Tuesday 10th December 2019band pull apart star drill - 10 reps each axis
band dislocates x20
soft tissue work and release session at home
Banded ankle work at home
bodyweight without shoes - 86.7 kg - ugh heavy today
BBall practice session - 45 mins
dribble, shooting practice, high intensity moves and layups
A few jumps at the end
City was smokey as hell from bushfires - like mist/fog thick!
So I figure playing outdoors was a bad idea... so went to a nearby Indoor court...It wass kinda smokey inside as well....
Measured the rim at 0.25inch lower than 10 feet, backboard pad was 9'5"
Could only touch the pad an inch or so from L-R plant jump, so only a 9'6" touch today :/
I prefer outdoor courts, hard to judge depth perception since there is no contrasty sky!
Wooden floor didn't really make the landings any softer, but better for the ball and shoe wear
back at homesupported ATG split squat BW x10
facing down garage slope, in oly shoes
rotating sets between the squatsfront squat first rep paused - 40kg x5
High bar squat all paused - 40kg x5+1 hold at bottom for 10 deep breaths, 60kg x5, 80kg x2 ( second rep regular)
normal reps - 80kg x2, 100kg x 1
70% of e1RM - 3 mins rests - explosive - 90kg 3x5
5 mins rest - AMRAP 90kg x 12 @ RPE 9
Squats felt uncomfortable today, but I guess 90kg is starting to get light enough to throw around now, +2 reps since the last time I did an AMRAP with it 3 weeks ago, with a rep in the tank.
Puts e1RM at 130-135kg, 286-297lbs
Was undecided if I would do an AMRAP today, but what the hell, just went for it.
Kettbell swing onto toes 24kg x6, x12
clean grip deadlift + RDL combo - deadlift, lowered to knee, RDL back up, then lowered under control RDL style back to floor 100kg x 6 combos - 3 reps normal, 3 reps hooked grip
Good morning onto toes 40kgx5, 60kg x9
front squat support 90kg x10 secs, 100kg x10 secs, 105kg x 40 secs
Deadlift+RDL combo feeling easier now at 100kg, time to go up in weight, but my grip is not keeping up....
Rotating between each exercise - 1+ mins rest
+ = 30secs rest
Peterson step ups - leaning forward a bit to activate glutes - barbell - 5 inch +40kg x15, 45kg x 15
Wall tib raise - body at 45 degree angle - BW x19 @RPE 9, x16
barbell calf raise - - 80kg x25 @RPE 8
Single leg kneeling deadlift - BW x12leg lowering ab move - slow and controlled BW x 9 reps
One arm loaded carries 24kg kettlebell x 60 secs walk around front yard, then backwards walk
released upper traps on loaded bar
skipped upper body today, might do it next session day.
3500+ calorie burn for today, not including weights
plan to eat 2700 calories