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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #570 on: September 06, 2020, 05:34:33 pm »
how low are you trying to go w/r/t bodyfat? 12% is pretty dang lean.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #571 on: September 07, 2020, 01:16:46 am »
how low are you trying to go w/r/t bodyfat? 12% is pretty dang lean.

No idea on actual measurement value, but slightly leaner than my leanest when I was in my early 20s :)
My waist was around 29 inches then, but accounting for my extra erector and ab thickness, maybe around 29-30 inches.
So going from 33-34 down to 29-30 would mean I need to lose around 8-10kg.
I lose about 2+kg per inch off my waist

previous leanest 6 years ago in my early 40s, was 79kg with 31.5 inch waist or so, I think I was around 12-14% then
Still not lean enough for me
Until the skinfold I can pinch on my stomach is the same as the back of my hand I guess  :derp:


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #572 on: September 07, 2020, 09:51:50 am »
looks like some great progress. solid ! :strong: :ibsquatting:


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #573 on: September 07, 2020, 11:20:50 am »
Monday 8th September 2020

Some minor aches in my biceps, front delts and feet/calves, but overall not feeling too bad

left heel sore, but much better than this time last week.

Waking mobility work

Mobility work pre walk - thoracic, ankle tib/calf rocking, side of ankle rocking and walks

ISOs - tendon health
split squat on balls of foot x 2 mins  - rear leg glute tensed to stretch hip flexor
single leg calf raise, just above neutral position x 2 mins
single leg knee over toes calf raise, just above stretched range  x 2mins

70 min walk/hike
middle of the walk -
backward walking backward walking up a 30-35 degree sloped path x 2+ mins


18 hour fast
2750+ calorie burn according to Fitbit Charge 3 - with heart rate monitor off
Ate 3200
« Last Edit: September 08, 2020, 12:06:33 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #574 on: September 07, 2020, 11:23:22 am »
looks like some great progress. solid ! :strong: :ibsquatting:

Nah that pic was from 6 years ago, when i was 79kg  :)

I'm a bit fatter right now, but probably bigger upper body wise, especially my upper back
I'll take some progress pic when I get back down to 80kg
« Last Edit: September 07, 2020, 11:27:21 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #575 on: September 07, 2020, 04:22:30 pm »
looks like some great progress. solid ! :strong: :ibsquatting:

Nah that pic was from 6 years ago, when i was 79kg  :)

I'm a bit fatter right now, but probably bigger upper body wise, especially my upper back
I'll take some progress pic when I get back down to 80kg

ah ok hah. was thinking damn that's some solid af progress.

anyway, you're getting back there.


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #576 on: September 07, 2020, 04:27:47 pm »
also yo btw! i decided to try and identify these ants that popped up ever since i moved my plants elsewhere.. was initially worried they could be termites, but after hours of googling, I think they are "ghost ants".

whachu think? (helped)

i attracted them onto that paper towel w/ some honey to try and get a better photo. seems like it did the trick.

they move so quick.

once i moved my plants, they invaded the kitchen. i think they had some nests in the plants or something, and once i moved them, they are freaking out.




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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #577 on: September 08, 2020, 12:12:14 am »
also yo btw! i decided to try and identify these ants that popped up ever since i moved my plants elsewhere.. was initially worried they could be termites, but after hours of googling, I think they are "ghost ants".

whachu think? (helped)

i attracted them onto that paper towel w/ some honey to try and get a better photo. seems like it did the trick.

they move so quick.

once i moved my plants, they invaded the kitchen. i think they had some nests in the plants or something, and once i moved them, they are freaking out.



Not sure on American ants, and the pics need way more magnification
but it does look like a Ghost ant or Tapinoma speices

And yeah ants like sweet things, that's what they need to survive :)
Only the brood need protein


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #578 on: September 08, 2020, 09:47:09 am »
also yo btw! i decided to try and identify these ants that popped up ever since i moved my plants elsewhere.. was initially worried they could be termites, but after hours of googling, I think they are "ghost ants".

whachu think? (helped)

i attracted them onto that paper towel w/ some honey to try and get a better photo. seems like it did the trick.

they move so quick.

once i moved my plants, they invaded the kitchen. i think they had some nests in the plants or something, and once i moved them, they are freaking out.



Not sure on American ants, and the pics need way more magnification
but it does look like a Ghost ant or Tapinoma speices

cool thanks alot!

And yeah ants like sweet things, that's what they need to survive :)
Only the brood need protein



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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #579 on: September 08, 2020, 10:36:55 am »
Tuesday 8th September 2020

No majors aches apart from minor upper body , and my achey heels

bodyweight without shoes = 84+kg

Soft tissue work - lower body

at home - Inverted Juggernaut Squats  - Cycle 1 - Week 1 - 10s Wave - day 1 Accumulation

Starting a new squat cycle based on Inverted Juggernaut Method, where the high rep sets of the hypertrophy blocks are split up into cluster sets, much like what I have been doing.
Since I don't have a dedicated deadlift day, it remains to be seen if this will work, but I treat my BBall/jump days as another lower body day in any case.

think I'm going to be sore AF tommorrow!!


Peterson setups 5 inch x12, Patrick step up 6 inch x12
supported ATG split squat BW x12 + 20 sec hold at bottom on last rep

alternating sets 2 mins rest
in flat, minimal trail running shoes (Merrell Vapour trail 4)
Olys + front squats -

clean complex x 20kg
power snatch complex + 12 overhead squats, progressing lower each rep until ATG 12kg
power snatch complex + 12 overhead quarter squats x 20kg
power snatch, from low and high hang 20kg x6
clean grip power snatch 20kg x5

2x power clean + 3 high hang power clean + 4 front squats x 40kg
2x power clean + 2 high hang power clean + 4 front squats x 50kg
2x power clean + 1 high hang power clean + 1 miss x 60kg
power clean 70kg x3, x1
Snatch high pull 70kg x2
power clean 70kg x1

20kg bar on overhead squats feels more comfortable now, shoulders adapting,  but can't go all the way down yet


Did these before the back squat of the same load
Front Squat 60kg x5, 80kg x3, 90kg x2

High bar squat -  flat shoe - 60kg x10. oly shoes - 60kg x5, 80kg x5, 90kg x3, 100kg x3, 110kg x2 - first rep paused

60% of training max (132.5kg, 292lbs)
70-80secs rest
80kg, 176lbs - 9 sets of 5
80kg x 10 @ RPE 7

The heavier squat warmups today felt kinda hard, so maybe I need another days rest between this session an my last BBall/jumps/upper body day.
I suspect there is quite a bit of fatigue bleeding over, even if I'm not that sore.

Squats went well today, this many sub-maximal sets means lots of form practise -  Accumulation hypertrophy block
Short rests still made it feel hard though.
I focused on jamming my knees as far forward as possible to start the descent instead of sitting back a bit.
Since my shoulder mobility has improved a lot, I can use a much narrower grip on the bar now.
Which made the bar way more stable.
And by the last 3 sets I was able to get the bar to contact my shoulders, probably from pulling down on the bar and shrugging a bit.
This made the bar rock solid on the last high rep set, and quite relaxed, whereas it usually shifts around a bit from the bar whip.
So similar base of support as a low bar squat, vs the usual high bar sitting only on the traps.
Hopefully this stays the same on heavier loads

The bar also no longer leans to the left

This group in Oly shoes - alternating sets 2 mins rest
"+" = 20-30 secs rest

B1) RDL - to mid shin - facing down slope of garage, hook gripped - 60kg x8,
70-80secs rest - 80kg 5x6, x10
B2) Wall tib raise - body at 40 degree angle - in oly shoes BW x3, x18 +5+5+5 @ RPE 9 (+1 rep)
B4) single leg SSB Knee over toes soleus calf raise 2.5 inch elevation - Explode up, 3 count ISO in middle -  70kg x10 +5+5+ 40 sec ISO @ RPE 9 (+2.5kg)
B3) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported 2.5 inch elevation - Explode up, 3 count ISO in middle - 70kg x10 +5+ 40 sec ISO @ RPE 9  (+2.5kg)

C1) Nordic curl - natural GHR - 6 inch aerobic step + rolled yoga mat on hip
BW x 7 unassisted + 1 assisted  +2 reps

C2) AB wheel rollouts - legs bent x 12, leg straight - 2x partial ROM
on feet, straight legs - 80% ROM x14 @ RPE 9 +1 rep

SSB ATG Reverse Lunge -  2.5 inch deficit - 2 arm supported - knee forward - 3 mins rest between sides -
BW x8, 30kg x6, 50kg x12 +5+5+5 @RPE9

Dang VMO wanted to cramp on the left side and did cramp up on the right side!
Had to stretch my right leg inbetween each mini set!
Shows you how hard this hits the VMO, at the top when you step forward... will have to return to straight sets...

D1) Zercher holds - with bar pad 60kg 3x20secs
Had planned to start at 100kg, but after warming up with 60kg and felt how hard it was, scratch that LOL

Doing these to strengthen my upper back for front and high bar squats. They certainly do that, but also murder the abs and posterior chain.
Plus a bit of biceps as well :)
Then I thought... I can do Zercher good mornings and kill two birds with one stone, replacing some of the RDL volume.
But I think eventually I will be able to hold far heavier loads than I can GM.

D2) Reverse Nordic torso at 45 degree angle BW 3x20sec ISO

Jefferson curl 20kg x10, 32.5kg x10 with a hold, and 30 sec hold on last rep


12 hour fast - Broke fast before weights with a raw carrot, beetroot and a slice of cheese
2900 calorie burn for today, according to Fitbit Charge 3, with heart rate off. Not including weights
plan to eat 3500+
« Last Edit: September 11, 2020, 10:02:14 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #580 on: September 09, 2020, 11:09:30 am »
Wednesday 10th September 2020

Felt my glutes, upper hamstrings, whole traps, lats, and calves pretty sore in bed when I woke up.
But when I tried to bend my leg was when my all my quads screamed!
Been a while since I had my quads this sore, which i think might be a good sign for gains :)

left heel/achilles feeling way better, and I think not walking today will help, as it tugs on the achey spot.

Also no hint of drained or tried feeling - I did train sub-maximal on squats, but even then some of the other exercises used Myo-reps
This is pretty unusual thing for me based on the past.

Total rest day, the rain and general lack of desire means I didn't do anything....probably for the better

Waking mobility work

16 hour fast
2200 calorie burn according to Fitbit Charge 3 - with heart rate monitor off
ate 1800


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #581 on: September 10, 2020, 10:33:43 am »
Thursday 11th September 2020

Quads, upper hammies still brutally sore, glutes to a lesser extent.
left heel/achilles has improved enough that walking doesn't bother it much anymore. Getting there, incrementally

Walk felt good today, had a spring to my step, and everything I did today was not as tiring

Waking mobility work

Mobility work pre walk - thoracic, ankle tib/calf rocking, side of ankle rocking and walks

ISOs - tendon health
split squat on balls of foot  - rear leg glute tensed to stretch hip flexor x 2 mins 10 secs
single leg knee over toes calf raise, just above stretched range  +8.5kg x 2mins 10 secs

externally rotated high to low band pull apart - Light rogue band - 20 with a hold, and 20 sec hold on last rep x single strand, x dual strand
band dislocates and stretch x 10
broom dislocates and stretch x 3 series

75 min walk/hike
middle of the walk -
backward walking backward walking up a 30-40 degree sloped path 1.5 mins x 3, with 2 mins rest


18 hour fast
2800+ calorie burn according to Fitbit Charge 3 - with heart rate monitor off
Ate 2400


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #582 on: September 11, 2020, 10:12:32 am »
Friday 11th September 2020

Glutes, upper hammies and quads still really sore, but by 10pm, they all started to feel much better.
So should be feeling OK tomorrow. So it takes about 4 days for this amount of volume in the last workout

Both heels progressing, but left side still sore, at least no more pain when doing the ISO calf raise holds

Waking mobility work

ISOs - tendon health
single leg calf raise, flexed position 2 mins 10 secs


18 hour fast
2700 calorie burn according to Fitbit Charge 3 - with heart rate monitor off
ate 2300


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #583 on: September 12, 2020, 08:14:53 am »
Saturday 12th September 2020

Quads don't feel too bad now, but posterior chain still fairly sore.
Heels better

Walk felt good today, especially backwards walk up the hill felt way easier. 
I hardly even notice the lactic acid burn now.... possibly due to adapting to the long ISO holds.
Should be ready to rock tomorrow

Been thinking about moving olys from the lower body session start to 2 days later, to bridge the gap between squats and BBall/jumps
Would shorten my Lower session by 30 mins.

Been trying the Sheiko Gold app, AI based strength programming and coaching Sheiko style.
Still in the 30 day observation phase, but the wellness indicator you input each day is actually quite useful on it's own, and can tell you how well your recovery state is going.
So even if you don't subscribe to the service, to get the AI to program your workouts, the app can be useful for that alone, assuming it doesn't lock you out after the 30 days :)

I'm going to input my jumps at BBall tomorrow as a squat assistance workout in my trial, along with my usual squat sessions, see how that goes over my 30 day trial...

Waking mobility work

Mobility work pre walk - thoracic, ankle tib/calf rocking, side of ankle rocking and walks

ISOs - tendon health
single leg knee over toes calf raise, just above stretched range  x 2mins 10 secs

55 min walk/hike
middle of the walk -
backward walking backward walking up a 30-35 degree sloped path x 2+ mins


14 hour fast
2700 calorie burn according to Fitbit Charge 3 - with heart rate monitor off
plan to eat 1800-2000
« Last Edit: September 12, 2020, 08:18:07 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #584 on: September 13, 2020, 10:57:06 am »
Sunday 13th September 2020

Week 56
Height - 5'8.5"
weighed - 83.3kg(+1.2kg), 183.6lbs

waist - 33 3/8 inches (+0.25)
hip = 40 1/8 (+0.25)
upper thigh = 25 5/8 (+0.25)
Right calf = 15 3/8
Neck = 15.5 
Wrist = 6.5

Tanita scale bodyfat% = 21.5% (+0.6)

Total loss so far - weight  21.6kg 47.6lbs  Waist 10 1/8 inches  BF% Tanita 10.4%

Averaged 3000 calories this week, against a TDEE of 2730.
A mini bulk.... and packed on some size on my legs and hips.
Largest hip size so far, and large leg size for this waist measurement as well

If my up and coming AMRAP squat sets hits higher reps then I'll know it's useful size....