, x12 @ RPE8 ( +2.5kg)

D3) AB wheel rollouts - legs bent x 12, leg straight x2
on feet, straight legs - 85% ROM - 3 count pause - BW x5, x5 @RPE 9  (+1 rep on second set)

Increased ROM 5%, 3 inches, improved shoulder mobility/strength.

E1) Barbell curl explosive - 20kg x10, 27.5kg x3,
27.5kg x8 @ RPE 9
25kg x8 @ RPE 9

Had to drop weight, biceps damn tired from Zercher carries. Could probably reduce down 1 set as well.

E2) Scarecrow into press - 40 degree chest supported- 1.25kg plates x5, 3.5kg x10, 2.5kg plates x10 @RPE 8

Stretched ISO holds
hang from bar, partially 1 leg supported - x20 scap shrugs + 20 sec hang with partial L-sit hold
hang from bar, partially 1 leg supported - x20 scap shrugs + 20 sec hang with L-sit hold
hang from bar, with bent knee leg raise hold - x20 scap shrugs

dang abs/hip flexors have gotten way stronger, could only hold an L-Sit for 3-4 secs a few months back!
next stage is front lever, and to pull up while doing it, and  L hang muscle ups as my bar height requires me to keep the legs up :)

Pullover across bench - 9.5kg x15, 1 min ISO

Jumpstretch monster mini band dislocate + stretch x a few


12 hour fast - broke fast before BBall - a bit of raw carrot/beetroot and a slice of cheese

3000+ calorie burn - according to Fitbit Charge 3, with HR monitor off,  not including weights
plan to eat 3000+

« Last Edit: October 08, 2020, 09:03:22 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #619 on: October 09, 2020, 11:37:02 am »
Friday 9th October 2020

Upper hamstrings/adductors still pretty sore.
Abs and calves moderately sore, but upper body overall not too bad.

Right heel feeling better

Legs starting to feel fresher already, much better than last block

Waking mobility work

Mobility work - thoracic, ankle tib/calf rocking, side of ankle rocking and walks

ISOs - tendon health
split squat on balls of foot - rear leg glute tensed to stretch hip flexor  x 1 mins 15 secs
single leg knee over toes calf raise, just above stretched range  x1 min 15 secs, x1 min


16 hour fast
2900+ calorie burn according to Fitbit Charge 3 - with heart rate monitor off
Ate 1830


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #620 on: October 11, 2020, 06:17:52 am »
Sunday 11th October 2020

Week 60
Height - 5'8.5"
weighed - 84.3kg (+0.3kg), 185.8lbs

waist - 33 5/8 inches (+1/8)
hip = 40.25
upper thigh = 25.75
Right calf = 15.5
Neck = 15.5 
Wrist = 6.5

Tanita scale bodyfat% = 22% (+0.3)

Total loss so far - weight  20.6kg 45.4lbs  Waist 9 7/8 inches  BF% Tanita 9.9%

Averaged 2680 calories this week, against a TDEE of 2600.


total rest day yesterday, so didn't log it


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #621 on: October 11, 2020, 10:45:13 pm »
Sunday 11th October 2020

Adductors, calves and upper hammies still fairly sore.
Gout type swelling and ache in second smallest left toes :/

Soft tissue work - just feet and outer quads

bodyweight at home without shoes = 85+kg

BBall practice session at Mowbray road high school outdoor courts -  70 mins

1) 15 mins dribble and ball control drills
2) medium to high intensity moves, shots, layups, threes
3) movement efficiency drills - 2 sets each - star drill, 2 legged side to side speed hops
4) Jumps at the 35 min mark, and dunks on 8 feet netball rim -  10 warm up jumps, about 12 max effort of all types
5) more dribbling

Went to a different court.
Still feeling too sore and fatigued to jump well, didn't feel like jumping, but I did some and it was quite low.
Highest touch of 9'8.5"
After that the pain in my left foot from the gout type swelling in my second outer left toe made it hard to move well....


Sit in bottom of narrow stance squat for 2 mins
Wall tib riase BW x25
Knee over toes single leg calf raise BW x25

Tons of hanging on the nearby monkey bars to stretch shoulders/lats/pecs
Also tried hang L-Sit and it was fairly easy

12 hour fast - broke fast before BBall - a bit of raw carrot/beetroot and a slice of cheese

3000 calorie burn - according to Fitbit Charge 3, with HR monitor on
Plan to eat 3000+


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #622 on: October 12, 2020, 05:48:08 am »
Monday 12th September 2020

Upper body a little achey from all the bar hangs yesterday.
Posterior chain DOMs is lower and legs starting to feel strong

Right heel/achilles is achey, 7/10

Feel better today than I did yesterday so perhaps I should add an extra day of rest and make it an 8 day training cycle....

Waking mobility work

Mobility work pre walk - thoracic, ankle tib/calf rocking, side of ankle rocking and walks

ISOs - tendon health
split squat on balls of foot - rear leg glute tensed to stretch hip flexor  x 2 mins 15 secs
single leg calf raise, just above neutral position x 2 mins 15 secs
single leg knee over toes calf raise, just above stretched range  x 2mins 15 secs
hip thrust holds 2x 40secs
Sissy squat hold at 90 degrees x 1 min
Spanish squat holds 1 min x 2
Wall Tib raise hold x 2 mins

externally rotated high to low band pull apart - Light rogue band - 20 with a hold, and 20 sec hold on last rep x dual strand
band dislocates and stretch x 20
broom dislocate stretch x 2 series
band whippet 2x 10

88 min walk/hike
middle of the walk -
3 laps around football field, with backward walking on end goal side each lap  x 3
backward walking up a 30-35 degree sloped path x 2.5 mins


14 hour fast
2900+ calorie burn according to Fitbit Charge 3 - with heart rate monitor off
Plan to eat 1900-2000
« Last Edit: October 12, 2020, 06:39:01 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #623 on: October 13, 2020, 08:35:53 am »
Tuesday 13th October 2020

Felt OK, a little tired, but still a little achey

Right heel/achilles achey but better

bodyweight without shoes = 84.9 kg

Soft tissue work - lower body

at home - Juggernaut Squats  - Cycle 1 - Week 6 - 8s Wave - day 1 Intensification

Not feeling all that strong today, but front squats at least feel easier than they have the previous weeks


Peterson setups 5 inch x12, Patrick step up 6 inch x12
supported ATG split squat BW x12 + 20 sec hold at bottom on last rep

alternating sets 2 mins rest
in flat, minimal trail running shoes (Merrell Vapour trail 4)
Olys + front squats -

clean complex x 20kg
power snatch - 3 from low hang, 3 high hang + 10 overhead squats, deeper each rep  x 20kg
clean grip power snatch -  3 from low hang, 3 high hang x 20kg

2x power clean + 3 high hang power clean + 4 front squats x 40kg
2x power clean + 3 high hang power clean + 3 front squats x 50kg
1x power clean + 1 high hang power clean  x 60kg
power clean 70kg x2
power clean 75kg x2 --> then while racked, walked back to squat rack


Did these before the back squat of the same load
Front Squat 60kg x3, 80kg x3, 95kg x2

High bar squat -  bare feet - 60kg x pause with 10 deep breaths, 60kg x10. Oly shoes - 60kg x5, 80kg x4, 100kg x3, 110kg x2, 120kg x2
70% of training max 142.5kg
5+ mins rest
105kg, 231lbs - 2x8, 1x10 @ RPE 8.5 on last set

Felt hard, but form was good

Front Squat 70kg x 10 @ RPE 7
70kg - 10 sec hold at top, 5 sec pause  x 3

Was supposed to do 4 reps on second set, but I chickened out, it was brutal!
1 min set time... phew

This group in Oly shoes - alternating sets 2 mins rest
"+" = 20-30 secs rest

RDL - to mid shin - facing down slope of garage, hook gripped -  clean deadlifted off the floor - 1 min rest - 60kg x10, 80kg x3
105kg 2x10 @ RPE 8

felt hard

Single leg kneeling deadlift BW x8 each side

Nordic curl - natural GHR - 6 inch aerobic step + rolled yoga mat on hip.
5 tiny partial reps and 2 assisted reps to warmup
BW slow eccentric 2x8 assisted
Razor curl - BW x 10 assisted

tried the razor curl variant didn't like it, grinds your knee cap into the pad!

Lateral squat - BW x10,
15kg x8 each side alternating

SSB ATG Reverse Lunge -  4.5 inch deficit - 1 arm supported in oly shoes - knee forward - 2 mins rest between sides -
BW x10, 30kg x5

bothered right hip, so stopped

Side Lying Hip Abduction working leg angled in front of body - 2x15 each side

Jefferson curl 20kg x10, 35kg x10 with a hold, and 30 sec hold on last rep

Rectus femoris release with 20kg barbell in seated position, each side - damn, super painful from mid thigh up to hip


12 hour fast - Broke fast before weights with a raw carrot, beetroot and a slice of cheese
2800+ calorie burn for today, according to Fitbit Charge 3, with heart rate off. Not including weights
plan to eat 2500-3000


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #624 on: October 13, 2020, 03:47:08 pm »
Finally bit the bullet and ordered an ATX 28mm Bulls bearing bar - nice spin for the olys, and stiff enough for squats, and be straight. So a hybrid bar with dual markings.
Decent quaility and cheaper than the Rogue bars here.
I need another bar anyway so I can have two exercises set up.
I was a bit torn between getting this bar vs a powerlifting bushing bar

Has passive centre knurling, and depending on how rough it feels, I may tape over it for comfort on front squats and cleans

My current cheap bar feels a bit bent and pretty unstable on my back... although it apparently has needle bearings in it.
Feels a bit whippy, even under 140kg, which you may have noticed in my vids.
I think it's also 28mm

« Last Edit: October 13, 2020, 03:53:31 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #625 on: October 14, 2020, 08:50:23 am »
Wednesday 14th September 2020

Didn't get as much sleep last night as I wanted, will make up for it tonight so i can train better tomorrow

Mild drained feeling, light to moderate DOMS all over - mostly in my calves, abs, all quads, whole hamstring, glutes, biceps and upper back

Legs feel light and "small", which is surprising for a day after squats and unlike previous weeks.
I think not going heavy on the SSB reverse lunge is the main difference here, which I have noted causes massive amounts of damage to my upper hammies, glutes and quads.
Makes my legs feel swollen and that deep down bruised feeling
Which one would think would help strength/hypertrophy but it doesn't seem like that, maybe the stimulus to fatigue ratio is quite bad....

Right heel/achilles is feeling better and better, 8/10
Left side feels almost back to normal.

Waking mobility work

Mobility work pre walk - thoracic, ankle tib/calf rocking, side of ankle rocking and walks

ISOs - tendon health
hip thrust holds 2x 40secs
split squat on balls of foot - rear leg glute tensed to stretch hip flexor  x 2 mins 15 secs
single leg calf raise, just above neutral position x 2 mins 15 secs
single leg knee over toes calf raise, just above stretched range  x 2mins 15 secs
Sissy squat hold at 90 degrees x 1 min
Wall Tib raise hold x 2 mins 15 secs
Single leg unsupported RDL hold in bottom position 1min x 2

externally rotated high to low band pull apart - Light rogue band - 20 with a hold, and 20 sec hold on last rep x dual strand
straight arm band pull downs out to side x 15
band dislocates and stretch x 20, stronger band x 20
band whippet 2x15

81 min walk/hike
middle of the walk -
3 laps around football field, with backward walking on end goal side each lap  x 3
backward walking up a 30-35 degree sloped path x 2.5 mins


21 hour fast
2900 calorie burn according to Fitbit Charge 3 - with heart rate monitor off
Plan to eat 2000


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #626 on: October 14, 2020, 10:56:05 am »
received my slider pads today
tried some glute bridge leg curls with them and man does that torch the hamstrings!

gonna add these to my workout
Good way to torch the hamstrings on the cheap at home, without hammering the lower back
« Last Edit: October 14, 2020, 11:05:24 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #627 on: October 15, 2020, 08:55:59 am »
got the bar today, along with 2x 10kg bumper plates, the cheaper variant
The bumpers are nice, cheaper and better than the Muscle Motions I have, I like the curved flange on the centre hole

As for the Bar, the knurling feels sharper/gripper than my Muscle Motion bar.
The spin is about the same for both when spinning a 10kg bumper plate, both keep spinning for over 30 secs, while the ATX bar is still spinning over 1 min :)
When spinning both, without any plate loaded, the ATX bar only lasts about 5 secs, interesting, whereas the MM bar keeps spinning closer to 10 secs.
ATX Bulls bar is smooth and quiet when spun like this, where as the MM has a bit of a rattle, which can also be heard when doing explosive rows for example.

The centre knurling while smoother than the outer grip knurling still feels pretty rough on the neck/chest when doing front squats and cleans, so I put a triple layer of athletic tape over it, Rogue Scary Sticky Goat Tape

Feels good on high bar squats, with the just the bar., straight and balanced My MM bar feels a bit bent and unstable...
So far have only done inverted rows and bench on it and it feels good.
The spin caught me off guard when I first unracked my bench work set, my wrist spun a bit, but will get used it soon enough


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #628 on: October 15, 2020, 09:37:28 am »
Thursday 15th October 2020

Still fairly sore all over, even my biceps

bodyweight at home without shoes = 84+kg

Replaced walk with picking up my new ATX Bulls bearing barbell and 2x10kg bumper plates, as well as unpacking and cleaning them up

Resistance at the Home

Felt decent today, even though sleep has not been that good lately

externally rotated band pull apart - to forehead, shoulder, sternum + star drill combo - light rogue band  - dual strands x 10 each, 20 secs rest between each axis
band rows x 15
Yates rows 20kg bar x 15

Bench dip 10 dip shrugs then x10
Vertical wall ab wheel roll outs - pulling handles apart with hold at top x20
Dip shrugs - BW x20 @RPE 6

Rotating sets between each exercise 2-3 mins
A1) inverted rows - undergrip - explosive - legs bent BW x8, BW x8

+10kg x 7,  x7 @RPE 8
set the bar too low so first set was not able to lower all the way down....

feet elevated 18 inches - explosive - BW x8, @ RPE 8

A2) Pushups to upper abs - Close grip triangle - explosive - BW x10, feet elevated 18 inches x3
BW x12 @ RPE 6

Straight bar dip - BW x 2, BWx12 @ RPE 7

AB1) High angle rows to ribcage  - slight pause at bottom, explosive - barbell 20kg x15, 40kg x5, 60kg x3
62.5kg x6, 65kg x7 @RPE 7  (+ 2reps)

misloaded first set, forgot one 2.5kg plate on one side, did and extra rep on second set to make up.
Next session will be 65kg 2x7, as I was only supposed to do 2x6 today

B2) Bench - shoulder width 14 inch grip 20kg x10, 40kg x8,
60kg x 8 @ RPE 6.5
70kg x11 @ RPE 9.5 (+1 rep)

The super spin on the new bar caught me off guard when unracking the 70kg set, causing my wrist to move under... will get used to it eventually.

Single arm pushup - both side back to back
bar at 5th hole, 20 inches - x8 @ RPE 9 

C1) single leg SSB Knee over toes soleus calf raise 4.5 inch elevation - Explode up, 3 count ISO in middle -  80kg x10 @ RPE9 (+2.5kg, -2 reps)
C2) Wall tib raise - body at 40 degree angle - in oly shoes BW x5, x10, x15 @ RPE9
C3) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported 4.5 inch elevation - Explode up, 3 count ISO in middle - 80kg x10 @ RPE10 (+2.5kg)

D1) Zercher carries - with rolled towel 60kg x 5 secs, 70kg x 5 secs
50 sec carry x 75kg x 2 (+5kg)

Felt easier than 70kg last week. Made good use of the velcro straps to lock the rolled towel onto the bar.

D2)Muscle clean and press - no hip drive, elbows tucked 10kg x8, 20kg x8, 27.5kg x12, x12 @ RPE8 ( +2.5kg)

D3) AB wheel rollouts - legs bent x 12, leg straight x3
on feet, straight legs - 85% ROM - 3 count pause - BW x6, x6 @RPE 9  (+1 rep)

E1) Barbell curl explosive - 20kg x10, 25kg x3,
27.5kg x10 @ RPE 9 (+2 reps)
27.5kg x8 @ RPE 9 (+2.5kg)

E2) Scarecrow into press - 40 degree chest supported- 1.25kg plates x5, 3.5kg x11, 2.5kg plates x10 @RPE 8

Miscellaneous stuff
W scare crow external rotiaions - 2.5kg plates x 20
Side Lying Hip Abduction working leg angled in front of body - x15 each side

Heel elevated cyclist squats - 10 sec down, 5sec pause, 10 sec up - BW 3x4

Glute bridge slider leg curl - BW x 8
hard to keep glute/hip fully locked out on these

Stretched ISO holds
hang from bar, partially 1 leg supported - x20 scap shrugs + 20 sec hang with L-sit hold
hang from bar, with bent knee leg raise hold - x20 scap shrugs + 20 sec hold

Jumpstretch monster mini band dislocate + stretch x a few

release rectus femoris with olympic bar


14 hour fast - broke fast before BBall - a bit of raw carrot/beetroot and a slice of cheese

2900+ calorie burn - according to Fitbit Charge 3, with HR monitor off,  not including weights
plan to eat 2500-3000
« Last Edit: October 15, 2020, 10:09:01 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #629 on: October 16, 2020, 09:54:18 am »
Friday 16th September 2020

Mild drained feeling, light to moderate DOMS all over. Upper traps feel hammered, from the zercher walks most likely

Legs and adductors feeling decent for a Friday compared to previous weeks

Waking mobility work

Mobility work pre walk - thoracic, ankle tib/calf rocking, side of ankle rocking and walks

ISOs - tendon health
hip thrust hold x  1 min
split squat on balls of foot - rear leg glute tensed to stretch hip flexor  x 2 mins 15 secs
single leg calf raise, just above neutral position x 2 mins 15 secs
single leg knee over toes calf raise, just above stretched range  x 2mins 15 secs
Single leg unsupported RDL hold in bottom position x 1min

70 min walk/hike
middle of the walk -
3 laps around football field, with backward walking on end goal side each lap  x 3
backward walking up a 30-35 degree sloped path x 2.5 mins


16 hour fast
2900+ calorie burn according to Fitbit Charge 3 - with heart rate monitor off
Plan to eat 3000+