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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #510 on: July 20, 2020, 09:01:20 am »
Monday 20th July 2020

Whole lower body and posterior chain is still pretty sore, especially my glutes and adductors.

Soft tissue work - feet, calves, left glute medius, and some upper body

bodyweight at home without shoes = 84+kg

BBall practice session at WLC outdoor courts -  60 mins

1) 15 mins dribble and ball control drills
2) 15 mins shooting drills
3) medium to high intenisty moves, shots, layups, threes
4) a few jumps

Some decent jumps for the amount of soreness I have, but 2 inches slower than current bests.
Single leg jump is feeling pretty snappy.
Left quad tendon ached on first hard jump, but fine for the rest.



Sit in bottom of narrow stance squat for 1min

backwards walking  30-35 degree sloped path - 2 mins x2
up 45 degree 25m grass hill - x2

stretched lower body

Resistance at the Home

externally rotated band pull apart - to forehead, shoulder, sternum + star drill combo - light rogue band  - dual strands x 10 each, 20 secs rest between each axis
band curls x15 to warmup forearm tendons
Light jump stretch band, curl grip  rows x15

One armed inverted row hang from bar, body at 45 degree, parallel to bar - x 30 secs each side
to fix elbow pain, and it worked!

Vertical wall ab wheel roll outs - pulling handles apart with hold at top x25
Dip shrugs - BW x20 @RPE 8

Rotating sets between each exercise 2-3 mins
A1) inverted rows - undergrip - explosive - legs bent BW x6, BW x6
+10kg x 6 @ RPE 7
feet elevated 18 inches - explosive - BW 2x7 @ RPE 7 (+1 rep)

A2) Pushups to upper abs - Close grip triangle - explosive - BW x10, feet elevated 18 inches x3
Feet elevated 18 inches  - Close grip triangle - explosive - BW x17 @ RPE 7 (+1 rep)

Single arm pushup - both side back to back
bar at 14th hole, 32 inches - x 3 @ RPE 5
bar at 8th hole, 26 inches - x6 @ RPE 7
bar at 7th hole, 25 inches - x5 @ RPE 7.5

B1) High angle rows to ribcage  - slight pause at bottom, explosive - barbell 20kg x12, 40kg x7,  50kg x5
60kg 2x6 @RPE 8 +1 rep

B2) Prone trap front raise 45 degree incline, hold at top, controlled eccentric, with 3 count hold at top -   1.25kg x6, 3.75kg plate x6
Single arm, 3 count hold at top - 7kg x8 @ RPE 8 (+1 rep)

Barbell curl explosive - 20kg x10, 27.5kg x5,
32.5kg 2x8 @ RPE 9  +1 rep

Elbow on knee external rotation alternating arms/sets without rest - 2.5kg x10, 5kg x10
8.25kg x19 @ RPE 9  (+ 3 reps)

Seated on floor, elbow on bench, single arm external rotation - 5kg x15

Stretched ISO holds
Pullover stretched ISO hold across bench - straight armed - 5kg x20 regular reps, 5kg plate x 1+min
hang from bar, partially leg supported - 2x20 scap shrugs + 20 sec hang

A few band and broom shoulder dislocate and stretches


13 hour fast - broke fast before BBall - a bit of raw carrot/beetroot and a slice of cheese, and nuts

3200+ calorie burn - according to Fitbit Charge 3, with HR monitor off,  not including weights
plan to eat 2800


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #511 on: July 21, 2020, 08:03:55 am »
Tuesday 21st July 2020

Mild drained feeling.
Upper body not too sore, apart from lower biceps, but lower body is still a bit sore. Lower back feels beat up.
back of both heels pretty achey upon waking, but better after that.

Waking mobility work

Mobility work pre walk - thoracic, ankle tib/calf rocking, side of ankle rocking and walks

1.5 min ISOs
single leg knee over toes calf raise, just above stretched range x2

band dislocates - slow with some stretch holds at the back

60 min walk/hike


19 hour fast
2700 calorie burn according to Fitbit Charge 3 - with heart rate monitor off
eating around 2300


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #512 on: July 22, 2020, 08:19:01 am »
Wednesday 22nd July 2020

Heels achey, and some lower level soreness in my lower body, but OK once warmed up.
Left quad tendon feeling OK as well, another week and it should be good to go.

bodyweight without shoes = 84.7kg in winter clothing

Soft tissue work - lower body, and some upper

at home - Winter squats - Week 2 - Session 1 Heavy/Volume

5 min Walk, and some backwards walking to warmup.

Peterson setups 5 inch x12, Patrick step up 6 inch x12
supported ATG split squat BW x12 + 30 sec hold at bottom on last rep

alternating sets 2 mins rest
in flat, minimal trail running shoes (Merrell Vapour trail 4)
Power cleans + front squats -

A few low effort jumps before each set - standing and 3 step, alternate plants on grass

clean complex 20kg x8
3x power clean + 4 high hang power clean + 3 front squats x 40kg
2x power clean + 2 high hang power clean + 3 front squats x 50kg
2x power clean + 2 high hang power clean x 50kg
2x power clean + high hang power clean x MISS + 1 + power clean x 60kg
power clean x 70kg x 3

Form improving


Did these before the back squat of the same load
Front Squat 70kg x3, 80kg x2, 90kg x1

High bar squat -  flat shoe - 40kg 2x5, 60kg x8 . oly shoes - 70kg x5, 80kg x5, 95kg x3, 110kg x2

125kg, 275lbs x 1 @ RPE 7.5
3 mins rest

120kg, 264lbs x6 @RPE 10  (7RM -1 rep)

5 mins rest
110kg, 242lbs 2x6 @ RPE 8

Sigh, regressed on squats again... The 6th rep was even slower than than the 7th last session, but on the plus side I stayed upright, so just limited by quad strength.
So I definitely need to switch to a heavy-light setup.
On the other hand, I should jump well on the BBall session after the light workout.
This workout should still add some hypertrophy even then.
Hopefully I super compensate big after the next light workout, and hit like 120kg x8-10!

Front squats
90kg, 198lbs x6 @ RPE 7.5 (All time rep PR)

So first decent weight repp'ed with a full grip on bar and boy it really helps, vs , letting the bar sit on the finger tips which creeps forward and puts pressure on the wrist.
Still some pressure, but no where near as bad, so most reps ever done on front squats with 90kg, with decent comfort, and upper back solid!
So now I can finally push hard on it.

This video helped a lot
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

This group in Oly shoes - alternating sets 2 mins rest

B1) SSB Good Morning onto toes - down to near parallel, explode onto toes - 30kg x10, 50kg x10, 60kg x10
cluster set - 1 mins rest - 70kg 3x5 @ RPE 8
B2) Wall tib raise - body at 40 degree angle - in oly shoes BW x5, 2x12 @ RPE 9
B3) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - both sides back to back 1 inch elevation - 3 sec up and down -  82.5kg x10 @ RPE 8  (+2.5kg)
B4) single leg SSB Knee over toes soleus calf raise 1 inch elevation - 3 sec up and down -  55kg x10 @ RPE 8

C1) Nordic curl - natural GHR - 8 inch aerobic step + rolled yoga mat on hip - controlled eccentrics BW x 10 unassisted (+3 reps!)
WOW big increase, crazy burn in outer hamstrings!
Maybe time to do another set...?

C2) AB wheel rollouts - legs bent x 10
on feet, straight legs - 80% ROM x6 @ RPE 9 +1 rep

C3) SSB Reverse Lunge - hand supported -  front foot elevated 2.5 inches, knee forward, pushed through big toe -  30kg x5, 40kg x10, 50kg x10, 60kg x8 @ RPE 8
Dang pushing through big toe smoked my VMO, plus the rest of the quads, hammies and glutes got pumped as well.
I don't step back as much as you would usually do on these so front leg is much more loaded.
Eccentric is more loaded as well, as the hands help a little on the way up.

Sissy squat 50% ROM x 20
Jefferson curl 20kg x5, 30kg x10 with a hold, and 30 sec hold on last rep

W Scarecrow external rotations 1.25kg plates 2x15
Band dislocates + stretch

11 hour fast - Broke fast before weights with a raw carrot, beetroot and a slice of cheese
3000 calorie burn for today, according to Fitbit Charge 3, with heart rate off. Not including weights

plan to eat 2600-3000
« Last Edit: July 22, 2020, 08:59:39 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #513 on: July 23, 2020, 05:54:44 am »
Thursday 23rd July 2020

Not feeling drained at all... hmmm strange
Legs not that sore either....
Upper hamstrings are though, along with my glutes, erectors obliques, calves, biceps and upper back.

Waking mobility work

Mobility work pre walk - thoracic, ankle tib/calf rocking, side of ankle rocking and walks

ISOs - 1.5mins
single leg standing calf raise, just above  neutral position
single leg knee over toes calf raise, just above stretched range

externally rotated high to low band pull apart - Light rogue band 1x20 with a hold, and 20 sec hold on last rep
band and broom dislocates - slow with some stretch holds at the back

60 min walk/hike
middle of the walk -
backward walking up a 35 degree slope x 30 secs
backward walking up a 20-30 degree sloped path x 2.5+ mins


14 hour fast
2600+ calorie burn according to Fitbit Charge 3 - with heart rate monitor off
eating around 1900-2000
« Last Edit: July 24, 2020, 10:27:45 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #514 on: July 24, 2020, 10:27:28 am »
Friday 24th July 2020

Whole posterior chain, adductors and calves still fairly sore

Waking mobility work

Mobility work pre walk - thoracic, ankle tib/calf rocking, side of ankle rocking and walks

ISOs - 1.5mins
single leg knee over toes calf raise, just above stretched range  x2

externally rotated high to low band pull apart - Light rogue band - 20 with a hold, and 20 sec hold on last rep x single strand, dual strand
band and broom dislocates - slow with some stretch holds at the back

60 min walk/hike
middle of the walk -
backward walking backward walking up a 20-30 degree sloped path x 2.5+ mins


19 hour fast
2700 calorie burn according to Fitbit Charge 3 - with heart rate monitor off
ate 2300


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #515 on: July 24, 2020, 10:51:00 am »
Possible squat training cycle for the next 2 months... just not sure if it will get me to a 155-160kg squat by then...

In KG, and I train every 5 days, so will be alternating between high bar and front squats - so the training stress will ping pong between light/medium/heavy on high bar squats and then light/lighter/lightest relatively for front squats.
Plus the loads are far from failure... at the very least that should keep my quite fresh, and good for power gains. And evidence is growing that training this far from failure is better for strength gains.

Assistance lifts will take care of hypertrophy as an insurance
Although training every 5 days will stretch it out to 4 months.... or just nix the front squats and do a few with back squats as I hAve been doing, as an assistant lift

Or alternate between high bar and front squats, but pushing harder and auto regulating the loads.
The switch between the back and front squats every 5 days will take care of heavy-light stress and allow for recovery and gains

much to think about before I next train again...

« Last Edit: July 24, 2020, 11:11:57 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #516 on: July 25, 2020, 04:28:51 am »
I guess you'll know by Week 5 whether you'll reach 155-160kg because that's when you lift 140kg. If 140 feels easy you should be able to get at least 150.
"IMO, It didn't happen if it's not on vid/official"- adarqui

It's easier to keep up than it is to catch up...


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #517 on: July 25, 2020, 07:08:50 am »
I guess you'll know by Week 5 whether you'll reach 155-160kg because that's when you lift 140kg. If 140 feels easy you should be able to get at least 150.

yeah, although I may use a training max of 95%


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #518 on: July 25, 2020, 08:24:31 am »
Saturday 25th July 2020

Calves and posterior chain is still sore. Quads a bit as well

Soft tissue work - feet, and upper traps - no time

bodyweight at home without shoes = 83+kg

BBall practice session at Mowbray public school outdoor courts -  53 mins

1) 15 mins dribble and ball control drills
2) medium to high intenisty moves, shots, layups, threes
3) a lot of jumps sprinkled throughout

So my usual courts was taken over by a Netball tournament.... and then it decided to rain, so I headed to Mowbray public school courts just to check it out, haven't been there in years.
Then the rain stopped and there are 2 courts there , but with new double layer rims.
Only one rim was facing the right direction, the others turned around to face the netball rim onto the court...
This one measured at 10' 1" inches

All rims have nets, but the ball gets stuck on 90% of shots! So yeah I did quite a lot of jumping today!
Only minor complaint from left quad tendon.
Got some good one legged jumps in as well.
Hops down off course, but I felt decent doing them.
Highest touch was around 9'8.5" at a guess, off 1 step, didn't do any hard approach jumps.

later I found a piece of hose that I looped over the back part of the rims so I could turn them all around to face the right way, and one measured 9'11" and then rest over 10 feet by an inch.
Well this adds another court for me to use when needed.


stretched lower body

Resistance at the Home

Good session - good energy, felt strong

externally rotated band pull apart - to forehead, shoulder, sternum + star drill combo - light rogue band  - dual strands x 10 each, 20 secs rest between each axis
band curls x15 to warmup forearm tendons
Light jump stretch band, curl grip  rows x20

One armed inverted row hang from bar, body at 45 degree, parallel to bar - x 30 secs each side

Vertical wall ab wheel roll outs - pulling handles apart with hold at top x20
Dip shrugs - BW x20 @RPE 7

Rotating sets between each exercise 2-3 mins
A1) inverted rows - undergrip - explosive - legs bent BW x6, BW x6
+10kg x 7 @ RPE 7 (+1 rep)
feet elevated 18 inches - explosive - BW 2x7 @ RPE 7

A2) Pushups to upper abs - Close grip triangle - explosive - BW x10, feet elevated 18 inches x3
Feet elevated 18 inches  - Close grip triangle - explosive - BW x18 @ RPE 7 (+1 rep)

Single arm pushup - both side back to back
bar at 14th hole, 32 inches - x 3 @ RPE 5
bar at 6th hole, 22 inches - x3 with assistance from other arm
bar at 6th hole, 22 inches - x6, x5 @ RPE 8

Will stay at 6th hole until it starts to feel much easier.

B1) High angle rows to ribcage  - slight pause at bottom, explosive - barbell 20kg x12, 40kg x7,  50kg x5
60kg 2x7 @RPE 8 +1 rep

B2) Prone trap front raise 45 degree incline, hold at top, controlled eccentric, with 3 count hold at top -   2.5kg x6
Single arm, 3 count hold at top - 5kg x5

tried 7kg and shoulders hurt so stopped, and will drop it... I hate this exercise anyway!

Externally rotated front raise - single arm, full range 2.5kg x10, 5kg x15 @RPE 8
Snap, crackle and pop from left side....  nice serratus action and posterior shoulder.
A combo of prone trap raise and reverse grip incline bench muscle wise, minus triceps. Lat stretch at the top

Barbell curl explosive - 20kg x10, 25kg x6, 30kg x1
32.5kg 2x9 @ RPE 9.5  +1 rep

External rotations standing, elbow on inclined bench top - alternating arms/sets without rest - 2.5kg x10, 5kg x6, 8.25kg with assistance x 3
8.25kg x20 @ RPE 9  (+ 1 rep)

Bent over scarecrow into press - 2.5kg 2x10

Stretched ISO holds
Pullover stretched ISO hold across bench - straight armed - 5kg x20 regular reps, 5kg plate x 1+min
hang from bar, partially leg supported - 2x20 scap shrugs + 30 sec hang

A few band and broom shoulder dislocate and stretches


14 hour fast - broke fast before BBall - a bit of raw carrot/beetroot and a slice of cheese

3200 calorie burn - according to Fitbit Charge 3, with HR monitor off,  not including weights
plan to eat 2600


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #519 on: July 26, 2020, 01:53:29 am »
Sunday 26th July 2020

Week 49
Height - 5'8.5"
weighed - 82.7kg, 182.3lbs

waist - 33.5 inches
hip = 39.75 (+0.25)
upper thigh = 25.5  (+0.25)
Right calf = 15.5
Neck = 15 5/8 (+1/8)
Wrist = 6.5

Tanita scale bodyfat% = 20.7% (-0.4)

Total loss so far - weight  21.5kg 47.4lbs  Waist 10 inches  BF% Tanita 11%

Averaged 2700 calories this week, against a TDEE of 2700-2800
No change this week, but more leg and hip size gains, so recomping.

So I'm expecting some good squat gains on the next heavy session :)


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #520 on: July 26, 2020, 06:01:53 am »
Sunday 26th July 2020

Lower body finally starting to feel less sore
Upper body not much soreness

Cold, wet, lazy day - no walking

Waking mobility work

ISOs - 1.5mins
single leg knee over toes calf raise, just above stretched range
Split Squat on balls of foot, knee over toe

Seated leg extension into floor - stretched range - ISOs 30 secs x 3


19 hour fast
2200 calorie burn according to Fitbit Charge 3 - with heart rate monitor off
plan to eat 2000


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #521 on: July 27, 2020, 10:02:34 am »
Monday 27th July 2020

Both heels/achilles felt the best in a while straight out of bed this morning - finally on the road to recovery.
perhaps skipping the walking yesterday played a part...

Most of the major DOMs is gone in lower body, but I still feel achey....

bodyweight without shoes = 84+kg in winter clothing

Soft tissue work - lower body, and some upper

at home - Winter squats - Week 2 - Session 2 Light

Good session, a bit shorter than recent workouts, working to get it down further
Volume is probably a tad high for a light day, but just experimenting today.
See how it effects my next BBall/Jump session in 3 days time, and my next heavy session in 5 days.
Then tweak from there. Ideally I will be fully recovered by BBall day, and be much stronger on next squat day.

Raining today, so everything indoors.
Lately I have been doing my power cleans outside on the edge of the driveway/grass, better to dump the load on mats there, and much less clatter noise.


Peterson setups 5 inch x12, Patrick step up 6 inch x12
supported ATG split squat BW x12 + 30 sec hold at bottom on last rep
Front squat 20kg bar x 10

alternating sets 2 mins rest
in flat, minimal trail running shoes (Merrell Vapour trail 4)
Power cleans + front squats -

clean complex 20kg x8
2x power clean + 4 high hang power clean + 3 front squats x 40kg
2x power clean + 2 high hang power clean + 3 front squats x 50kg
2x power clean + 2x high hang power clean + 3 front squats x 60kg

Finally doubled 60kg on high hang power cleans, but it was not easy....


Did these before the back squat of the same load
Front Squat 60kg x3, 80kg x2, 90kg x1, 100kg x1

105kg, 231lbs x3 @RPE 9.5 (3RM)  = 115kg, 253lbs e1RM
rest 5 mins
95kg, 209lbs x 3 @ RPE 8

Wanted to get an idea of my front squat 1RM, and so it's a bit higher than I thought, around 115kg, but a long way to go till 2x BW....
So about 80-83% of my High bar squat. So whatever I can squat for 8 reps on high bar, I should be able to front squat

105kg triple felt pretty hard, upper back was caving.
Also felt my upper back cave a bit on the 100kg single, but was fine with 95kg.
So next time I will hammer some sets around 97.5-100kg to get it stronger.

High bar squat -  flat shoe - 60kg x6.  oly shoes - 60kg x5, 80kg x5, 90kg x3, 100kg x2

Cluster, 1 mins rest - 95kg, 209lbs 4x4 @ RPE 6

This was harder than expected... perhaps fatigue from front squats.
I wasn't sure if I would back squat in this workout for main sets.
See what this does to my recovery.

This group in Oly shoes - alternating sets 2 mins rest

Stiff Legged deadlift - Bar x 10, 60kg x5 - just to help keep DOMs at bay for next session

B1) SSB Good Morning onto toes - down to near parallel, explode onto toes - 30kg x10, 50kg x8
cluster set - 1 mins rest - 60kg 4x4 @ RPE 7.5
B2) Wall tib raise - body at 40 degree angle - in oly shoes BW x5, 2x13 @ RPE 9  (+1 rep)
B3) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - both sides back to back 1 inch elevation - Explode up, 3 count ISO in middle -  87.5kg x10 @ RPE 8
B4) single leg SSB Knee over toes soleus calf raise 1 inch elevation - Explode up, 3 count ISO in middle -  57.5kg x10 @ RPE 8

C1) Nordic curl - natural GHR - 8 inch aerobic step + rolled yoga mat on hip - controlled eccentrics BW x 8 unassisted + 2 partially assisted
C2) AB wheel rollouts - legs bent x 10
on feet, straight legs - 80% ROM x7 @ RPE 9.5 +1 rep
First few reps starting to feel easier.

C3) SSB Reverse Lunge - hand supported -  front foot elevated 2.5 inches, knee forward, explode through big toe -  30kg x5, 50kg x5
cluster set - 1 mins rest - 60kg 4x4 @ RPE 7
Felt it quite a bit in VMO, upper hammies and obliques.

Sissy squat 50% ROM x 20
Jefferson curl 20kg x5, 30kg x10 with a hold, and 30 sec hold on last rep

Band dislocates + stretch

14 hour fast - Broke fast before weights with a raw carrot, beetroot and a slice of cheese
2750 calorie burn for today, according to Fitbit Charge 3, with heart rate off. Not including weights

plan to eat 2600-3000
« Last Edit: July 28, 2020, 02:22:14 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #522 on: July 28, 2020, 06:36:51 am »
Tuesday 28th July 2020

Whole body achey - moderately sore in my calves, posterior chain, upper back, biceps.
Quads not too sore compared to post heavy sessions, and they feel smaller, without the swelling from heavy squats,.
So my legs feel more lively and snappy for a day after training.

Still I think the volume could be adjusted down a bit, we shall see

Waking mobility work

Mobility work pre walk - thoracic, ankle tib/calf rocking, side of ankle rocking and walks

single leg knee over toes calf raise, just above stretched range  x 2mins
up to 2 mins now, body is adapting

RDL - started at knee, ended at floor - 15kg x 1 min

45 min walk/hike
middle of the walk -
backward walking backward walking up a 20-30 degree sloped path x 2.5+ mins


14 hour fast
2600 calorie burn according to Fitbit Charge 3 - with heart rate monitor off
plan to eat 2000
« Last Edit: July 28, 2020, 07:56:10 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #523 on: July 29, 2020, 07:11:23 am »
Wednesday 29th July 2020

Glutes, upper back, biceps and erectors still a bit sore, but legs starting to feel decent.
Should be good to go tomorrow - probably will be my best BBall session in a while fatigue wise.
I'm due for a 29 inch vertical and 33 approach jump based on current weight, high hang power clean and strength numbers

Waking mobility work

Mobility work pre walk - thoracic, ankle tib/calf rocking, side of ankle rocking and walks

single leg knee over toes calf raise, just above stretched range  x 2mins
single leg supported sissy squat - 50% ROM x 1 min

externally rotated high to low band pull apart - Light rogue band - 20 with a hold, and 20 sec hold on last rep x single strand, dual strand
band and broom dislocates - slow with some stretch holds at the back

65 min walk/hike
middle of the walk -
backward walking backward walking up a 20-30 degree sloped path x 2.5+ mins


18 hour fast
2700+ calorie burn according to Fitbit Charge 3 - with heart rate monitor off
plan to eat 1800-2000
« Last Edit: July 29, 2020, 10:24:05 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #524 on: July 30, 2020, 09:51:57 am »
Thursday 30th July 2020

Still have low level aches all over

Soft tissue work - whole body

bodyweight at home without shoes = 83.2kg

BBall practice session at Mowbray public school outdoor courts -  53 mins

1) 15 mins dribble and ball control drills
2) medium to high intensity moves, shots, layups, threes
3) a few jumps towards the end

Ehh had no energy today, and hops were well down.
By far the lowest so far, at least off 2 legs. Paused vertical was at least 4 inches lower...
single leg jump was surprisingly decent though, jumping with heels completely off the ground.

Anyway, so much for light day, need more downward tweaks to volume


Sit in bottom of narrow stance squat for 1min

backwards walking  30-35 degree sloped path - 2 mins x2
up 45 degree 25m grass hill - x2

stretched lower body

Resistance at the Home

Felt like crap to start, but decent enough after warming up

externally rotated band pull apart - to forehead, shoulder, sternum + star drill combo - light rogue band  - dual strands x 10 each, 20 secs rest between each axis
band curls x15 to warmup forearm tendons
Light jump stretch band, curl grip  rows x20

One armed inverted row hang from bar, body at 45 degree, parallel to bar - x 30 secs each side

Vertical wall ab wheel roll outs - pulling handles apart with hold at top x30
Dip shrugs - BW x20 @RPE 7

Rotating sets between each exercise 2-3 mins
A1) inverted rows - undergrip - explosive - legs bent BW x6, BW x6
+10kg x 7 @ RPE 7
feet elevated 18 inches - explosive - BW 2x7 @ RPE 7

A2) Pushups to upper abs - Close grip triangle - explosive - BW x10, feet elevated 18 inches x3
Feet elevated 18 inches  - Close grip triangle - explosive - BW x18 @ RPE 7

Straight bar dip - BWx5 @ RPE 7 - no more shoulder pain!

Single arm pushup - both side back to back
bar at 14th hole, 32 inches - x 3 @ RPE 5
bar at 6th hole, 22 inches - x3 with assistance from other arm
bar at 6th hole, 22 inches - 2x5 @ RPE 8

B1) High angle rows to ribcage  - slight pause at bottom, explosive - barbell 20kg x12, 40kg x7,  50kg x5
60kg 2x8 @RPE 8 +1 rep

B2) Externally rotated front raise - single arm, full range 2.5kg x10, 5kg x10, 
with a 3 count hold at top - 5kg x15 @RPE 8

C1) Barbell curl explosive - 20kg x10, 27.5kg x6
32.5kg x10, x9 @ RPE 9.5  +1 rep

C2) External rotations standing, elbow on inclined bench top - alternating arms/sets without rest - 2.5kg x10, 5kg x6, 8.25kg with assistance x 3
9.5kg x18 @ RPE 9.5  (+1.25kg, -1 rep)

Bent over scarecrow into press - 2.5kg 2x10 @RPE 8

Stretched ISO holds
Pullover stretched ISO hold across bench - straight armed - 5kg x20 regular reps, 5kg plate x 1+min
hang from bar, partially leg supported - 2x20 scap shrugs + 20 sec hang

A few band and broom shoulder dislocate and stretches


16 hour fast - broke fast before BBall - a bit of raw carrot/beetroot and a slice of cheese

3300 calorie burn - according to Fitbit Charge 3, with HR monitor off,  not including weights
ate 3000
« Last Edit: July 30, 2020, 09:53:41 am by CoolColJ »