Friday 17th July 2020Glutes, calves and erectors still all pretty sore!
bodyweight without shoes = 84+kg in winter clothing
Soft tissue work - lower body, and some upper
at home - Winter squats - Week 1 - Session 2 Intensity5 min Walk, and some backwards walking to warmup.
Peterson setups 5 inch x12, Patrick step up 6 inch x12
supported ATG split squat BW x12 + 30 sec hold at bottom on last rep
Goblet squat 10kg x12
alternating sets 2 mins restin flat, minimal trail running shoes (Merrell Vapour trail 4)
Power cleans + front squats -
clean complex 20kg x8
power clean + 3 high hang power clean + 3 front squats x 40kg
power clean + 2 high hang power clean + 3 front squats x 50kg, 55kg
power clean + high hang power clean x1 + 1 MISS + power clean + 3 front squats x 60kg
power clean x 70kg x1 + miss + 1
Damn misses were high but just not fast enough with the arms to get under, bad mindset and concentration today!
Squats Did these before the back squat of the same load
Front Squat 70kg x3, 80kg x2, 90kg x1
High bar squat - flat shoe - 40kg 2x5, 60kg x5 . oly shoes - 70kg x5, 80kg x5, 90kg x3, 100kg x2, 110kg x1, 120kg x1
130kg, 286lbs x 1 @ RPE 8
3 mins rest
120kg, 264lbs x7 @RPE 9.5
+1 rep, 7RM +5kg = 145kg, 319lbs e1RM
120kg warmup single felt much easier than last workout, so I went for 130kg and it was not too hard, although it felt heavy on my back.
Creeping ever closer to 2x Bodyweight
Stopped after the top set, will do the -10% down sets next session, instead of doing them today like I would normally do.
Also focusing on front squatting with full grip around the bar today, went well, and not as hard as I thought based on my wrist flexibility.
Filmed squats from behind as I have some hip shift to the left issues, but it seemed OK today, although bar still leaning slightly to the left sometimes.
Difference in ankle ROM is part of the issue - old right ankle injury.
This group in Oly shoes - alternating sets 2 mins restB1) Stiff legged deadlift - lowered under control - 60kg x5, 80kg x3, 100kg x1 @ RPE 8
cluster set - 1.5 mins rest - 110kg 2x5 @ RPE 8
B2) Wall tib raise - body at 40 degree angle - in oly shoes BW x5, x17, x14 @ RPE 9
Couldn't match my reps from last session....
B3) SSB Good Morning onto toes - down to near parallel, explode onto toes
slow eccentric down to safeties, 1 sec unload, explode onto toes - 30kg x5, 50kg x5
cluster set - 1 mins rest - 60kg 2x5 @ RPE 8
B3) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - both sides back to back 1 inch elevation - 3 sec up and down - 80kg x10 @ RPE 8
B4) single leg SSB Knee over toes soleus calf raise 1 inch elevation - 3 sec up and down - 55kg x10 @ RPE 9 (+2.5kg)
C1) Nordic curl - natural GHR - 6 inch aerobic step + rolled yoga mat on hip - controlled eccentrics BW x 2 unassisted + 6 assisted
Dammit, didn't elevate the step to 8 inches, 2 inches lower and barely did 2 reps, but the SLDL also fatigued my hammies as well
C2) AB wheel rollouts - on feet, straight legs - 80% ROM x5 @ RPE 9
Moved to harder variation, using no wall for braking, quite a bit harder!
C3) SSB Reverse Lunge - 1 hand supported - front foot elevated 2.5 inches, knee forward - 30kg x5, 40kg x8 @ RPE 8
Jefferson curl 20kg x5, 30kg x10 with a hold, and 30 sec hold on last rep
13 hour fast - Broke fast before weights with a raw carrot, beetroot and a slice of cheese, handful of nuts
2900 calorie burn for today, according to Fitbit Charge 3, with heart rate off. Not including weights
plan to eat 2500-2600